
The wives are gonna hate me

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and offering his fertilizer spreader, weed wacker and blower to me whenever I needed it!

OH MY!!! :$ That IS funny! :ph34r:

Skymama just showed me a pic of "the shirt" that Wendy was talking about. HOT MAMA! :o :$ In her defense, shirts and cleavage can unexpectedly "come alive" when a woman sits down. I swear, it isn't always something that a woman is prepared for when wearing a new top. Poor Skymama. :$ It's like that Seinfeld episode when Elaine looses a shirt button and keeps flashing everyone. :ph34r:

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"the shirt"

You could post the pic and we could get a concensus(in the interest of an accurate assesment, of course):ph34r:

edited once again due to my fat fingers

Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man- Sam Walter Foss

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You GO SkyMama!!!

Sounds like you have some pretty studly cool neighbors. I'm going to be moving to a new state next month (in the cold) with my little one ...

I hope I have cool neighbors like that! Especially since this will be my first time living in the snow :S
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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I'm going to be moving to a new state next month (in the cold) with my little one ...

I hope I have cool neighbors like that! Especially since this will be my first time living in the snow

Awww...two cute females by their lonesome...of course the men will be falling all over themselves to help you two! ;)

Where are you moving? You little girl will be sooo delighted with the snow! Building snowmen as a child ROCKS!!! ~ B|

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Hey, if I was still married, I'd teach my wife how to do that. That way I could spend less time on the Honey Do's and more time at the DZ.:P

Edited to add smiley
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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OMG. I believe in empowering women. They usually hate that. I'da handed you my sawzall and said "there you go", you'da batted your eyelashes and said "I don't know how to make this go" and I'da said "Shame. About time you learned then. You plug the prongy thing into one of those plastic things on the bottom of the wall with the two sets of three holes in them. This here's the trigger and it makes the blade thingie go back and forth. When you put the blade thingie on something you want to cut and pull the trigger, it gets cut off. How about you show me, Andy?" :P

That would have you visiting the toothless Canadian in nothing flat, huh?


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"I didn't tell him that my entire family is in construction and I've seen a few saws in my day."

I'm waiting to hear about the stereotypical guy who cleans your gutters thinking that a such a cutie must be unaccustomed to and terrified of heights.:ph34r:

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Some men are actually chivalrous (sp?) Then there are some who have watched to many movies that contain the line

" Oh, the plumber... thank god your here, my pipes need fixed"

Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man- Sam Walter Foss

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I don't know if there's something attractive about a woman in coveralls with grease in her hair or what, but its freakin annoying, to the point that the last two times my car's needed an oil change, I've just taken it in to the shop!


don't get me wrong... I like chivalry. I really do... but sometimes it goes too far!

Don't complain, Nightingale. I think if I was changing the oil on one of my vehicles in my driveway, on the side of the road, or just about anywhere, the most I'd get is laughter...[:/]:P:D

The 'poor innocent lil' girl needs help' deal would never work for me, but you GO Andrea! Shake what yo mama gave you! You get some work done! ;):)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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The 'poor innocent lil' girl needs help' deal would never work for me, but you GO Andrea!

It's not an act. I AM poor and I'm......hmm, a girl. At least 2 out of 4 isn't bad. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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and offering his fertilizer spreader, weed wacker and blower to me whenever I needed it!

OH MY!!! :$ That IS funny! :ph34r:

Skymama just showed me a pic of "the shirt" that Wendy was talking about. HOT MAMA! :o :$ In her defense, shirts and cleavage can unexpectedly "come alive" when a woman sits down. I swear, it isn't always something that a woman is prepared for when wearing a new top. Poor Skymama. :$ It's like that Seinfeld episode when Elaine looses a shirt button and keeps flashing everyone. :ph34r:

I think it needs to be posted, or at least PMed to me. All this talk about cleavage and boobies has me reminiscent of a certain thread...

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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you GO, girl. i've fixed a few neighbor girl's cars for free after a little sweet-talkin' and some good home cookin'. hey, everyone's got needs, right? LOL;):$

billy d------------------------- "Escape may be checked by water and land, but the air and the sky are free." (from the story of Daedalus and Icarus)

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Yesterday the kids and I brought home our Christmas tree and realized that the guy at the store didn't cut off enough branches for us. Not having a saw, I looked across the street and saw that my new neighbor was in his garage. I sauntered over there, introduced myself and chatted for a few minutes, then finally got to the reason I came over in the first place. He said, "sure I have one, will this work?", and handed me a saw. I said, "Gee, I don't know....I haven't sawed too many things in my life. Will this cut through the tree branches?" Being the chilvarous man, he promptly volunteered to do it for me! :ph34r: I didn't tell him that my entire family is in construction and I've seen a few saws in my day. :)

A little while later, my son and I were outside putting up Christmas lights. One of the other neighbor men came up to me and started chatting about my grass. He seemed to think that I wasn't watering it enough. I sighed and said, "I know, I just can't figure out that timer for it though." (That means I looked at it once, took one look at all the dials and instructions on it and decided I didn't want to mess with it! :P) He spent the next 45 minutes with me checking out all my watering zones, setting the timer correctly, adjusting the height on my lawn mower blades and offering his fertilizer spreader, weed wacker and blower to me whenever I needed it! :ph34r:

Aren't my new neighbors just the nicest guys and so neighborly? :P In my defense, I never asked them to do anything....they volunteered!

Here's something I can do for you. Drive out here and Ill wash your car, then you can take the next dust storm out.:ph34r: Arizona humor...

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I hate that sort of stuff.

If you want somthing done ASK upfront, shifty and underhanded (read flirty) smacks of dishonesty
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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If you want somthing done ASK upfront, shifty and underhanded (read flirty) smacks of dishonesty

They are married men, I never flirted. Like I said, they offered to help.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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