
Favorite Painter/Artist?

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As I was going through my 'saved favorite list', I was wondering if any of you have a favorite Artist/Painter?

There are two Artists work I enjoy viewing and both are very different in style. I like the work of Eyvan Earle and Graciela Rodo Boulanger.



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My mom! I have her oil paintings all over my apartment. She also does wonderful bronze and stone sculptures. She is so amazingly talented. Mom rocks!B|

Does she have a site on the internet for her paintings?


"I tried reality, it just didn't work for me".


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I wish! No point in even emailing her. She only checks it about once every 2 weeks! I'll have to get some digital pics and post em myself. If you are in the D.C. area she has one show in progress now and another staring in 2 weeks.

Fall in dove.

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I really like wildlife art and enjoy the work of Guy Cohleach and Robert Bateman.
Other than those, I guess me. I do pencil drawings and paint. I have just about finished a painting of my youngest grandson and am also working on a painting of Gizmo, a rodeo clown.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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Call me old fashioned, but I still love Monet, Degas, and Camille Pissarro (I love impressionism). Those three will get me to the nearest museum of fine arts anytime! And honorable mention to Michael Aurbach for his "The Administrator" which is undescribable. It's really worth seeing for any art lover.

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Good responses and now I have been busy looking up some of these artists to see their work. Robert Bateman I am familiar with, he is very good.

I envy anyone who is able to paint or draw. I cannot paint or draw.:(



"I am never alone, I always have me".

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Old school... Rubens, Titian, Da Vinci.

More recent... Franz Marc, Henry Moore, Degas, Emily Carr.

REALLY old... Lascaux caves, everything Celtic.

New... changes every day.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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I am a photographer and my favorite Artists are Ensel Adams, John Sexton, Hunington Witherall, Paul Capanagro, Edward Weston, Richard Avadon, Arnold Newman, and Al Weber. Those are just a few of the people that i idolize as capturers of time and space.
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My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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>i LOVE IMPRESSIONISMYeah, me, too... Took some art classes for about two years- and learned to really like surrealism too. I'm very open to new artists or being introduced to different artist's styles with which I am not familiar.
I've had an "artist's block" for a while...But actually did some pencil and pastel sketching at the DZ this past wekend. I really'd love to get back into :)

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I like the work of Chank Diesel, a modern artist in Minneapolis. I have a gallery of stuff I've bought from him on my webpage.


I also like Rene Magritte, Alexander Calder, Van Gogh, Picasso, etc. Oddly enough, I am really not a fan of impressionism. Monet, Matisse and the others just leave me sort of cold and bored.

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