
Can Lance Armstrong win a 6th Tour de France?

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So, its still early and this is in no way related to skydiving... but I'm curious to know if anyone else is following the Tour de France... not only to see if Lance Armstrong can win a record sixth tour.

but also because its kind of an intellectual sport and is all over the Outdoor life network.

Thoughts... opinions... off topic posts...:D I'm good at those...

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Did you see that smile on his face this morning?..and his teammates'? it was awesome!B|

Yeah, although... I didn't see it until this evening...

but they earned those smiles... they rocked the Team Time Trials (ttt)...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I think we'll see 7 straight minimum before he's defeated in the tour. His training is second to none and he just picked up solid financial support for the future. He's quite possibly the only thing from texas which i like.

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I think we'll see 7 straight minimum before he's defeated in the tour. His training is second to none and he just picked up solid financial support for the future. He's quite possibly the only thing from texas which i like.

I heard he lives in Boulder now.
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He's in the yellow jersey now. The mountains are still to come. He has the trongest team. I think he's the man to beat.

Yes he can win.
As long as what he got in his blood is legal.[:/]
Not saying that he is "supercharged" but in cyclism the anti-doping rules are the strongest and the most applied, specially at the TdF
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Did you see that smile on his face this morning?..and his teammates'? it was awesome!B|

There is a lovely photograph of Lance with team Postal in my local daily this morning.

I think he is one of the world's greatest sportsmen. Coming back from serious cancer and achieving what he has is an inspiration to many!

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i work for the postal service and we get updates all the time.we pay him enough he ought to win.now if the postal service would just give me 10 mil for a skydiving team.i think the eagle head would look nice on the underside of a canopy.

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One of the German riders in the Tour de France (Ralf Adler) did a tandem jump at our dropzone last month. I did the video and a German T.V. station is going to show the jump during their coverage of the race. B|


Fallschirmsport Marl

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Is it the 1st year where they actually take blood tests, not just urine? I'm not saying Lance is running with an unfair advantage over the others, just that as been said many times by many a Tour rider, you dont win a Tour with bread and water....

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Is it the 1st year where they actually take blood tests, not just urine? I'm not saying Lance is running with an unfair advantage over the others, just that as been said many times by many a Tour rider, you dont win a Tour with bread and water....

I think perhaps it takes at least a little hard work too.

Lance has always been asked if he ever took anything (illegal substances) and he always points out that he has been through enough problems w/the cancer, etc... that it just doesn't make sense to do stuff like that.

There has never been any reason to doubt that he's clean, so I don't qestion it.

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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> I think we'll see 7 straight minimum before he's defeated in the tour. His training is second to none and he just picked up solid financial support for the future. He's quite possibly the only thing from texas which i like. <

Wait a second, aren't you a George W Bush fan.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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i`m a big big fan of lance
after the new ruls of TTT he put only one minute in front of ulrich and only 39 secoinds in front of hamilton
today he is on 6th place with a gap of 9:35 but the five guys in front of hime arent able 2 beat him on the mountains
so after the mountains stages for sure he`ll wear again the yellow jersy

in final i`m sure he`ll win again LE TOUR...
he have the best team... USP
go go LANCe

"jump, have fun, pull"

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> I think we'll see 7 straight minimum before he's defeated in the tour. His training is second to none and he just picked up solid financial support for the future. He's quite possibly the only thing from texas which i like. <

Wait a second, aren't you a George W Bush fan.

surely ye jest

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Over a week later, and Armstrong makes a move, eating up four minutes in this stage.

I gotta hand it to Voekler, though. That kid has done much better than probably anyone expected.

I've also found curious the doping allegations. For some reason, we Americans all want to believe Lance and pull for him. Still, we rail on Bonds, Jones, and all these other folks suspected of it.

Is Lance just different to us? Or, do we love him because the French hate him?

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Over a week later, and Armstrong makes a move, eating up four minutes in this stage.

I gotta hand it to Voekler, though. That kid has done much better than probably anyone expected.

I've also found curious the doping allegations. For some reason, we Americans all want to believe Lance and pull for him. Still, we rail on Bonds, Jones, and all these other folks suspected of it.

Is Lance just different to us? Or, do we love him because the French hate him?

The allegations have swirled since his first win. The main difference between Lance and Bonds is that Lance may be the most tested athlete in the world. He will probably be tested three times during the tour alone. Bonds has never been tested and won't allow a test. He has known ties to BALCO (I think he even did a commercial for them) and that house of cards is coming down.

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