
Anyone -not- wasted?

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Right here dudette. Don't drink either, but like to make fun of the jumbled-new-words that are made up when people are too drunk to type... ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I just wanna say that I have no business posting in this thread. But I want you to love me and accept me anyway :D.

Based on what you were posting on the "RETRACTION" thread, if you point your car west, I can assure you that you could end up meeting me, and then I could say something like, "How you doin'?" .... :D:P;)

In the meantime, acceptance has become quite a part of my life....love for those that really mean it too. :)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I just wanna say that I have no business posting in this thread. But I want you to love me and accept me anyway :D.

Blonde hair and a face like that, and she's worried about being accepted! :S

I'm not wasted. Totally lucid. Hardly ever drink, so you're in good company. I love chicks, drunk or sober. :ph34r: (You can put more over on the drunk ones...)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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(You can put more over on the drunk ones...)

GFD.. you're going to let him talk about you like that??!!! :o
jk ;)

Gawain, if I pointed my car west, I dont think it would make it any further than Texas... but you are all soooo sweet when you're sober! :$

"Blonde hair and a face like that, and she's worried about being accepted! "

Yah.. if I could just keep my mouth shut.. hehe!

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i'm not wasted...yet.... justtokk a muscle relaxer (flexoril) and should be seeing things in a hour or so if i don't fall asleep first..... things make me sleep like a baby and the bak feels great...untill i get up and have to move.....lol...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Spent the first 13 years sober
Spent the next 19 years wasted
Spent the last 8 years sober

The first few years of sobriety pretty much sucked.
The last 5 have been the best years by far.
Hands down the best. Not even a close contest.
I have more fun now on a bad day than I ever
did on a good day hammered.

I dont miss it B|

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Hmm, I drink one or two drinks a month if that and I do not allow myself to even get a buzz. Usually it is with a meal. Unless it is sunset and Margaritas then I don't need a meal but I still limit to one or two. Since I am never wasted can I still be part of the group?

Or is this only for people who NEVER partake in any sort of drink, not even wine at a nice restaraunt?

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It is often hard to explain my tall cold glass of DIET PEPSI and yes they look at me crazy sometimes. Some of my closest friends are drinkers... I don't mind, I spend a great deal of the time worrying about them and driving whomever I can home. My husband is the same way, he will often drive their car for them while I follow in ours. Seems logical since the biggest defense for driving home drunk is that they will need their car in the morning. We no longer accept that excuse.

I'd like to think that even if I feel I'm out of place, at least I'm doing something with it and creating a very important place for me to be.. keeping people alive the only way I know how in that situation.

It's always wierd when I owe a case of beer, I mean, heck, in my world, it's a case of cold pepsi..

Lets start
Skydivers against drunk driving...

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This is a cool thread. I often feel realy out of place with my skydiving friends. When I first got into the sport I had been sober for about a year and I didn't even want to be around after the prop stopped. But then I just got used to it. I hang out with them now when they're drinking and I don't mind.

A big thing for me is when I have to buy beer. It doesn't happen much, but it makes me uncomfortable because I don't like alcohol. Not only do I not drink, but I hate the stuff. I don't go around preaching that noone should drink, but if someone asked I always tell them my honest opinion - you are injesting poison.
Now, everyone is allowed to do whatever they want, but don't make me buy posion for my friends. I've thought about buying icecream or something, but I always just cave in and buy the freakin beer, because I don't like rocking the boat.

Can any non-drinkers let me know what they do when it is their time to buy beer?


Fear is the thief of dreams...

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Buy ice cream! Just tell the f-ers that you are not going to lecture them for drinking, but you arent comfortable supporting it.
Hell..I'd love to have ice cream after jumping, when its warm out. Would take that over beer any day! Dont let anyone tell you that the "beer rules" cant be modified. Theyre there for fun, not to make people uncomfortable or miserable.

One of my non-drinking jumping buddies bought root beer one time. Everyone thought it was really funny. It was also good to have on hand.

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Hmm, I drink one or two drinks a month if that and I do not allow myself to even get a buzz. Usually it is with a meal. Unless it is sunset and Margaritas then I don't need a meal but I still limit to one or two. Since I am never wasted can I still be part of the group?

Or is this only for people who NEVER partake in any sort of drink, not even wine at a nice restaraunt?

Don't worry, SGC will break you in this summer! You haven't spent a full season with us yet!!!!!:P;):)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I have type 1 diabetes (diagnosed at 10)--
so do not get drunk, (can drink everyone under the table) --just get high blood sugars and have to inject more insulin--(boring)

You'll find me at saftey meetings though..:P:P

One night I'll have to count how many times I get asked "hey, you want a beer?"--after 15 yrs. of saying "no thanx".............
Get along well with those that drink except for when I am leaving and everyone says- "no way- don't drink and drive" (meanwhile have not had 1 drink)


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I'm also diabetic, type 1.


I have type 1 diabetes (diagnosed at 10)--
so do not get drunk, (can drink everyone under the table) --just get high blood sugars and have to inject more insulin--(boring)

I drink moderately and find I just have to keep closer taps on the bs levels. It usually effects me the next day with incredible lows so I usually don't jump that day. Needless to say I don't drink a lot cause I rather skydive. The insulin pump has made a world of difference for control and ability to eat what I want. If I want to drink it's made control a lot easier as well. Just wanted to give you the info.

Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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I'm with ya SkySprite. I don't drink either. (Well, I'll have the occasional beer to quench my thirst, but I don't drink just for the sake of getting drunk).

Not to hijack, but when do you start AFF?



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I don't drink a lot cause I rather skydive.

beauty response- best one I've heardB|B|

Great to hear there are other skydivers with diabetes-:P:P I am still injecting insulin (30 yrs.) and proud to have not had any complications due to diabetes. Think it is time for a pump????:P
Figure type 1 you can have way better control- less complications for sure than type 2.



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