
What do you do if the second parachute don't work?

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they have one of those listed at the URL I posted.

Umatilla, Florida: In a tandem jump (i.e., a student and instructor jumping simultaneously) in June of 1997, Griffith pulled his ripcord at 5,500 feet, but the main chute partially failed, which triggered the reserve chute to be opened. The reserve chute tangled with part of the main chute, and despite cutting away the main chute, the reserve was never fully cleared. Griffith, the student, landed on top of Michael Costello, the instructor. Griffith survived, but Costello did not.

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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So eventually i hit the ground, got up and went to the rigger and gave him all kinds of hell for fucking up my parachute so badly.

I've had a similar dream; cutaway to a reserve that never opened. Next thing I know I'm walking into the hangar and everyone's asking me, "What happened?" all casual like. Just as casually, I reply, "Reserve didn't open," and begin repacking my main, which I guess landed back in the hangar. At least I didn't have to go lookin for it.
I wonder what it means.

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The family of a parachute instructor who died during a tandem jump said Tuesday that the man saved his British student's life by wrapping himself around him.


Michael Costello, 42, of Mount Dora, was killed Sunday in grassy field near the Umatilla airport after his parachute did not open. His student, Gareth Griffiths, 21, of London, survived the accident with a fractured lower spine.


Umatilla police Chief Douglas Foster said Tuesday that authorities were not sure how far the men fell but guessed it was less than 5,000 feet. Costello landed underneath his student.

Costello, a mortgage broker, had been parachuting for more than 20 years and had 8,000 jumps, said Kathy Gill, his sister-in-law.

Gill said Costello landed on his back to break Griffiths' fall.

"He did that intentionally," she said.


The newspapers and Griffiths' parents, were quick to credit Costello, the Mount Dora instructor with nearly two decades of skydiving experience.

"What can we do? What can we say? To someone who has given his life, done his best to save Gareth," his father, David Griffiths, 67, said from his home in Wales. "His mum says it's a miracle. What can we say but that we are grateful."

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So eventually i hit the ground, got up and went to the rigger and gave him all kinds of hell for fucking up my parachute so badly.

I've had a similar dream; cutaway to a reserve that never opened. Next thing I know I'm walking into the hangar and everyone's asking me, "What happened?" all casual like. Just as casually, I reply, "Reserve didn't open," and begin repacking my main, which I guess landed back in the hangar. At least I didn't have to go lookin for it.
I wonder what it means.

I don't know, but I recently had one where I seemed to have a canopy collision. Then, I cutaway, and I pulled my reserve. Nothing came out despite all my efforts...the ground was rushing to my face. I was over unknown land, too...it was green. I was sad to know that I would not see my family, again, and that this was how it would end. The dream faded as I was to hit the ground. It was a fade and change...

I also wonder what it means.

The next night, I dreamed that I was dirtdiving a jump and suddenly during the dirt dive, we became airborne and where all linked headdown. I was thinking..."I don't know how to fly head down! Why is this happening?" Also, as we hovered about 5 ft. off the ground during the dirt dive, I thought...why are we floating in mid-air? We are outside...above the creepers...this is not the tunnel! It was amazing, though. We were in a beautiful head down linked formation. Of course, I dreamed that just after the head down record was completed in Perris.:$

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I had a dream like that, double malfunction. Like you, I was pissed, but walked away form it. Maybe it's all about dying in a dream causing your real mortal end on earth as well.

Absolutely untrue, I have definitely died in a dream. Shot point blank in the head, all went black, an undisclosed amount of time later, new dream sequence starts. Anyway, that was long before skydiving and all my double mal dreams (there have been a few), I get up brush myself off and walk away.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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I've always told people that if it happens to me I'm just going to give a big goofy smile and a thumbs up to everybody in the spectator area as I go by.

I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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Find the closest pool and do the best damn belly flop anyone has ever seen!;)

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Did a couple of night loads this weekend. There was no moon and very little starlight, not good situation to land out of the lights, especially if you’re loaded much over 1/1. Anyway, we did have 3 land in the dark, one without a flair, sent him to the hospital in an ambulance. Turns out that he didn’t do any real damage to his back, or really hurt at all, but it could have been bad.
That brings me to my point, he was wearing a camera, it was some interesting video, or at least audio. Talking about it later with the boys, I came up with a new answer to the age old question. “What do you do if the second parachute doesn’t work?”, “Turn off your camera!” you don’t want to film your own death!
I think it’ll be my new tag line!

well really you do have the rest of your life to figure something out

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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