
How Many Of You Have ADHD?

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I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (which helps make a lot of sense of why I do the things I do). And when I stop and think about it, there has got to be an awfully high percentage of us who are ADHD...BASE jumpers prolly even higher.

In my case it's kind of weird because I'm not really bouncy & I got pretty good grades in school. I fidget with my hair all the time. I have a hard time sitting still unless I'm totally engrossed in something like a movie. I get bored *really* easily. I have a really bad habit of tuning out in conversations and I lose stuff all the freaking time. I can't remember the last time I finished a book, but I still buy tons of them. You oughta see my "To Read" pile. :P I've always sort of wondered why I'm attracted to hardcore heavy type music, frenetically-paced first person shooter games and skydiving. Now I have an answer.

So anyway, as sort of an informal poll, how many of y'all have been diagnosed with ADHD (or think you have it)?

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

"Attention Deficit" is kind of a misnomer because I have a really strong ability to hyperfocus (I call it my "code trance"). One doctor said that Attention Inconsistency is probably a better description.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I'd love to get diagnosed with ADHD. Free lifetime supply of prescription amphetamines! If you don't want them, I know several people who will happily purchase them! Those things are super handy for all night drives, third night of the boogie parties, and long hikes to wilderness exit points.

Plus, if you are still in that part of life where you have to take standardized tests, you can get extra time.

-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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mother actually took me off ritalin after a week despite the dr's advice "thats not my son"

i have a bad habit of stating things but not finishing them, but its gotten better
(mostly thru more discipline not thru a change of focus)
I read fast enough that the book stack always goes down. (then up again)

i tend to intensely focus on a task or activity, then completely drop it for a while, the really interesting ones i ussually come back to...

and listen to heavier music as well. (and lots of jazz cant get bored with that many changes..

hours and hours devoted to FPS and flight sims (i used to beta for quite a few)

interesting similarity of nick's,i've used this one since i was 14 or so (8 characters fits in most video game score boards) wonder what else we have in common?
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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i have a bad habit of stating things but not finishing them, but its gotten better
(mostly thru more discipline not thru a change of focus)
I read fast enough that the book stack always goes down. (then up again)

i tend to intensely focus on a task or activity, then completely drop it for a while, the really interesting ones i ussually come back to...

and listen to heavier music as well. (and lots of jazz cant get bored with that many changes..

hours and hours devoted to FPS and flight sims (i used to beta for quite a few)

That's such a frighteningly good description of me, including the beta testing....wierd. Anyhow, count me in, too.
cavete terrae.

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I fidget with my hair all the time

Ahhh, Ted, sorry to tell you this, but...:P

Actually, more and more I'm thinking I should go get checked for this, I seem to fit the mold more often then not.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Never underestimate the power of a dark clown!

Dave - did you get that from Tripping the Rift (or whatever it was called)?

... oh, and sorry, I seem to be in a bastardizing-the-thread mood today...
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Me! :-)

I have ritalin for reading and concentrating if I have to. Can't stand the thought of a kid being on it, it's just too weird...you feel really strange. Now, though, knowing how to control it, it is a real help to get things done.

For the record, I love having it, and don't consider it a bad thing. I think it fosters creativity and well roundedness...that being said, it is important, I think, to keep it under control.

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Dave - did you get that from Tripping the Rift (or whatever it was called)?

Yeah, I hadn't watched it in a few years and found it on my headdrive last night, had to make a new sig...:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Kind of funny how you never heard of this disorder BEFORE they came out with all the drugs that treat it . They just called it "being hyper". My cousin works for the drug company that makes ritilin and says there are some rather unethical marketing schemes for this drug . He even attended a seminar teaching Dr's how to convince the patient they have it and need drugs for it . I was VERY hyperactive as a child and was brought under control by diet . I can see a direct relation to what I eat and my being able to concentrate on what I am doing .

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zennie, if you have lots of energy and enjoy the things you like to do, i say just have a good time and enjoy being a little different and crazy. but i have known people with ADD and other problems and they have no direction and are screwed up!!!!......you seem ok though so not to worry!!!!!!

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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If I eat a lot of sugers and carbo's I can climb the wall for hours . I have tons of energy but do'nt get anything productive done . I tend to eat a high protein diet and eat very few sweet items . Most of the health problems in the world are caused by diet and if people would change their diets they would live a lot longer without drugs . Drugs treat a symptom and not the problem that caused it .

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Just clipped from several posts here already this pretty much fits for myself.

"In my case it's kind of weird because I'm not really bouncy & I got pretty good grades in school."

"I get bored *really* easily. I have a really bad habit of tuning out in conversations..."<---This is a big one.

"I can't remember the last time I finished a book..."

"i have a bad habit of stating things but not finishing them..."

"i tend to intensely focus on a task or activity, then completely drop it for a while, the really interesting ones i ussually come back to..."

Another one would be my patients, as in not having much at all in some respects.

I'm sure I could come up with more things but now does not seem like the right time to think about it:ph34r:.

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I have had SO many debates with people on this subject because my daughter has ADHD. She did go on ritalin, but we also did a lot of behavior management with her over the years which has helped. It's been an exhaustive process, but we have seen a lot of improvements, and she's an honor student. She asked us to let her stop taking the medicine last semester, and we did to see what would happen. It was a little more of a struggle for all of us, and her grades did drop a little, but she remained on the Honor Roll.:)
Interestingly though, my father started taking ritalin when he was about 55. He was diagnosed because a doctor, who he designed and built a house for, saw the symptoms over the months they spent together and suggested he try it. He is a very high energy, A personality type. He said he can really tell a difference when he has to do creative things, such as designing a house. It also helps him because as the owner as his own business, he has to wear many hats, and he focuses a little better. I know so many people are against ritalin, but I really believe it helps and that ADHD is indeed a real problem.

Me? I'm as cool as a cucumber, I can just never sleep! Wonder what that means.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Im ADD/HyperActive.
I used to take the evil ritalin. But it seriously screwed with my stomach, turned me into a zombie, I was miserable inside, but hell my mom and everyone else was happy. Needless to say, I took myself off ritalin. I have been off of it for a while. I was an Honor student Pre, I was post too (in HS). Going off caused a slight drop in my grades, but I dont care, numbers arent everyrhing, it is a little more difficult for me to function socially, I dont quite fit into the square whole anymore. But thats for the better, I love being different. I am me. So yeah, thats the short of it.
P.S. I have yet to make a BASE jump (pending some more experience), but I have known long before I made my first skydive I wanted to do it.

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You know I'm not sure if I am ADHD, but alot of the stuff other have been saying fit me. I know my patients is very short so if at all possible I avoid things that would set me off. Like right now Derek really wants me to play chess with him, but I know I can't sit still for that long. It would drive me nuts and I'd end up throwing chess pieces at him. I also know that if I start a project like my FF pants of my dogs camping bed roll I have to do the whole thing right away or it will get pushed to the side forgotten about.

On the other hand it makes me a great trouble shooter, since my mind can go in so many directions at once and can look at so many different things at once I can pick out correlations and trends that others tend to miss cause they focus on one thing.

I will go with what someone else said about diet, as long as I'm taking my vitamins and supplements I do seem to be able to focus better and actually sit still instead of constantly fidgiting. Although I think fidgiting can be a good thing especially in a job where you don't move much, I mean how can you gain weight if you are always moving. Oh wait maybe it's the shivering, cause someone thinks the office should be 60 degrees.
Fly it like you stole it!

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I always thought of it as a Gift ... If the sufferer can channel his energy and Reconize his condition..then ADHD sufferers truly are remarkable people who can run 100 mph and achieve great goals...Far better than `normal people?`...

Some of the worlds greatest minds had ADHD.

ADHD has its negative points...but it helps to Reconize when its kicking in and stay focused.The worst is when you get nervous around groups of people and start talking a babble of shit... my buddy talks about the mating habits of penguins... very weird....

oh and sneaky * Raises his hands high.. with a big cheeky smile and full of pride *:D

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