
Prayers and Vibes for my Dad

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I just got a phone call an hour ago that my dad's aneurism (abdominal for those that understand it) has worsened and is leaking so they can't wait for surgery. I'm truly scared because they didn't want to do surgery because of the risks with his health already, but he's now on his way by ambulance to a hospital 3 hours away for it (we grew up in a podunk town). I guess this is the consequences of living so far away (as my mom so nicely told me before hanging up on me...ain't that grand) so I'm drinking beer and praying for all I'm worth right now. Even the flights, if I had been able to afford it are a minimum of 600 and wouldn't get me there in time before he has surgery tonight (they go through Vegas on the way to Kansas for Heaven's sake!) so I could use all the prayers you're willing to offer.



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My prayers and vibes are being sent right now!!!!!!!!!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ VIBES }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ HUGS ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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You, your family and especially your father are in my prayers...

Please keep the faith, Pammi. Do not worry about not being there as you are with him in spirit. He knows that you love him, and that is all that matters.

P.S. This is not a good time, but I love your new picture, Pammi.

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Oh Pam, sweetie, hang in there. Lots of prayers, hugs and good vibes coming your way and your dad's way. I know your Mom hurt you when she did that but I'm sure she is frustrated and scared and really is wanting you there as support for her. Forgive her for being short with you without ever mentioning it again. You will feel better for it.

Hugs and GOOD VIBES coming your way. Keep us posted.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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