
MI drivers---the worst ever!

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Okay, so I work for an auto insurance company, and I'm sure that I won't find any data to support my claim, but I don't care!

Whenever there are 20 cars in a line going 5-10 mph under the speed limit when roads are in perfect condition on I-65, it's always a MI driver at the front of the line who refuses to get over. Not only do they refuse to get over, they decide to go the same speed as the semis in the right lane, so everybody else is stuck doing their slow slow pace.

What prompted this? I was an already angry woman last night since I had to leave work late, which meant that traffic was going to be horrible. It was already taking me twice as long to get home, and when I was about 4 miles from my house where things usually clear, I was doing 35-40 mph on the expressway. At times, the semis in the right two lanes were going faster! So, I got over in with the semis, I finally catch up to the person in the very front causing a whole mess of people to go way to slow, and, big surprise, they were from Michigan!!!!

My message to Michigan drivers: get over in the right lane!!!!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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WHOA! Okay....


FIRST... I'd like to state... I've only lived in Michigan for two years (not even). I didn't learn to drive in Michigan... and I have not addopted the Michigan way of driving.

So... :Ppbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt!:P

SECOND... Not ALL drivers in Michigan suck at driving. (most but not all:S)

With that said...

YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Michigan people - not all, but most - CAN'T DRIVE! And I've never seen worse road rage in my life. B|


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I've never seen worse road rage in my life.

I'm okay with road rage (I drive in Chicago nearly everyday) because at least that means they're aware that there are other drivers on the road. I'm pretty sure people from Michigan think that they are the only ones on any highway, road, etc.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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i have found that not moving right is a problem almost everywhere i've been in the last couple of years. here in new brunswick, we consider ourselves lucky to have 4 lane highways, and the rule is, keep right except to pass. i get down to anywhere there are 6 or more lanes, and people will sit in the center or left lanes(s) and just cruise there at the speed limit. that forces anyone who wants to go faster to pass on the right (is that illegal?), which pisses me off. if you aren't passing anything, get the hell out of the way! a lot of people seem to think that the right lane is for trucks only and they refuse to drive there. what's up with that? i'm usually cruising a little (;)) over the limit, so i'll stay somewhere to the left until someone comes up behind me, then i get the hell out of their way...
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many many people dont know how to drive. Why? because they dont care. I ride a Motorcycle and have almost been taken out a few times because people just changed lanes by looking in their mirrors and not looking next to them! I usually try to not sit next to anyone but that doesn't happen in slow traffic. I was going maybe 5mph in a traffic jam (everyone doing 5mph or stopped) and I look to my right and see a guy just slowly turning right in to me, I'm staring at this guy because he is now halfway in my lane and I'm almost next to his Driver side door, I honk my horn and he gets PISSED at me because I honked at him, he kept coming over and forced me to stop and get behind him. I almost punched in a window and lane split. Grrr..

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New Jersey drivers are the worst!!!!!! The idiots here do the same thing on the road. It wasn't til i actually moved to NJ that I ever passed a car on the right.:S
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you're just a little off Val, It's Texas and California drivers who are transplanted with their SUVs in Colorado and think they can still drive 90 just becasue they have 4 wheel drive.

**The above statement does not apply to Aggiedave or nor any other sensible drivers who understand that 4 wheel drive does not mean 'invincible'

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You know, that's why I love my truck. I put my front bumper right almost on their trunk, my truck is high enough that my lights are right through the rear window of just about everything besides other trucks, then I turn my high beams on.

Ohhhhh, that pisses them off. Man that's fun to do to assholes.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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NYC drivers going upstate or to VT to go skiing do the same thing. It's not bad, it's just funny.

I love when they pass me at 70 while I'm doing 40 because the road's covered in black ice. I just think to myself, "that's OK, I'll be seeing you again soon."


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you're just a little off Val, It's Texas and California drivers who are transplanted with their SUVs in Colorado and think they can still drive 90 just becasue they have 4 wheel drive.

As a San Diego transplant in Colorado, I can definitively say that Colorado drivers are the worst I have ever seen - anywhere in the US, Canada, Mexico and Japan. Seriously, do you not learn that its generally a bad idea to merge onto the highway at 30 mph? The skinny pedal on the right makes the car go faster. Is there something in drivers ed that teaches you to habitually run red lights? Especially when making a left turn across 4 lanes of traffic? Why does everyone drive 55 here regardless of the speed limit or conditions? You are in my way when the conditions are good and in the ditch when the conditions are bad. I will grant you that whoever is in charge of Civil Engineering here should suffer a slow, painful and public death, and that only adds to the fact that the people in Colorado are the worst drivers on the planet.

MAN - that felt good.

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Actually, I've driven many places. San Francisco has the worst drivers. Why? Because they are the most inconsiderate out there.

I used to drive in Los Angeles everyday 30 miles into downtown and 30 miles back. In LA, a turn signal indicates to a person that the driver is about to move over, and thus a request for the person in the lane to which the driver is moving to provide some space and be aware. It is a simple concept, really.

SF is different. I have learned that a turn signal used in SF is meant to signify that I wish 45 year-old hippie chick in her Datsun station wagon to move into the space where I wanted to go. Well, not all the, but just push forward enough to be on my rear right fender in the blind spot. Sure, it may force me into an offramp or cause a collision. I should have simply been like those 15 other guys who cut me off in the 10 minutes prior. I understand why they do not signal. It's the spell of doom.

Maybe it's the peace, love and understanding there that creates such selfishness. In LA, those folks would get shot on the road. I'm pretty sure that is why Los Angeles was so polite.

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You know, that's why I love my truck. I put my front bumper right almost on their trunk, my truck is high enough that my lights are right through the rear window of just about everything besides other trucks, then I turn my high beams on.

Now, if that wasn't the funniest "I just proved the poster above me correct" post I've ever seen....I'd quit with that tailgating crap in a truck like yours. You could kill somebody.


Val... You need to get laid...

I will inevitably be slowed down on my way to doing that tonight by some damn MI driver! :D:P
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I think that you're right Val! I'm from Michigan and everybody drives like that here.. It drivesme crazy:S

Especially when you speed up to pass someone and they get offended and speed up temporarily ..only to slow down again 2 minutes later..grrr

Ohio has the WORST traffic cops though:P

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Heeyy! I'm from Alabama so I can attest that you are all wrong. FLORIDA is the worst. Most everyone here are 200 years old and drive at least 10 miles under the speed limit, change lanes whenever they so choose and THEY believe THEY are the only ones on the road (which is probably because they can't hear either).

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