
Rhino: here's the address for Veterans for Peace

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>So are you agaist the war, wars in general, or just GWB?

Gotta be more specific. There have been a lot of wars lately.

There was the war in Afghanistan. I was (reluctantly) for going in to destroy the Al Qaeda training camps set up there while doing as little damage to the rest of the country as possible. Instead we invaded the capital and a few cities and basically occupied them, and didn't do as much in the outlying regions where the camps are. The result - we are now in a running battle with both Al Qaeda (who apparently survived our attempts to oust them and are gathering strength) and the Taliban, who are regrouping.

From Reuters: "Operating in growing numbers, the Taliban and their allies have succeeded in destabilizing large parts of Afghanistan and creating conditions that could undermine the U.S. military and central government."

We have no clear way to exit now. We won't be leaving any time soon and that means a lot of dead US soldiers, PLUS a lot more Al Qaeda members as they find a new Israel to fight.

There was the war in Iraq. We should have listened to the UNMOVIC and IAEA, the inspection teams - heck, it turned out they were right and we were wrong. If we had stuck to their inspection schedule, we would have had more time to:

-finish the war in Afghanistan and get out (which should still be a priority even if it's not that glamorous)

-verify that Saddam really had no WMD's

-support the inspection infrastructure to ensure that he did not have WMD's, could not make them, and could not threaten people with them.

There is the forever war against terrorism. It's being used to do just about anything the administration wants, from reducing first amendment rights to trying to catch drug dealers to increasing police powers. The only reason we are at greater risk today for terrorism than we were before 9/11 is that we are currently killing a lot of Arabs, and killing lots of people makes their families and friends hate you. There is an obvious solution to this - stop killing so many Arabs. Wars are a bad way to do that.

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the war against illiteracy, etc.

Does that mean I could sign up in some sort of army and get to shoot illiterate white trash?

But some of my favorite people and most of my relatives are illiterate white trash????? This drinking thing sounds good though. Count me in on that.....Steve1

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Bill I've got a question.

I was against the war in Iraq just for background as it was fairly obvious bullshit about them being a CURRENT THREAT to us in the west. I also don't buy the argument that its right to enforce the UN's will by ignoring the UN :S

The question is that Iraq was actively engaged in DEVELOPING WMD which could/would have posed a long term threat to his neighbours and possibly us. What do you think that we should have done?
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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The wager was made in the forums, not in PM's. Perhaps others were interested in the outcome of the wager?

I don't see this thread as a troll.

I agree completely.

The comments that prompted the bet were public and vehement. So if the outcome is public (and even a little humbling) that seems appropriate. Nobody was forced into anything.

Now it is time for Rhino to admit Bill was right, send his check off to the charity mentioned and move on with a little more wisdom and knowledge.


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I suppose a PM to Rhino was out of the question?

Greenies shouldn't troll


My thoughts exactly.

I don't agree. A public bet was made and accepted on these forums before the war. It is now time to collect on it, since it was made and accepted publicly there is no problem with it being collected publicly.

It is funny that only the proponents of the war are complaining about this.

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Hey.. No matter to me..

The war isn't over in Iraq. I speak as a Marine..

I stick by my word. By the time the war is over proof will be produced that even Bill is o.k. with.. lol

And I think Bill is underestimating how good our soldiers are. They are AMAZING people that are rooting out those slugs in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What is really scary is that our boys and girls over there are getting better every day. They are adapting faster then the enemy can think. With the enemies limited intelligence it isn't a surprise..


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I might be defending billvon on a political thread, but there's no way I'm buying beer. Anyway, he's not trolling, he's gloating. Those are different. And when the day comes, and with an election coming up, you can bet your a$$ it will, that we "find" a shiny WMD with the US markings scratched off it over there, you can bet that Rhino will be doing similar gloating, and Bill will be stuck making a contribution to the NRA-ILA.

But anyway, I don't think it's fair to accuse him of trolling.



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>The question is that Iraq was actively engaged in DEVELOPING WMD. . .

Not sure I buy that. We know they had them during the Iran/Iraq war; they certainly have far less of them now, even if you believe the people who claim we'll find some eventually. There's a good chance they have none at all. They certainly destroyed at least some of them per UN mandate. That would mean they were actively engaged in destroying WMD's, which is the opposite of developing them.

In any case:

> which could/would have posed a long term threat to his neighbours
>and possibly us. What do you think that we should have done?

I agree that in the future he could restart his WMD program. To prevent that we could strongly support the UN inspection program such that he cannot restart production without us knowing about it. Our intelligence isn't _that_ bad; given access to his country and all the resources at our disposal, we'd have prior warning if he tried to restart production.

Of course, if history is any guide, had we left him alone within a decade or so we might well be encouraging him to develop and use WMD's (or at least use his conventional forces) on someone we considered a security risk. (i.e. knowing what we know now, and projecting ahead ten years - will Iraq or Iran be a greater threat to the US?)

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>The war isn't over in Iraq.

OK, when will it be over? Our president has declared the end of major hostilities; what would have to happen before it was officially over?

>And I think Bill is underestimating how good our soldiers are.

Our soldiers are the best in the world. That doesn't mean they will always accomplish the objectives of politicians. We didn't win in Viet Nam, a country where our goal was to rid a country of a certain group (the communists.) Our soldiers were no worse, no less adaptable, back then.

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What is really scary is that our boys and girls over there are getting better every day. They are adapting faster then the enemy can think. With the enemies limited intelligence it isn't a surprise..

Aaah, America's answer to Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf - glad to see you have found your true calling in life man. ;)

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>The war isn't over in Iraq.

OK, when will it be over? Our president has declared the end of major hostilities; what would have to happen before it was officially over?


And I guess he missed this:

President Says Military Phase in Iraq Has Ended
By David E. Sanger
New York Times
May 2, 2003

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Our president has declared the end of major hostilities

That doesn't mean it is over. And as I stated previously I will tell you when I think it is over. If it ends.. :o


Our soldiers are the best in the world. That doesn't mean they will always accomplish the objectives of politicians.

True.. But what they have done is good and just.. And I support them allways..


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That doesn't mean it is over. And as I stated previously I will tell you when I think it is over. If it ends..

In other words, if they ever find WMD, Rhino will declare it over and demand that you pay up. Until then, he'll welch on his bet.

Technically, the Korean war is not over, just on pause.

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