
Ya know what I hate?

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I hate having to wait for 30 minutes at almost midnight just to check in to a crappy hotel room!

BTW, nice meeting you Riddler!

You know, out of context, this sounds very bad and very funny! >:(:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I hate slappy shoes! You know, slip-ons with a little bit of a high heel that go SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! when the wearer walks down the hall.

AGHH! There goes one now!!! Drives me to insanity!
Makes me want to tackle that woman and steal her shoes.
It's like they enjoy hearing themselves walk.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I said I want to tackle her. I don't think I could, though. She's rather... substantial (me + approx. 70lbs.)... I'd probably bounce off instead of taking her down...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I hate when I jump with a student with 15 jumps and they track better than I do. :$

Anyone want to practice tracking with me? :S

Do I have to organize some tracking dives for you? ;) Actually I'm not the best tracker either, but my tracking should get a little better ever since I started flying my Birdman Freeflyz Tracking Pantz (which I've only jumped 7 times so far with). :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I don't know if she'd even notice I'd run into her...

But that's being mean- I have no issue with her except for her shoes. They suck. And she wears them every freakin' day!

Oh, and there's a lady with some kind of wheeze. She's always had it, doesn't seem to treat it, and breathes really loudly and gasps when she laughs. That gets old, too, but she can't help it...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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AGHH! There goes one now!!! Drives me to insanity!
Makes me want to tackle that woman and steal her shoes.
It's like they enjoy hearing themselves walk.

Nah, it's not the shoes. It's that the graviational constant has suddenly increased in their specific location. Right Billvon?

edit: You know, I wrote that without reading all the posts. Too funny! :D

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I hate when I jump with a student with 15 jumps and they track better than I do. :$

Anyone want to practice tracking with me? :S

Do I have to organize some tracking dives for you? ;) Actually I'm not the best tracker either, but my tracking should get a little better ever since I started flying my Birdman Freeflyz Tracking Pantz (which I've only jumped 7 times so far with). :)

A good tracker wouldn't need tracking pants. ;)

Really what I think Riddler wants to work on is a good track after a R.W. dive. A track that will save his life after he gets on those really big way events.:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I hate slow people in the fast lane when im trying to make an early load!!
I hate taco bell because everything tastes the same no matter what you get!
I hate warm BEER!
I hate people with no personal responsibility!
I hate these kids with 5 inch muffler pipes on a four cylinder car!!

in short i hate too much, but i love beer, so im going to have one now

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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A good tracker wouldn't need tracking pants.

You were speaking exactly what I was thinkin' - we shouldn't need a crutch to be able to fly. But you were the one that convinced me to get booties on my RW suit from Tony, too :P

I'll do two-ways or bigways with ya anytime Mar - just name the time and place. ;)
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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