
political leanings

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well lets see who's who. :)
this is do to quade's thoughts here.


Not that this is going to be a representative sample!

I -think- it's pretty safe to say that the majority of skydivers fall at least a -bit- right of center.

I could be wrong.


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Poll is a little limiting.

I am right on certain issues and left on other issues and decidedly centrist in others. I also find that different times ask for different measures. Times change and so do measures. So, I may be right on one issue today but left on the same issue a year later.

If only people could be simply put in a pigeon hole.

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Fiscally I'm kind of right. On humanitarian issues I'm kind of left. I guess I balance out to be somewhere in the middle.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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I find it facinating that a few people on this web site have called skydivers in general "left" when clearly, by people's own admission, the numbers speak for themselves.

Again, I think I'm pretty much correct and the numbers show that skydivers, as a whole are a little right of center.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm liberal, and my grandpa is conservative. It always made for great Christmas dinner arguments. Our last argument ended with him saying, "If you're conservative while young, you have no heart. If you're liberal while old, you have no brains." So, we just agreed to disagree :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Well, I still think most of them defy easy definition (sorry to repeat myself by being redundant :P)

I exchanged some PM's today with a freind who is definitely left-of-center, but is an NRA member.

I think we get a lot of that out on the left coast. Folks who are are "conservative" but are "pro-choice", and folks that are liberal NRA members.

I don't disagree with you Q-ster. Maybe the right of center thing comes with the money it takes to be active in skydiving.

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>Maybe the right of center thing comes with the money it takes to be active in skydiving.

I completely fail to see where political beliefs have anything to do with the money it takes to skydive. Thats like saying since more of X party file for bankrupcy Y party is more fiscually responcilbe. No.. its all personal choice.

You some one is paid more since they are associated with a certian political party then I think thats a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I know... I'm going to make sure that on the job applications at work we have a checkbox for which political party they are a member of. All high paying positions will have filters on which political parties can apply for them B| Sorry... Rightwingers need not apply :D
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Ugh. I am so not communicating well today.

I was making a generalization in order to agree with Quade in an effort just to keep the conversation going. Q's position is that skydivers are right of center. I thought about that, and while we generally sure don't LOOK right of center on the DZ, and our parties don't resemble anything you'd find at a decent country club, maybe we actually are, and maybe that's cause generally wealthy people are more conservative than people who are less wealthy. For the folks not working in skydiving, it takes a lot of money to play.

As Seinfeld would say, "not that there's anything wrong with that".

Gimme a hug, I'm so misunderstood.


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...and maybe that's cause generally wealthy people are more conservative than people who are less wealthy. For the folks not working in skydiving, it takes a lot of money to play.

We're all liberals... until/unless we start to make money in life. ;)

Adding your quote to mine - maybe it means that now that we can afford skydiving we just want to re-live our youth and look liberal:P.

- Jeff

"That's not flying, it's falling with style."

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Something to consider is that many people who are a little right of center see themselves as being middle of the road (their road). Same goes for the left.

Needless to say, where our road is affects how we perceive others, too.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I had to pick "far right" but I'm libertarian, which is very different from what people think of when they think "far right". I bet there are lots of libertarians here who just don't know it.

I think that it would be great to have about a third of Congress libertarian to be the swing vote on tons of issues that divide the left and the right. Problem with having a libertarian majority is that I'm not very good at building roads.



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I think it's interesting that most of the people I jump with and the full time skydivers I know are left-leaners. Like my whole team is pretty liberal (with the exception of our camera flyer).

However, the majority of folks on here are right-leaners.

Perhaps it has something to do with the demographics of the skydivers who are most likely to post on a message board, rather than skydivers in general.

I wonder if you went to a big DZ where there is a population of weekend jumpers and a population of full-time skydivers, you'd find more left-leaning people.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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I think it's also very dependant on exactly which drop zone you're talking about.

And yes, I'll admit that I could have been a bit more specific in my overall assessment and pointed out that even this poll wasn't going to be very accurate (as I had done in the thread that started this one) because even this isn't a very accurate and representative sample. But hey, he was going out of his way to assume I was wrong and could prove it this way, so I wasn't really in the mood to suggest he go about it a better way. ;)

Yet, somehow, I still feel justified in saying that -as a whole- and on average skydivers are a bit right of center. Clearly the numbers here are skewed -quite- a bit in favor of my position, at the time I'm writing this something like 31% left and 65% right with 5% don't give a shit, but as you've stated I also assume this has someting to do with the nature of the internet v. real life.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I guess I defy labels easily and always have.

I grew up in the mid-west from a family that is very much from the OLD SOUTH.

I learned at an early age to say yes sir.. yes Ma'am I went to parochial school and recieved a very good grounding in what differing religeons are about.
I also learned how to handle guns at an early stage in life.

I joined the service and spent 8 years there.

I went to college, have run my own business and now work for a major corporation.

I have voted in EVERY election since I was given the right... by turning a certain age.

I am an NRA member and HIT what I aim at... I am pro-choice.... I am also pro-life when it comes to retroactive abortion and expect people to WORK for what they get in life.

On some issues I guess I have a liberal leaning.. on others I have a conservative outlook. I guess over all I am a humanist. ALL people deserve the right to the pursuit of happiness as long as that happiness does not cause harm to others. ISM's BUG the shit out of me and I feel those who practice them are not evolved humans and really dont deserve to be treated as decent people untill they can treat others in the way... they themselves deserve to be treated.

Usually those who practice racism, sexism, religeonism, ( mine I am going to heaven.. yours are all going to hell for your beliefs )homophobia, .. I think you get the idea always seems to fall into the pervue of what some call conservatism. I do not believe all conservatives are evil.... even if some hold... the holier than thou attitudes... nor do I believe that all so called liberals have a firm grip on reality. There is a vast middle ground where most people exist. I am one of those people. To ONLY label people Far right or left... liberal or conservative .. really does a disservice to most of the rest of us.


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I think I'm pretty much correct and the numbers show that skydivers, as a whole are a little right of center.

I've always assumed that the lean to the right was attributed to the high # of military and ex military in skydiving. Course that doesn't essplain why Military typically lean to the right n I'm not one to comment on that not having served.

Still looking for the underdog category....
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I think it's also very dependant on exactly which drop zone you're talking about.

we agree on that :P


because even this isn't a very accurate and representative sample.

I found it funny with such low numbers you already had decided you were right.


But hey, he was going out of his way to assume I was wrong and could prove it this way,

Being a greenie gives you mind reading powers? :P J/K
I just wanted to see what everyone posts. A poll can sway results by how things are worded. Rather than assume I asked a simple poll nothing more nothing less. :)


Yet, somehow, I still feel justified in saying that -as a whole- and on average skydivers are a bit right of center. Clearly the numbers here are skewed -quite- a bit in favor of my position, at the time I'm writing this something like 31% left and 65% right with 5% don't give a shit, but as you've stated I also assume this has someting to do with the nature of the internet v. real life.

Not a big enough sample of the group I'd say!

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