
"XXX" Who's seen it and did ya like it?

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.... like hopping a motorbike over a 15 foot fence without any sign of a ramp.

I thought he went between the wires, not over. Of course I've only seen it once, (yesterday), so far. Can't wait for the DVD.
'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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I saw the movie and was so impressed with everything. I mean it did have parts that were stupid but what movie doesn't

The best part was the fact that they completely killed the Vette for the base scene and Diesle kept his style with the GTO.

Don't take life too serious, you will never get out alive!

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I went into the theatre with pretty low expectations but I ended up leaving pleasently surprised.

Granted, it doesn't have a lot of cerebral content but if you want to see a great action flick with lots of explosions, gadgets and DCM's (Disposable Cast Members) then this is the flick for you.

It is on my To Buy list when the DVD comes out.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I say let's offer free tickets to Africa. One way. Anybody can take the tickets, black or white. Anybody who considers themselves and African in America, yet has no connection to Africa shorter then a couple hundred years, is a product of America's poor educational programs. That's who they should be sueing. Then, when they get to Africa, they can sue the continent for all the civil rights violations because I'm sure the war lords who are the decendants of the people who sold slaves to America in the first place give a flipping bleep.


Bwhahaha :D:D

It's the year of the Pig.

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Seen it once in the Cinema, and 4 times on DVD to date. The deleted scenes are interesting to watch, but I'm glad the were cut out of the movie. It certainly would have slowed proceedings down too much.

The music rocked too.B|

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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It didn't suck - that's about it. However, I had low expectations so was pleasantly surprised.

I was also surprised that this movie was done with almost no profanity. It still worked and you bring the kids - doesn't happen often.

nice stunts - I bet Vin could act with a few more lessons.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I bet Vin could act with a few more lessons

bwahahaha :D, so true.

I agree w/ you, entertaining & didn't suck. i love action movies, but unfortunately, find Vin a bit too neanderthalic for my taste :|.

one of the opening sceens w/ that whole motorcycle chase/save routine, while totally unbelievable was really cool.

Unfortunately, I found my self repeatedley saying "that's bad ass", "dude" and "way cool"... felt like I should go back to 8th grade or something [:/] - too bad I was on a first date.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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It was explained to me AFTER I SAW THE FILM that the sentace or two that would have explained the funky skysurf ended up on the cutting room floor.

Supposedly, the winds whipping around the mountain tops was supposed to be causing a LOT of turbulence.

Now, since that line got cut, it didn't make a whole lot of sense that he was skysurfing the way he was in the film, BUT TO ME while I was watching it I justified it in MY mind by thinking "hey, they said he was an expert snowboarder and we've seen him BASE jump, but they haven't ever said anything about him skysurfing. Maybe it's the first time XXX has ever skysurfed!"

The funkiness of the skysurfing didn't bother me (I assumed it was because he was wearing a heavy snowboard with bindings aligned differently than a skysurfing board). What bothered me was the fact that he was skysurfing at all. This film simply could not maintain my suspension of disbelief. In what reality does somebody say, "We need to take out a radio tower. We have explosives and an airplane. I know! We'll drop a skysurfer onto the mountain that looms over the tower. Then we'll have him drop a couple of explosives into the snow, outrun the ensuing avalanche on his skyboard/snowboard, and save himself by grabbing onto the top of the antenna as the avalanche wipes it out!" The film has a weak script obviously centered on incorporating a number of outlandish stunts. Before anybody tries to defend xXx by saying, "It's just a movie," let me just warn you that that is a very weak argument. Movies set their own reality in the first act, and a good movie maintains that reality throughout the film. This movie told us in the first act that we are existing, basically, in the real world--There are some outlandish characters and cool gadgets, but real logic and the laws of physics still apply. For an example of how to this type of film can be done right, look at some of the older James Bond films (the new Bond films are worse than xXx). The old Bond films set and maintain the reality of a world that differs from our own only so far as the secret agents' skills and technology are concerned. I thought xXx had a decent plot, but the action was laughable.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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