
Weekend Numbers

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I was nice to my wife this weekend and bought her roses. that helped with the first number! 5 jumps all of them video, and a case owed for first formation load with camera.(man they get me for evrything)!!!
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2 :S : 0 >:( : 0

2: number of deflated boobies I evidently have....the BF says they are deflated now....maybe cuz i lost some weight being sick? maybe cuz he is a freak?

0: still sick.....but I am out of the hospital.....

0: I refuse to pay beer for medical firsts.......[:/]



I'm a Doll!!!!

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lets just say that my man ROCKED MY WORLD saturday morning... isn't morning sex the absolute best...:P i'd have to say that in 2 years, it was one of the best ever, and oops, we woke up our roommate... he moved out the next day...

(he was planning the move, just came at a funny time)

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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2 : 4 : 0 : 2 (hopefully) future cases going to owe

2....well, it was a good weekend

4....got a late start on Saturday from hangover, got weathered out on Sunday

0..... didn't owe, bought some anyway just for fun.

2.... got my CrW stuff together. Starting classes and training this coming weekend.

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0 : 13 : 2
It was good to see Scoby pull in the DZ Sunday towards sunset, got him waivered and on the plane in no time. Beer owed for the first time I was a hanger on a hybrid and the second case is for jumping another demo canopy. I think I now know what my new gear will be. I really wanted to go to the Byron boogie and at the same time I was not in a boogie mood this weekend. So I opted for Hollister and a nice slow paced weekend.

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Lotsa fun jumps (as usual).

1st ball jump. 1st chow in the swoop dictch.

Here I was all timid about getting wet and afterward I was like "That was GREAT! Let's do it again!" So Levin goes to watch me chow again & I get this beautiful, long toe drag across the water & stop right by him on dry land. :D

I also learned that your clothes dry out in only one freefall. Shoes still stay wet though. :P

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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maybe cuz he is a freak

I'm NOT a freak...just play one on TV...;):P;):P

600miles driven to see the lovely FallinWoman:0 no jumps as my rig is getting adjusted again: 0 due to all of the above...

did have a good weekend though with my GF....she's da bomb diddy bomb...


otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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You got the board out at least huh? I'll film you on it next weekend :)
As long as I don't have to rewrite the entire waiver again... it will all be good ;)

cool. remember where i will be this weekend? however, i have some volleyball stuff, so i won't be there till late saturday and i can't stay long on sunday

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Well, Phree as someone who has seen you go from yelling "OH SH#$," right before you became a clubhouse ornament, all the way to the present... You should have told that "DZO" to affix his plexiglass navel, for his head was so far up his a$$ that he couldn't see...

I'll jump with you anytime...


A preposistion is a terrible thing to end a sentence with.

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0:12 (for free or gettng paid for it):0

Six out of our -27 Twin Otter and six out of a blackhawk. Did a nice two-way head-down freefly with Jason Harris of GK Black. Yes, we had our bootie suits on. Andy Honnigbaum videoed it. Lived through five jumps on my wife's Stilleto 120 without breaking my tailbone. I was jumping it (in her US team rig) because I didn't want to jump my demo team gear out of the blackhawk.

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I almost forgot. I got to take a friend on a currency dive. He's been gone to Assramistan for a while and it was VERY good to have him back. We shared a nice bottle of crown Friday night. Gave him a safety/dive flow brief and took him up Saturday morning. A little sit...then some belly....then a little more sit. Turn and track at 4500. Fun jump and I was proud to take him up. Welcome back bro!!! He was a little nervous but did pretty well for such a long break.

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zen listened to betsy and so didnt get dragged around by his canopy..

Zen.you're a local!!!;)

3 more for the second number and 1 more for the last since i got a lovely 20 ft surf butt was just a bit low as the seat of my pants will attest..stood it up though so it counts right?

z still listens to b2 anyways;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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24 (points Iowa State dominated Nebraska by!) : 5 : 0

What a great weekend! The weather sucked Saturday for jumping, but was perfect for partying and watching my Cyclones whoop some ass! Tailgating is so much fun, i'm amazed I didn't do it more when i was in school!:)
On the downside, between a cold and screaming at the game, I lost most of my voice. Fine by me, i didn't want to talk to anyone at work today anyway:P

open close, take grips,

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So wouldn't that actually be 1:9:1? Congrats on joining the short list of people who have jumped with Hoho...and lived. Did you see the banana sap stains on her jump suit? Don't listen to anything she says about the fence.

Yeah, I guess I do owe beer. Dang, I never make it a weekend without. Anyway, yeah, she told me about the banana tree. THat sounds like a good time to me! I think I will have to go to Hawaii and see if I can take one down too.:S ;)
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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1 more cool tracking dive with Dustin before the wind picked up..

69 sec from 13.3 average SAS of 100, slowest was 72 mph.. I LOVE tracking.. (just must remember to pull higher when one is way out ;)

so total numbers for my lovely long weekend would be..

have i mentioned that life is really very very interesting sometimes? and i get to skydive too B|
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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;): 15: a few.

Video'd tandems and big ways 10-12. Jumped with Cornholio and Lummy, Jams was there but we didn't end up jumping.

Jumped my new wings on my camera suit, videoing big ways that big was a first. Thanks for the Skyvan exit tips.

Sebster, what's your gear choice. I just ordered rig number 2, another Wings, PDR 146 and a Spectre 150. Whatcha getting?

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