
Got me thinking....

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A friend of mine called me the other day with good news. She's going to work for 1 more year and then quit and go back to school to follow her dream and become a lawyer. Now, she already has her master's degree and has moved up the ranks as a social worker/manager/whatever needs to be done she does position (of course all without extra pay).

But, she got me thinking. Here she is in a career that although frustrating to her at times, brings in a paycheck and has some stability, and she's going to quit all that and go back to school to follow a dream.

She definitely got me thinking about going back to school and pursuing another line of work. I'm actually contemplating going after a vet tech or vet degree. I can't believe I'm actually considering going back to school. :S But...I am.

1) If you had the opportunity to go back to school and follow a dream and drastically change your life while doing it, would you?

2) For those that are vets or vet techs, is the career worthwhile? Would you do it again if you had the knowledge you do now?
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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As a matter of fact - I have just recently discussed going back to school.

As soon as I can afford it - I am enrolling in Skydive University - (Really - I am)

Seriously though - I have considered it - but I never went ot college - I was a terrible student to begin with - I don't see college in my future.

Not that I wouldn't like to - just don't want to make the time.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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i did it at 30... fro family reasons though, not personal preference. i was a truck driver with two small kids that i was missing, went back to school, became a computer geek. i wish i was still driving a truck most days though, but being with the kids is worth it.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Go for it, Cora!

In answer to your number 1, I am, starting this fall. Full time student, and with student teaching, it's going to be 5 years to my BS or BA (I haven't decided yet, Science or Arts, though I'm leaning toward science). I'm an Elementary Education major with a Psychology minor (hoping to be able to take it as a double major).

Go for it! You won't regret it.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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If you had the opportunity to go back to school and follow a dream and drastically change your life while doing it, would you?

I went to school to get my teaching degree. Once I got a job in my field, I found that I wasn't happy. Thank god I had a husband that was willing to support my decision to go back to school and get a degree in what I really wanted to do. Now I'm an Interpreter for the deaf. My dream job. Having the teaching degree helps, cause I also teach at the college if I feel the need.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I made this decision when I was a child--no matter what I chose to do as a career, I was going to enjoy it. My parents both hated their jobs and taught me, by example, what not to do.

Working takes up more than 50-70 hours of my life per week during the regular year. That's too large an amount of time to dislike what I'm doing.


2) For those that are vets or vet techs, is the career worthwhile? Would you do it again if you had the knowledge you do now?

In highschool, I volunteered at a vet hospital, then worked as a vet assistant/everything else from my senior year of high school until I graduated college. I absolutely loved it, and only have one scar (and many funny stories) from the years spent there. Not everything about the career is great--people can be monsters when it comes to their pets and money, and owners and animals sadly die--but I met some of the most amazing people and animals, learned a lot of medical knowledge and techniques, and even managed to get a scholarship for college out of the deal. I don't regret anything about the experience at all.

Have you worked or volunteered at a vet clinic? If not, that might be a good way to discover if it's something you really want to do--and see if the vet clinic will help pay for school. Just a thought.

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I haven't volunteered at a vet clinic, but I did at the humane society and loved it...well, most of it. I did hate it when the animals were hurt or died. [:/]
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Yep - I'm doing the same thing this year. I'm quitting my job in September to go back to school... but I'm almost done, so its not the same I guess...

When your frustrated and feel there is no place to move in your job, going back to school can be the best thing.

Arianna Frances

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The humane society is a little different from clinics in that you have to deal with owners. Other than that, and perhaps promotions for the community, it's very similar.

It is difficult when pets die, or especially when you see them abused--along with the funny stories, I have some horrid, awful ones, too. There were many nights that I went home crying, or would return to the hospital on my days off to see how a patient was. There were a number of times I had to excuse myself from an exam room and take a break from an owner and, fortunately, only one time did an owner physically threaten me.

But--knowing that I was the one who was making the animal feel better--there's no other feeling and it makes the bad worthwhile. The scar I mentioned, the only one from working at the vet, is from a chihuahua who was terrified of everyone and mean to everyone else. I was the only one the dog would let pick him up and, when I did, he was so scared that scratched me with his dew claw. The scar is on my left arm, a little faded, but every time I look down, I think of him and know that he trusted me and, for a brief while, I made him feel better.

It sounds like I'm talking about children, and I'm trying not to overmphasize the negative. It is there, though, just as with any job. Still, I would do it over again, no questions.

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I talk to 100 people a day that are not happy with their jobs...and they represent every single career choice out there, as well as every age, sex, and ethnic background out there. All of these people are not happy - that is the biggest thing. You must do what makes you happy which is the biggest secret of turning it from a job into a career.

Realize that it will cost you money, and that you must be willing to take out loans. If debt is your biggest obstacle then you may want to reconsider if you want to do this and think about how much you want a change, and why.

Do the research on the field - google it like crazy, then check the census to see what the average salary is (or check salary.com). See how long it would take to become successful in the field and if you could survive in the mean time. Realize that a job that makes $5-$10k less than what you make now will, your paycheck will usually be close to what you were making before after taxes, etc....

Good luck and do it if you think it will make you happy. I know right now I am considering taking out a $50k loan to go to school for my pilots license once I move to FL....and I am doing as much research as possible, as well as talking to pilots. I'm also considering classes for photography.

There is nothing wrong with more education and furthering yourself.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Talk to Jeannie and Stu about being vets. Jeannie works for someone else and Stu owns his own practice. They'd both have a lot of insight for you. Jeannie had a psychology degree and went to vet school much later after graduating. Not sure about Stu.

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follow a dream and drastically change your life while doing it, would you?

Hmmm. Cora. Didn't you live in Wisconsin a year ago? Then Cali? Now Florida, right?

Seems to me you have experience in following a dream and drastically changing your life while doing it.

It's worked in the past! :)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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My situation is a bit different from yours but I'll get my aerospace engineering degree on May 14, and I'll start working on a mechanical engineering degree in January.

Knowledge gained is never wasted. Return to school if you feel the need to.

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:D Yeah...somehow the Wisconsin, Cali, Florida moves just don't seem as scary as contemplating going back to school. :D:$

And, I'm calling the school next week and making an appointment to talk to them about it.


Thanks! A few people mentioned Jeannie and Stu. I'm going to be talking to them the next time I see them and picking their brain.

FYI - Won't be at ZHills this weekend, but maybe next weekend we can get a jump in together. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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i have a degree in abnormal psych (my dream since grade school) and have NEVER used it. i'm a vet tech now....going back to school to be a paramedic as we speak and bartending...so you're not alone!!!!!

...just saw your PM lol..response on the way
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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I went back to school after 7 years away...a couple of Vinny thoughts:

1) you get a lot more out of school when you're older, because you're more mature (yes, I know, chicks mature faster than we guys)

2) studying again sux. the grass is always greener on the other side. you'll enjoy it for a bit then complain about studying long hours at nite.

3) the value of a bachelor's degree has been slowly diluted over time. A graduate degree still means something.

Random thoughts from Vinny the Anvil

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Hey, Vinny, my friend! :)
I took 5 years off between graduating from high school and going back for my bachelor's. Also...who you calling mature, huh? :P:):D

Studying is one of the fears of going back to school. I remember how good it felt when I was done with my bachelors (8 years going part time while working full time) and not having to do homework the first semester. I actually have no clue how I found the time to get things done while working and going to school and doing homework. :S

I'm tossing around the idea of an MBA, but I'm actually leaning more towards changing my entire work life and am looking into being a vet and also a possibility of photography. B| Two dreams of mine from when I was a little kid. I can do the photography now...just want to learn the fun stuff of developing it. B| And, the vet - I'm talking to people who are in the field, looking to maybe work or help out a bit at a vet's office for awhile (I may find I hate working in a vet's office), and looking at working at the humane society again - need my puppy love. :$

Either way....I've actually decided I am going back to school. Now, it's just a matter of deciding what for. :S
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I hear vet school is really tough...forget from whom...that sounds cool though. I think you'd be a good vet! The school would be fun as well.

I'd follow my dreams if I were you...
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Hey Cora sweety, that's exactly what I did.
I'm now earning only 60% of what I was earning 15 years ago, but I love my work.
I was in construction for years and only had a grade 9 education, so I had no qualifications to do anything else.
At 30 I went to night school to get educated to a standard where I could apply for University.
I got accepted at Uni and did a degree and Post Grad work, and now I'm a 4th year teacher working with High school kids and I love it.
The pay SUCKS but the work is terrific.:)Follow your dream girl, you're a long time dead, so live life like it's your only chance.B|
I do.;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Ok...I have now decided that I'm officially NUTS!

I just booked an appointment for Tuesday with a counselor at USF to talk to them about going back to school for my veterinary medicine degree (technically called Biomedical Science). :S

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I hear vet school is really tough...forget from whom...

I've heard the same thing, but decided last night that my source MUST be wrong.

Two years ago we took our Persian cat in for a haircut and she came home deaf as a result.

Last night we took our rabbit in to get his nails trimmed and he's having surgery this morning to have his tail amputated as a result! :S>:(

(drink Mountain Dew)

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