
25 jumps.

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I'm not sure yet how many jumps it will take me, but I do know it's going to be a couple of years.

Stick with it!
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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If you want it bad enough, you'll get it. Look at it this way....yeah, it's taking awhile.....but they haven't told you to leave yet, so they must think you have the ability to do it.

Hang in there.

Most I know of is 30, but there were a lot of recurrency issues going on too.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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]I got through AFF in 7 jumps.

Not knocking any DZs, but some DZs are stricter about passing their students than some of the busier DZs. At one DZ that I know of, you needed to be passed by the instructor(s) in the air, instructors on the ground and even the DZO (who was ALWAYS observing) needed to approve the student passing a level baseed on his own criteria. Perhaps this is the case?

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Sure thats fine....at $100.00 + per jump....?????

EXACTLY...that's just too much. 25 jumps...wow.[:/]

I was serious about the wind tunnel. It may be cheaper to do that first before attempting to finish AFF since you have had so many problems relaxing in the air.

I went to the tunnel for my first time myself at just over 100 jumps. It was an awesome experience for me. I also have seen AFF students in there learning basics, and I have seen people with thousands of jumps fly in the tunnel for the first time. Sometimes, THEY look like the newbies, not us. It's humbling, but it is also a great learning tool for skydiving. You should SERIOUSLY think about it, Flygirl03. Good luck with all, sweetie!

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Maybe so with some DZ's but not mine.

My self confidence (lack of it) is holding me back.

My DZ is right to hold me back. I totally lost my altitude awareness on my first attempt at level 7.
I would have been upset with them if that HAD passed me after that.

They have been nothing but supportive, helpful and patient through all of this.

I am the only reason I have not graduated AFF yet.

I will.
I don't quit.

I didn't ask this question to bring any negativity against my DZ or any of my fellow jumpers.
I couldn't ask for better support.

I was just curious.

earthbound misfit

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I'm not sure yet how many jumps it will take me, but I do know it's going to be a couple of years.

Stick with it!

Oh, I WILL stick with it.
Im getting it... Slowly. ;)

cindee, i hope it won't take you a couple of years.:(

you stick with it too!!!

earthbound misfit

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What are you having troubles with? Maybe we can give suggestions for you?

Good Luck!

Troubles... I can't relax.
I don't know how.
Skydiving is so mental and all about relaxation.
I am a very hyper, high strung person.
I need to learn to calm down and let things happen.


earthbound misfit

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]I got through AFF in 7 jumps.

Not knocking any DZs, but some DZs are stricter about passing their students than some of the busier DZs. At one DZ that I know of, you needed to be passed by the instructor(s) in the air, instructors on the ground and even the DZO (who was ALWAYS observing) needed to approve the student passing a level baseed on his own criteria. Perhaps this is the case?

Yehai lucked out and passed in 7 as well. However almost everytime before i went up this weekend i got had to sit and tell the dzo what i was doing, who i was with, when we were breaking, when we were exiting all that. In reality i think it is a good thing. I makes me go through everything and know the jump in and out. I have 17 jumps now, and i know i know nothing about this sport but to pull the cord.

blue skys and stick with it!!! if your on 7 then your almost done!!
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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It is MY money to spend.
I CHOSE to do this. I WILL succeed.

It took me $12,000 (YOUR READ THAT RIGHT)
28 months and over 154 hours to get my private pilot license.
The national average is between 5-7K and 60-70 hours

It was not lack of trying on my instructors part by any means
It was all ME...

I don't care HOW much this costs me. It is something I really want to do.

and I WILL get it.

Just like flying the plane.

earthbound misfit

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However almost everytime before i went up this weekend i got had to sit and tell the dzo what i was doing, who i was with, when we were breaking, when we were exiting all that. In reality i think it is a good thing.

Yes!!! That's what I mean. That is more strict than some of the other DZs. I love students and low-time jumpers are so well-taken care of at certain Dzs. I felt that way when I made my way to Elsinore, and it is my home DZ for that reason. (Btw, Gold coast and Mike Igo are also VERY cool! :)
Flygirl...I love that you are so motivated, even though this has been a very difficult journey for you. :)
It sounds like you may be having performance anxiety. It is a very mental sport, so perhaps try visualization on the plane. I hope that you can mentally figure out how to try to stay zen. Also, there is a book that you should read..."Mental training for Skydiving and Life". :)

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