
has anyone seen this?

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this just came in my email:

Reaper Cam

Watch cutaway after cutaway, watch as students try to kill instructors, instructors and students try to kill themselves, fun jumpers try to kill each other, the cameraman tries not to get killed by anyone, and all in all, everyone comes a couple of inches from being killed again and again and again.

Skydivers and whuffos alike will love this video and it makes the perfect gift for someone else, or yourself!

Available on VHS or DVD. VHS is available in NTSC, PAL, or SECAM.

Is this a bit morbid or is it just me???:o
(edited because obviously skygal cannot spell)

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No, it isn't just you. I think it is morbid as well. Why would anyone want to promote a video in this way? Certainly not for skydivers as we don't want that image with us, so why????


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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>Is this a bit morbid or is it just me???

I want that tape! I have a collection myself of students and fun jumpers who have tried to kill me. Every year Rick Horn gets asked for his 'stupid student tricks' tape, so instructors can learn how to not get in harm's way.

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WOO HOO!!!! These are a blast to watch and laugh at. You can learn a lot from them too. Like watching a baglocked reserve spinning above the jumpers head real slowly while he fights then clears it... or the death spins of AFF students.... Static liners that flip coming off the step.

Pier is putting it out so its going to be nicely edited too. They put out Dirt, Water, Dirt!, the PSN 2001 and 2002 videos, Breakaway, and a few others.

Mark me down as ordering one soon! :)

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And tomorrow is a mystery


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Understanding the risks we take is important, or should I say respecting them. If someone is turned off by watching the video than they probably would have never jumped in the first place. -lol:ph34r:



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I think I'd love to see it. Both for entertainment as well as education. Just sucks that there would be a few whuffos permanently turned off of the sport from seeing this. Dah Well[:/]

:ph34r:"If a man speaks in the woods and no is there to hear him...Can a woman still insist that he's wrong?":P
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Alright, I bought this thing on the day that the thread was started. It showed up this morning and I watched it this afternoon.

Some thoughts: This isn't a professional video. The box cover and disc label were printed on a bubble jet. The disc is burned, not pressed. The editing is about what I would expect from a well practiced amateur with a copy of Premier. Running time is about 40 minutes, according to the box. Much of the video appears to have been shot at Sky's The Limit. I have a feeling that John and Janine were involved in this, because it has their modified Vector Tandem Waiver Video and the Reaper Cam video from their website.

The box proclaims, "Malfunctions! Canopy Collisions! Aircraft Near Misses! Hook Turns & Pond Swoops Gone Wrong!" Most of the malfunctions were spinning mains, with a low pull induced two out and a few premature deployments thrown in. There was exactly one canopy collision (CReW wrap) and one near miss. One aircraft "near miss." A bunch of hook turns and pond swoops, with a couple of people falling down or chowing.

The raft dive pictured on the front cover had potential, but it went perfectly. Upright and stable for the entire jump. In fact, the whole video was like this. I didn't count or anything, but I feel confident guessing that less than half of the clips were of accidents or malfunctions. Those that were shown were pretty mundane as far as malfunctions go, mostly spun up mains or out of control AFF students.

I can't recommend the video. Spend the money on a copy of Good Stuff with More Stuff or one of Pier's PSN videos instead. Then head over to skydivingmovies.com for some good malfunction videos.

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Thanks for the review. I'll definitely pass on this one.

By the way, the old reapercam video was one of a few that I was actually threatened with a lawsuit over (for having it on my server). Just one more reason I'd choose not to buy this one (or anything from a certain "Gear-Store").


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By the way, the old reapercam video was one of a few that I was actually threatened with a lawsuit over (for having it on my server).

I wonder if they got permission for the music that they used on the DVD, especially one rather popular Bon Jovi song?


Just one more reason I'd choose not to buy this one (or anything from a certain "Gear-Store").

I actually checked every other dealer I knew of to see if anybody else carried the video. The DVD isn't terrible, but it isn't worth $25 plus shipping. I'll watch it again. The AFF instructor going through his student's lines after he dumped him out was the only thing on the tape that I hadn't seen before. And I have to admit that the barrel-rolling King Air was cool.

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This video sucks!
The editing is awful, the video quality is worse, and the subject matter is lame. Very little of what was promised on the box was in the video. Not worth a cent of your money... you can find better clips online.

In fact, there's one scene where it just shows whoever made this "video" shooting a 4-way. That's it. Nothing happens. WHO CARES!?

And it definitely was not edited on Premiere, unless they shot all their footage with VHS recorders.

I'm glad I didn't spend my money on this crap.
Oh, hello again!

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The only video I'm looking forward to seeing is the DVD of WFFC 2002/Rantoul so I can go" see that little blur at the back of the c-130?...yep that may or maynot be ME!:)

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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