
Vibes, prayers and boobies for Eric Bobenhauser (Companheiro Rodriguez)

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For those of you who don't know Eric, he has the greatest infectious smile. I saw him at Skydive Carolina on Saturday, and of course he flashed me that great big grin.I drove back to Illinois today, and was unhappy to read of these unsettling events. Eric, I am looking forward to you smiling at me that way again SOON! Beth
[email protected]

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Latest update I have:

The nurses were taking him for another CAT scan to check on the blood clot that he developed on his brain - note - they may know by now, or else they will have the results by morning.
On a tough note - is the extent of Eric's injuries. Not only did he break both femurs, but his right knee and ankle as well. In addition, Eric broke the bones around his eyes, his nose and his jaw. If the blood clot has disolved they may consider surgery in the next two days. If the blood clot has not disolved, they will consider a shunt to relieve pressure. When all is functioning well with his brain, they will do the leg repair and then at another time, the plastic surgeon will repair the bones in his face.

Thanks for all your the good energy. Keep 'em coming. When he gets out of ICU, I'll print this forum for him and his wife and kid. Including Ivan's pictures. :)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
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Thanks Bolas for making this thread, I went to the hospital last night and spent some time with Eric's family and friends, I was also able to see Eric for about 30 minutes. After visistation Agusto mentioned to Brandy's mom and dad that there were alot of folks on DZ.com pulling for him, they would LOVE to read all these posts, I believe TJ was going to print and take them in around lunch time today for the family to read.
Thank you everyone, Eric is fighting hard, let's keep all the prayers and positive vibes giong, I believe it is helping.

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Thanks Bolas for the update, is it possible you can send us the hospital info for sending cards, etc?

"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Thanks Bolas for the update, is it possible you can send us the hospital info for sending cards, etc?


As of this morning;
Eric Bobenhauser
Carolinas Medical Center
Trauma ICU Rm 5402
1000 Blythe Blvd
Charlotte NC 28203

Send them on!

How do ya like it Johnny?

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The neurosurgeon said it was a go, so they wheeled him in for surgery at around 11:00am...I did get to see him momentarily before they kicked me out...
They were planning on concentrating on one leg at a time, but if the first goes well, and he's in good shape, they'll do the other.
Family seems to be in good spirits, and all have a very positive/optimistic attitude.
Will post more when I know more.


edited to add: I printed this thread, and gave it all to Brandy. She was thrilled, and sez that he will be too.
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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Here is the latest!!!!


I'm so excited to finally give some very positive news about
our brother Companheiro. I talked to his wife, Brandy, a minute
ago & Eric got out of surgery about 6pm, and they were
able to repair both legs. They had to use plates and
rods so he will have a long recovery. He is still on the
breathing tube because he still has to go through plastic
surgery to fix the fractures in his jaw and around his eyes.
The blood clot in his brain is only a "bruise" and will
dissolve on its own and the brain swelling has subsided.

Brandy asked me specifically to thank everyone for all of the
prayers, calls, and support that the family has received. The
family has been amazed by the strength of the skydiving brotherhood.
She wants to keep all of the printouts of well wishers
so she can show them to Eric, so keep them coming!

Take care everyone and a big HELL YES!! to Companheiro's

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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