
Call me a Wahhhhmbulance, please!

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OK., so it's monday. I've got stitches in my girl places, and it hurts. I'm bored out of my gourd. It's raining, which I generally love, but not today. It's gloomy, kinda like my mood. It's 53 degrees, and I can't turn on my heater (floor furnace) - it's either broken or the pilot light is out. I called the gas co, and seems like they can't get here until tomorrow or Wednesday because they are "busy". The cats are so cold they are laying under the blankets in bed. It's forcast to get into the mid 40's tonight. I'm out of the shower, and freezing, even though I've got on sweats and am wrapped in a blanket. Know what? This just sucks.

(edited to add: I just realized I'm out of creamer for my coffee, too...which means I have to use that nasty powdered stuff which I save for earthquakes. Eyyyyyyuchhhhhhh!)


What's your monday bitching? Bring it on! Keep me company, please!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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call the gas company back. tell them you just had surgery, are stuck at home on medication, and freezing your ass off. You're home alone. You can't go anywhere else to get warm. play it up. whine. do anything you can to get sympathy. perhaps they will then squeeze in a little time to fix it for you.

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TheAnvil never whines. He is constantly smiling, even when some of his Hollister friends are conspiring to assassinate him via tequilla next Saturday nite.B|;)B|;)

I'll e-whine though. I am cold and short.>:( My MATLAB program has crashed fourteen times this morning and I can't make it work (NaN, NaN, NaN, Inf, Inf, Inf).>:(>:(>:( I think I am just un-hungover from Friday night, which caused me to miss NC17.:( And SkyOCiel emailed me terroristic threats this morning concerning her intents for me Saturday evening......

You have me beat. Glad you are feeling well enough to type! Your kitties can help keep you warm.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I'm glad you're doing better, however it does suck you can't get your furnace fixed ASAP! I'm sending ya some big, huge TEXAS **HUGZ** okie dokie, it'll get better.......................cheer up girlie!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Tell them you think the pilot light is out and you think you smell gas. They'll be there before you hang up. No joke. They take gas leaks Very seriously. If I were closer and not at work I'd come take a look-see.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Tell them you think the pilot light is out and you think you smell gas.

That is an awesome idea. Do it michele. I wish like hell i could come see you right now and give you a big hug. Ooh, i'd bring you an electric blanket too!! For now a virtual hug will have to do. *HUGS*


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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They take gas leaks Very seriously. If I were closer and not at work I'd come take a look-see.

That's why I love you so much - you really would.

O.K., I took the advice. Dialed the 800 number. I was all set to whine and beg and plead and cajole and pull all the sympathy strings...but here's what I got:

"Thank you for calling the Gas Company. We are experiencing a very high volume of calls at the moment. If you are experiencing a gas leak, please call (another number). For all other needs, please call back later today. Thank you for calling the Gas company.". And then it hung up automatically!!! I tried calling the other number, and it's busy!!!!!! Was there a gas explosion I don't know about? WTF is this???

Aw geesh, it's gonna be one of those days. Anyone got a spare rock I can hide under??? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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i'll just go with the general complaint...

life is not as i wish it to be and i have little idea of how to change it so it is....

hears the sirens in the distance already....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I have to make a run to Pomona and then Downtown L.A. work related (right now 12:35) I will be by atfer that.
So call me on my cell phone since I don't have your address and I'll light your Pilot light.
In addition I'll bring my little portable plug in Heater.


Nick D

The key to Immortality is- first living a life worth remembering”

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You think your Monday is bad.
After 5 months of intensive physiothearpy for a back injury I was tested today to compare my physical fitness against when I started treatment.
The results showed that I had gone up 5kg and my general fitness had decreased!!!!

this is after training 5 days a week 2-4 hours a day.:(

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Well, due to personal problems revolving around an unresolved issue in my life...I've withdrawn from this semester. It shouldn't back my graduation up anymore, but it still sucks, makes me feel like a complete failure.

That's my monday bitching.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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(((hugs and vibes for Michele))) With everything you've been through lately, you have every right to bitch and whine.;)

My life is actually going pretty well right now, so I really don't have much to bitch about. The only thing bugging me right now is this: I have the opportunity/choice to go to Eloy for the Holiday Boogie and kinda want to go. The problem is, its a 17 hr drive and I do not want to make it alone. I don't mind driving, I'd just rather have someone with me in case of an emergency. So, I'm still looking for stow-aways. If no one comes with me, I'm NOT going to Eloy.HELP!! (so anyone PM me ASAP if ya want a ride from TX to AZ).:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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So call me on my cell phone since I don't have your address and I'll light your Pilot light

Oh man, that's the best offer I've had in ages. On several different levels;) even if you only meant it on one. LOL!!!

I'll call you, Nick...'cause I just called the Gas company again and it's still "busy"...thanks for all the hugs, everyone. That's so nice to get. At least I'm feeling up to sitting and typing, you know? That was nearly impossible a few days ago...so things are, I s'pose, getting better. And for those having a bad time, my hugs go to you!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Brrrr I will be sure to throw another Maple log in my Earth Stove when I get home... to release more CO2 into the atmosphere to help global warming;)

It was in the low 20's at my humble little abode in the foothills of the Cascades last night.. lots and lots of frost on the ground.. gorgeous to look at...everything white and pretty in the early morning sun. The Garden is now just a memory.. the tomato plants are ghostly remnants the zuchinni plants have melted down to nothingness and the apples have the wonderfull taste of sugar that occurs after the first light frosts of the fall. I hope you are getting better Michele and the pain lessens with each day.

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