
I guess we can't...

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I guess we can't disagree with a greenie. To bad. Don't make an honest mistake and brake a rule. Don't ty and comply afterwords because it will be to late. Even if you do comply, you will be censored. To bad. I thought we had a fair and senseable groyp of moderators. We may need to ask HH to add an online dictionary so everyone can be on the same page as far as the true definition of a word. I didn't know the dictionary was debatable. Live and learn.

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...was the thread deleted or can I catch up?

It was deleted, the gist of it though is that someone was offended by the term 'girl', even when accompanied by '18 year old'. Apparently the term 'girl' made this person think of pedophelia.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Having a hard time to know when to let something go are you?

Quite frankly, you're 100% right, you can't disagree with a greenie - not on what stays and what gets moved out of a forum anyways. It's their discretion, and they really don't have to explain or debate it with you. Live with it our find yourself another forum to post to.

Do you think that by adding "18 year old" to your joke you managed to get "around" the rule?

Should have let it go. The message was clear.
Safe swoops

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Well, I don't know what happened, but pedophelia is sick and twisted...


I'm hanging out on the site off and on most of the day while doing some web design and I miss the "heated-upset-the-greenies" thread.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yes, that skymama is such and evil power-monger... jeesh!

I'm glad you put the jeesh and the :S face or I'd have gotten on you for picking on Mama.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Not likely. No amount of "regularity" on these forums will get you any leeway when it comes to me, or any of my contemporaries thinking we need to "hit the button" and shut someone or some thread down. Not to be crass, but like the man said, we are the authorities, pure and simple, and "this ain't no damn democracy."



Edited because Michele made me laugh

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like I said in the other thread that was deleted - it's his house, his rules, his watchdogs. You can't really argue with what he says. If he decides that you can't make any religious jokes, that's his choice. Even if you don't agree with what he thinks is "religious" ... it's not really your call.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Yes, that skymama is such and evil power-monger. ***(sarcasm)

man... I can vouch that the mama is MORE than lenient... more so than any other moderator... that's why I voted her coolest dz.commer of the year...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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man... I can vouch that the mama is MORE than lenient... more so than any other moderator... that's why I voted her coolest dz.commer of the year...

Quit sucking up to the greenie!:P

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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man... I can vouch that the mama is MORE than lenient... more so than any other moderator... that's why I voted her coolest dz.commer of the year...

Suck up!!:P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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