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  1. ain't a troll. too many people keep glossing over dumbass phuckups with lame excuses. If you see somebody doing something that might very likely get the guy killed, are you just gonna say 'it's a troll' or phucking speak up & try to prevent someone from killing thierself?
  2. When you get your Skydiving check page 38. Two people bitch about Skydiving quoting a jumper calling a 'spade a spade'. The question is, shoould Skydiving continue to print such quotes or should they bow to the 'feelings' of a couple of the dead-dumbass guys friends?
  3. Quote This month's "Skydiving" has a few letters from people whinning(whining) about Skydiving lowercase "s" - as in football, soccer, pinball... calling people 'idiots' for their phuckups. fuck ups. As a topic sentence, this one is fine. However, the structure of the paragraph should NOT be a single sentence, but rather a continuance of the thought, carried through in at least two additional sentences, rather than fragmentary ideas. hey anal one Skydiving is a publication, not to be confused with the sport of skydiving. i don't give a phuck about spelling.
  4. This months Skydiving has a few letters from people whinning about Skydiving calling people 'idiots' for their phuckups. I think we ought to say stuff like: 'he defintly fit the Darwin award when he stepped out in front of a moving helicopter' 'he was on drugs - what did you expect?' 'he was trying to impress his gf with an extra super low swoop.' Idiots that plow into the ground & kill or hurt thierself ought to get out - one way or another.