
Who here rides horses?

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I went to IL over my spring break to visit my gf and her family. They own 5 horses all of them american quarter horses. I got to ride Liz's horse, a 10 year old Named Lady. I only got to ride her in the round pin by myself. And then Liz and I both got on and went out on the trail for a little while. Soooooo much fun!!!:)
So do you ride? If so what breed?
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That's great! Wow! Sounds like fun. My answer would be "other"... I grew up riding... first English, then Western. But I haven't ridden since I was about 15. Used to compete in rodeos even at one point. I loved it. Miss is a lot too. Just don't have the time/money/energy to dedicate to owning or caring for a horse. They are very expensive and practically a fulltime job. You're lucky! :)

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i've always ridden western, used to compete back when i was younger. mom got tired of carting us around the state and also the costs of rodeo living were pretty expensive. *shrugs* havent ridden in quite some time now. i miss it. i'm one of those weird people that liked getting up at the butt crack of dawn to feed my horses and maybe go for a ride and welcome the sun. :)

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I grew up showing cutting horses for about 12 years. Then I got out of college and couldn't afford anything anymore. Cutting is an event, quarter horses.
The man that raised me has about 20 to 25 horses still.

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It is supposed to be. It's not something you regret . It's something to aspire to." Mitch Albom

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I rode.
I grew up on a horse farm. Dad did Fox Hunt and Polo and Sister and I were show and I did some "stick and ball"/scimage with the Polo team that Dad coached until I was 12.
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My sister has a French Warmblood named Java. She's six years old, and already over 16 hands. A real character and beautiful animal. She's been riding most of her life, was captain of UCONNs Equestrian team (who regularly beat the pants out of the regional Ivy Leagues), was a High-Point Champion in her own right and Regional Champion as well.

I've ridden a few times and like it a lot. If I couldn't skydive anymore and couldn't take up hang-gliding, I'd ride. It's a pretty cool rush having a living breathing animal rush up to a gallop. B|
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Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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I've never been on a horse. Which is sort of strange since my aunts, uncles, and cousins have always been very involved with horses. I have driven some teams before percherons and belgins my great uncle had the belgins as a pulling team for horse pulls. The percherons belong to a friend who still does some farm work with them.

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Can't vote because neither is the truth. I ride once in a while. My boss has two horses. One acts like the wife-sweet kind and gentle, and the other like him kind of a troublemaker, and sometimes an meanie.Last year got to ride on a trail horse with my littlest boy,and he get such a thrill. But I do ride, just not all the time:)
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I've been a rider for years, but don't find the time much since I started jumping. One of my neighbors has 15 horses of varying breeds and I am welcome to exercise them anytime. It is nice, but unfortunately they are primarily trail riders. I don't get much speed for long.

Thought I would want to own because I come from a horse breeding family (for harness racing). Have owned on paper so that they could race here... But, now no time to invest, and $$ goes to the jumping!!

Beautiful animals though..:)
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i used to ride. sold my quarter paint about 6 months ago. he was an awesome horse. would do anything i asked him to do and not complain about it. I remember taking him out in the hills to gather cattle, it was rocky and rugged terrain. he had no shoes on but just went through it like it was nothing. what a bad ass horse he was when i had him.

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My parents owned MANY horses (45 was the peak I think) when I was growing up. I have shoveled enough horse shit to cover the US twice. Grew up hanging around horse shows, barns, and even rode some as a kid. Never really got into it though. I liked motorcycles better! Of course.....my Mom hated them. :D They had mostly Thoroughbreds and then got into Hanoverians later. My Mom has been in quite a several Dressage magazines and know lots of folks on the US Olympic teams over the years. Only time I want to ride a horse these days is in Montana where it can get me up the hills without so much effort on my part. ;)

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I still ride, mostly in the mountains, down to 2 horses now. Used to have ~30 and that was work! Trained and sold most all them off and now it's just fun. I have American Curly Horses, kinda rare,, here's a pict with my buddy"Man Afraid"

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I grew up on a little farm and I always wanted a horse. So my dad told me, if you build a fence you can have a horse. So for a summer, I got out my trusty post hole digger and dug myself some fence posts holes and built a pasture. I guess maybe he thought I wouldn't do it! My parents helped me buy my horse (it was a Morgan), since I only had babysitting money and money from bailing hay and straw. Horseback riding is definitley something I would like to get back into someday when I find the money and time. I mostly liked to ride bareback since it was just easier and a lot of fun.B| I keep on meaning to schedule some kind of day trip and go horseback riding with friends during the summer...I just never get around to it.

~La La Gang Member #2~

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My Dad always had between 5 to 10 horses and one mule. We packed them into the mountains of Montana during the Summer and Fall. When I got in my 20's I rode bareback broncs in rodeos. Yes, I have landed on my head a lot. Today I own a couple saddle horses for my daughters. We raised them both from colts and broke them ourselves. Horses are fun, but they definitely can cut into your skydiving money....Steve1

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I used to ride and every now and then I'll get back in the saddle but its rare b/c I usually have other things going on. We have 11 horses here and soon to be 14.. 3 of our mares are expecting to foal. We have:

2 Paints (both mares)
3 Arabian (all studs)
3 Thoroughbred (all mares..2 pregnant)
2 Quarter horse (1 mare 1 stud)
1 1/2 Arab 1/2 Quarter (mare..pregnant)

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Used to. Got my first pony at age 5 and was competing seriously by age 10. Stopped competing in 1992 (when I was 16), but hung on to a few horses. My favorite, Fox, is still around and retired at my parents house. Heres a pic of us 'in the day' B|

I'll still hop on him for a ride to the river from time to time, but not as often as either of us would like.

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I ride someone who rides, does that count??? Kimberly (aka Mrhixxxluvbitch) raises and trains Arabs. She has 2 geldings, 2 mares, and a stud. She is taking delivery on a liver colored 6 month old for me for breaking a 2 year old pinto mare this Sunday. I have 2 years to learn how to ride on one of the geldings, while I take care of my little girl who I have aptly named "Charlie".

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-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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i wouldn't say i ride now, but when i go home to my parents house or some other friends backhome i ride.. ben riding since i was 7 or 8... familyhas owned mostly paints with a couple quarter horses (buckskin) thrown in there... righ now my mom has a liking to miniture horses and you can't realy ride them but more like harnes them to a small buggy.... my mom is not a small lady and she shure does look funy being pulled by this little horse that is just a little bigegr than she is... ookay so the horse is still way bigger but it looks funny... even funier is when she talkes my dad into riding on the buggy too... then it is absolutly hilarious....

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