
Personal attacks

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There's been some confusion about what a personal attack is in some of the other forums; I'm going to post this here because more people read this forum than most of the others.

Basically a personal attack is attacking someone based on who you think they are vs. what they say. These are all personal attacks:

You're an idiot.
You're a troll.
You can't even form a coherent thought.

Note that these are personal attacks even if they really ARE (in your opinion) an idiot, or a troll, or if they can't form a coherent thought.

These are not personal attacks, but are pretty rude:

Your idea is stupid.
You don't know what you're talking about.

Personal attacks will get deleted, or the thread will be locked. Being rude is not against the rules per se, but if it's an ongoing problem, such posts _may_ be deleted or the thread may be locked at our discretion.

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You know Bill, it really truely is pathetic that you have to post an explaination.

Do you feel like you're talking to a bunch of middle school children? [:/]

sometimes people behavie like that,so i see the reasson...
If your not(which i dont think you are)one of the persons that cant follow simple rules,then theres no reasson to take an offence of Bill´s post,its a note to remind people to behavie,nothing else..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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You're a troll.

This one could not be an attack IMO.

I mean if a guy post something and he is trying to stir some shit...Calling a spade a spade is not an attack.

Of course, I'm not green so my opinion counts a little bit less than absolutely ZERO...

But if they guy is posting something along the lines of...."Skydivers are idiots"....Well I'd call that a troll.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You're a troll.

This one could not be an attack IMO.

I mean if a guy post something and he is trying to stir some shit...Calling a spade a spade is not an attack.

Of course, I'm not green so my opinion counts a little bit less than absolutely ZERO...

But if they guy is posting something along the lines of...."Skydivers are idiots"....Well I'd call that a troll.

Hey, Ron... You don't know what you're talking about!!!! :D:ph34r::D

I kid! i kid! :P:ph34r::D

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In Reply To

You're a troll.


This one could not be an attack IMO.

I mean if a guy post something and he is trying to stir some shit...Calling a spade a spade is not an attack.

Of course, I'm not green so my opinion counts a little bit less than absolutely ZERO...

But if they guy is posting something along the lines of...."Skydivers are idiots"....Well I'd call that a troll.


Hey, Ron... You don't know what you're talking about!!!!

I kid! i kid!



"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Great post, but shouldn't you put it over in the Speaker's Corner rather than the Bonfire? This place is peace, love and groovy compared to the scorched earth tactics going on over there.

Edited to add: Never mind, I re-read your post. I'll take my toys and go home now.:S

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Yeah well I am a smelly-scruffy looking nerf-herder with boils on my butt and this weird green discharge whose sole purpose for existence is to mooch off the hard work of others. I am utterly worthless, with no redeeming qualities, and I am ugly to boot.



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Oh yeah? Well I'm a JACKASS and a dumbass! And I'm useless with no redeeming qualities too!



Way ta go, Billvon...you started a self-mutilation thread...:P:P

Sorry green one...;) I really do like your original post though and think it was necessary as evidenced by what has happened in other threads now and in the past.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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>?But if they guy is posting something along the lines of...."Skydivers
> are idiots"....Well I'd call that a troll.

Agreed. And if a guy says that it's OK to cut away at 100 feet he's an idiot, too. But you still can't say either one here. You can, of course, tell him he's wrong.

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What about the threads that quickly turn into witch-hunts with everyone jumping on the bandwagon? Those suck. I guess if they don't actually have an attack in them though they are allowed...:S
I'm seeing more and more of those recently...[:/]

I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them.

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Guess I'll just have to ban your other personality . . .


My other personality? Does she know about this? She's in on it with you, isn't she? What a biotch! >:(>:(

I'm always gettin' ganged up on by my other personas....>:(>:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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"I'm an idiot!"

Whatcha gonna do with THAT, Billvon??? Can one personally attack themselves?? :D:D:D

Please note the sarcasm/attempt at humor...I'm not seriously trying to stir any pots. ;):P

Continuing in the same spirit, what if I reply saying,

"That is the most accurate, insightful, precise thought you could express. I am in awe of your understanding and wisdom."[sly:o:ph34r:

Disclaimer; This is a rhetorical question asked in response to what appears to be a rhetorical question. Although actual persons have asked and responded, any similarity to their true characteristics is purely coincidental and happend purely by chance. Oh, except I will admit to being an irreverent smarta**.

Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?

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>What about the threads that quickly turn into witch-hunts with
>everyone jumping on the bandwagon? Those suck.

Yeah, and they often start out with "you're a troll" or equivalent. We try to police them, but often we have to make the decision between moderating too much and cutting off an important (but controversial) thread and doing too little i.e. just letting people go after someone.

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I mean if a guy posts something and he is trying to stir some shit...Calling a spade a spade is not an attack.

If they guy is posting something along the lines of...."Skydivers are idiots"....Well I'd call that a troll.

If the trolldom or idiocy or whatever is as obvious as your example, I don't think anyone really needs to come out and call that person a troll or an idiot. As much fun as it is to read the writing on the wall aloud to everyone else in the room, it usually doesn't accomplish much.

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