
Bush to skydive this weekend

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didn't see this posted already


HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- Former President Bush is planning to go ahead with an 80th birthday parachute jump this weekend following the week of mourning for former President Reagan.

Bush and his wife, Barbara, will attend Friday's Reagan memorial service at the National Cathedral in Washington, then immediately return to Houston for a birthday party Saturday in Houston and the Sunday parachute jump over College Station, said Jim McGrath, spokesman for the organizing committee, 41(at)80. The group's name is for the 41st president at 80 years old.

Bush, a Navy pilot who bailed out from a damaged plane during World War II, also made a parachute jump on his 75th birthday.

He will be accompanied by members of the Golden Knights, the Army parachute team, but will not be linked to a younger jumper, McGrath said.

"This is a very, very important thing to the president, this is a solo jump. There will be knights around him, but it is not a tandem jump," McGrath said Tuesday.

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Yeah, what did happen on that first jump? (good stuff - joe jennings)

He bumberd his head on the way out, freefell, and his instructors pulled for him. right? Just wondering.

I guess you have to be the president to skip levels.....:S

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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I really respect the former President for even attempting to skydive at his age and knowing that he is doing this for HIMSELF, not to impress anyone. I don't care if he fails every level of AFF, the fact that he has the balls to do this and his reasons for doing this are admirable enough. I think that it may be out of pettiness or jealousy that people are choosing to poke fun at him for being a less than perfect student.

Thank God that none of us had to go through our first jumps (esp. AFF 1) in front of the whole world. Would we all have managed to look as calm and happy as he did?

Congrats to fomer President Bush! I think that's awesome. :)

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Additionally, Chuck Norris is supposed to be jumping w/ him. Norris was at Perris last weekend. Apparently, if he's to jump w/ or around the former pres, he's gotta go tandem. So, this past weekend he came out and did a one so he wouldn't "look like a complete newbie". Something like that, at least
Didn't meet the guy, but watched a lot of people walk up to him. Each and every time he stuck his hand right out to shake hands and appeared to be pretty excited to be there.

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We had an 80 year old lady come to the dz several weeks ago. Her and her whole family came out for jumps. Some did tandems but she and a few others went through the first jump course and did aff level 1 skydives. Several of us were on pins and needles all day. (And I am not an instructor.) It worked out fine though, she lost her shoe right out of the door, tried to look at her altimeter all the way down, pulled and did not throw the pilot chute, the main side cleared it for her. Under canopy she could not find the airport and by the time she turned around she barely made it back. It looked like she was going to land on the taxiway but she just barely cleared it and slid in on her butt. There was a collective sigh of relief. (80 year old bones are 80 year old bones no matter how tough you are.)

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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After watching the President's first two jumps on video, I don't know how he would earn a solo jump, I guess it helps to be the President ...

This should be interesting :S

Well, seeing how the GK's will be in College Station on Thursday, I seriously doubt that Sr. will be completely alone. More like an aff jump. "Solo" for this purpose i believe is to say NOT tandem.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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After watching the President's first two jumps on video, I don't know how he would earn a solo jump, I guess it helps to be the President ...

This should be interesting :S

I know that Bush's upcoming jump is being called a "solo" jump in the article, but I think this is a mistaken "term" that was used. I think that based on the rest of the quotes, Bush will be doing is an AFF jump with some Golden Knights as jumpmasters and not a tandem. What do you think? Reread these quotes and think about what they are saying without focusing on the word "solo" to describe his jump:


He will be accompanied by members of the Golden Knights, the Army parachute team, but will not be linked to a younger jumper, McGrath said.

"This is a very, very important thing to the president, this is a solo jump. There will be knights around him, but it is not a tandem jump," McGrath said Tuesday.

Do you think that former President Bush would be left to solo and endanger himself like that? It doesn't make sense. I think that they may have just used the wrong terms to describe the jump.

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Didn't meet the guy, but watched a lot of people walk up to him. Each and every time he stuck his hand right out to shake hands and appeared to be pretty excited to be there.

When CN was here in Florida, he did the same thing. He walked through the Wellcraft boat factory and stopped to talk to many of the people there. He asked questions about their jobs.

Everybody said that he was such a great guy that they took special care on his boat.

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The ex-president is not doing a solo jump. The ex-president is not skipping any levels. He's doing a Category A (Level 1) AFF jump, just like the last two jumps. The Golden Knights will act as his AFF Instructors. The term "solo," was used in the article to indicate that this will not be a tandem jump. George H. Bush's last jump wasn't a serious disaster from an AFF standpoint, but it didn't allow for the photo-ops everybody wanted. If you take the AFF Instructor course from Glenn Bangs, you get to see the video of the jump.

Blue skies,

I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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