WOO-HOOOO! The hit and run asshole is in jail!

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At 8 am on the button today, I received a call from a detective at Reno Police dept.. He informed me that they had a 19 year old male in custody for felony hit and run on my son.

It seems that this jackass was bragging to some of his buddies about hitting a pedestrian on North Virginia st., and having to replace his side-view mirror. One of his "buddies" called the police and turned his stupid ass in!

The detective indicated that my son may have been hit on purpose, and that the charges could be upgraded to assault with a deadly weapon, or even attempted murder, as more facts come to light.

I have a meeting with RPD tomorrow, and I hope to find out who "dropped a dime" on this dickhead. Whoever it is has my undying gratitude.

It's very likely that the informant has spared a family somewhere from receiving a call much like the one I received Friday, only with a much worse outcome.

Often I think to myself that the world has gone to hell in a handbasket, and that there's nothing I can do to make a difference. Then something like this happens.

Thank God the person who called the police wasn't thinking like me. I feel very humble tonight.


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Glad to hear that they caught the dirtbag. I don't have kids and I am pretty young still by it gave me the shivers to read about the call that you got.

hope everything works out: THey nail him to the wall.

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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It seems that this jackass was bragging to some of his buddies about hitting a pedestrian on North Virginia st., and having to replace his side-view mirror. One of his "buddies" called the police and turned his stupid ass in!

What kind of human fuck-bag actually brags about hitting someone with their car? I'm glad he's in jail now, it's too bad really that he'll probably be out in 30 days or less. Do what you can to make sure this jerkoff pays the full penalty.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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It is sad to realize it really was a kid that did such horrible things to your son. I had hoped to be wrong :(. I am so thankful they caught him and that your son will be ok. BTW...how is he doing??

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Thanks everybody, and I will influence the system in any way I can to see this jerk-off get the maximum penalty. And yes, I'll say it in print...the law isn't all he has to worry about now that I know who he is.

Nick is doing much better Lisa, thanks. His arm is pretty ugly, but he has the feeling back in his hand (100%) and is getting back to normal life as far as physical function.

I just hope I can find out who made the call, and give them an appropriate "thank you" on behalf of all parents everywhere.


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You and Nick truely have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Give him a big hug from me and let him know I'm thinking about him. Now that it is no longer an unknown...take a pic or two as a reminder to always watch what others are doing.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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It seems that this jackass was bragging to some of his buddies

Give any wrong-doer enough time and they'll eventually hang themselves. Glad it didn't take too much time for this guy to tie the knott around his own neck.

Very happy to hear your son is going to be ok. Sucks to have a child in pain. You want to take it all away and put it on yourself. You're a great dad.

Take care, Greg. Wishing you and your family well.

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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It seems that this jackass was bragging to some of his buddies about hitting a pedestrian on North Virginia st., and having to replace his side-view mirror

What did I tell ya?!!!! B| People that are this stupid often don't go long without making more mistakes. Great news!!! Hopefully justice is served.

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Not only do your best to see that this piece of human trash does the max time possible but sue the friggin pants off'im! Go for the $$$$, take his truck at the very least, think college tuition.
I'd like to see you boy get to do some batting practice on this schmuck.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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