
When you fart in the plane......do you.....

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Everyone knows it's me when I fart! :D:$

That is the most amazing understatement ever. Bonnie fesses up when it's her, but the astounding and strange sulfur/formaldehyde/deisel/methane creation she shares does indeed have a unique fingerprint.

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I often go floater, so I have the decency to wait. Then, when I am standing in the fresh breeze, outside the door, I let it rip madly and sigh with a huge grin. Nobody else even imagines how lucky they are that I'm such a nice guy. Or why I'm wearing such a silly grin.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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i am a woman, and we do not fart, never


You must be huge by now. Haven't I seen you in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with tethers on you?


I've always thought about how women never fart. And then they wonder why they get cramps every 28 days!
Speed Racer

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you know why women don't fart right?

bacause they can't keep their mouths shut long enough to build up any pressure. :D

Whoa...! That's a lot of pig outta you...if you'd notice, many of us are really quiet as we are meditating or using visualization techniques to relax and prepare the for perfect dive! Un-be-lievable out of you...!


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Me?...offense?...:P;)...takes a LOT MORE to offend me...B|..I'm just dishin' it back for fun...no stress or worries here...I love you ALL Unconditionally!

Perhaps in the future...I'll see ya at a boogie and we'll have a "FART OFF" Competition! LOL!!!!

Just for fun...Mart and I were at MGB and we both slipped out a polite, quiet one just before we ran out of the Casa. When we landed, we both said "OMG..that was ME!"...so we argued about "the who" it was that incinsced the rest of the jumpers...I about died because both of us were trying to take "credit" for offending other jumpers....


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Hmm and out of the TOP 50 posters... 9 are women... I guess THAT blows that theroy all to hell

Well, men don't "chat". We "discuss and debate". Geesh Amazon, didn't you pay attention during your Good Housewife training? :P

You probably won't show up at the door with a pleasant smile when the Breadwinner returns from the wilderness. And he does all that horrible work stuff for YOU! Learn to appreciate your man AND your proper position in the household! ;).

More than a thousand miles away. I bet if I leave now, I'll have a head start. And out in the wild I'll spot Amazion's red jumpsuit from miles away, thus enabling me to take evasive action.

Seriously though, The internet still has a slight tilt in favour of male users, and skydiving is a male dominated sport. The fact that 9 women made it to the top 50 tells me that some men ain't keeping their bitche....err...



Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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