
How'd you get your nickname?

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Got mine this past weekend at Skydive TN. We were exiting the Twin Westwind Beech (plenty of room) on a 4 way. I was inside, there was an outside float, and two freeflying the exit. I kicked one of the two camera guys on the way out. :o Next jump, I managed to boot them BOTH.:ph34r: There's great video of it. BRONC it is, as in bronco.
I'm sure there's better ones out there...

Until you've stepped out at 800' in the dead of night with 100 lbs of chute and equipment.. you haven't jumped. AIRBORNE !

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Susi (wolf in Finnish) - I was talking with a friend about Norwegian black metaller Varg (wolf in Norwegian) Vikernes (currently jailed for murdering Mayhen guitarist Euronymous + some church burnings), whose real first name is Christian.
My second name is Kristian and as I don't like christianity (or any other organized religion) I joked that maybe I should change my second name to Susi. After this conversation this friend of mine started to call me Susi and it spreaded quite quickly.
Personal favourite, but won't use it in our DZ, 'cos there's a girl with the same nick name.

Anti-Kristian - Another friend started this for the reasons mentioned above.

Pete - From my first name Petri.

Hullu (crazy in Finnish) - I used to do lots of not-so-wise-stunts when I was a kid.
Still don't understand I never broke any bones or got stiches (or died).

Sepultura (Brazilian metal band) - In high school I had a trench coat with Sepultura painted on back, soon people would call me Sepultura. Years later I had a Sepultura's logo tattooed on my calf.

Peluri (gambler in Finnish) - I've always been fascinated by gambling. During high school years couple of friends started this 'cos I spend all my money in gambling.

Hevi (Finnish term for heavy in heavy metal) - Metal music has been huge part of my life since I was 9.

Väkivalta (Violence in Finnish) - Got in a drunken fight (didn't start it) and broke a glass in some guy's head. It was quite bloody.

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Back when I was 19 years old and going through Special Forces training I used to pretend I was rough and tough even though I was really skinny and looked like I was 16. One of the guys we trained with was a former recon Marine. He used to stay up at night telling us stories of all the people he killed in Vietnam. One day we were all gathered together and he asked me, "What do they call you back in Montana?" So I tried to think of something rough and tough and replied,"Big Bull Anders". Everyone thought this was a good joke, and the name stuck....Steve1

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My little sister was making fun of me on my last jumps on student status when I visited her in VA. Hey there "Mr Hixxx" with white canvas jump suit on, yellow and brown grippers, yellow protec, undenyable newbie grin. That was fine. Then she show up and called me that in NE at our club boogie in front of members. None of the students at the dropzone know my real name anymore...

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Dont have one anymore. 20 years ago in the Army I was referred to as
"Piggy Bank" due to a 2 inch long straight scar on top of my head which, with a crewcut, looks like a coin slot.

Maybe someday I'll get a cool, skydiving related nickname like everyone in the movie "Cutaway"

Then I'll really be cool ;)

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Couple of buddies and I used to go candlepin bowling from time to time. The winner was always the Grand Master and the loser was Little Bitch.

Needless to say I lost the first game and won the Little Bitch name. Next time we went to the DZ they yelled out "Hey LB!" It got such a good reaction from my wife that the name just stuck after that.

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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I was considered a little aggressive when I was learning how to fly on my head. And so when I was jumping with others I would have the tendency to do high speed fly by's. Thus when I jumped it was no longer considered Free flying and became gee flying...

Also it didn't help that my name is pronounced Gee...

"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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My nickname is DK--

When I was in college, we were giong on a trip with a fraternity, and a couple of girls signed me up to be in their room, but they didn't know my last name.

Well, I dance pretty much all the time, and everyone knew this about me, so the girls put me down on the sign-up sheet as "Dancing Kelly". After a couple of weeks, it had progressed to "DK", and after a while, people used it so much that they forgot my real name.

So, DK it is!!


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Frognog is an old nickname and not one I use for skydiving. I picked it back in the days of the BBS - right before ANSI color really caught on and everyone realized the escape codes bulked up the transfers so much that playing tradewars at 2400 baud was going to have to go; 9600 became the new acceptable minimum. And I paid 250 hard-earned $ for my 9600 baud modem, at about age 14 or 15, and the card was so long, it actually used one of the long-card holders at the other end of the case! (Only card I've ever seen do that.)

Anyway, it comes from this joke:
Q1: What's red and green and goes 90 mph in small circles?
A: A frog in a blender.
Q2: What do you get if you add an egg and nutmeg?
A: Frognog.


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Hmm I do not have a cool nickname either. Hmm, maybe I can be Alice, or Sue, or Hey You. Nah, I'll just wait till I do something dumb at the dz like put my seat belt through my reserve handle as the plane takes off. Oh wait . . . I did that already. And no one gave me a nickname. Oh well, probably because the only person who noticed was the owner of the DZ. Wonder why he did not tell anyone?

Guess I will stick with . . .

Sean . . . for now.

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I use firemage cos 1) my first name is very distinctive and would prefer spam mail not to go to home email! and 2) It describes my interests pretty well - fantasy/sci fi stuff eg. movies, books etc

My not online nickname is made up from pronouncing a bit of my first name incorrectly - juice/deuce however you want to spell it. B|

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Depending on who you ask, Crash, Thud, Thumper, PLiF or Gator.

The last one comes from wearing a long sleeve green shirt while Plif'ing out a low hook in to a downwind landing. Had so much energy after the PLF that I just kept rolling across the ground for about twenty yards. One of my friends said that the manuever was similar to that roll a aligator does when it grabs prey.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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Well it all depends on wich one you are asking about. To long to post the answer to all. But my favoret is tictoc. It was given to be by ppl who said it was just a matter of time. I keep it to prove to them that they were wrong as most of them have been hurt but I have not.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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well, i got the "Tripper" nickname at Zhills couple of years ago, i was catching a tandem, and, umm i tripped........ Paul Fairbanks got it on video, and now it should be on the "best of the worst" video......

and my second nickname, "Blueberry", kind of obvious:P

had to wash my rig, had some blueberry stains on itB|:$:$


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