
Skydiving Channel part 2

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I know I posted something similiar before, but I had an opportunity to talk to several people in LA and the OLN network. What I am looking for are ideas for a skydiving channel. Here is one that I have been contemplating.

A channnel that features skydiving competition both here and overseas. Visiting different dropzones and interviewing jumpers to give the world a real sense of our community. This would help exposure for alot of DZs to help promote the sport.

As a way to help with the ratings we could have a contest, where if they spot a certain object at the corner of their screen and be the next caller they win a tandem or AFF jump at their nearest DZ, or money, that always works. ;)

Nothing is set in stone, but I would like your ideas for a possible proposal.

Just my 2euros of thought what are yours?

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Have a show sort of like "History vs. Hollywood" have something like "Skydiving vs. Hollywood jumping" where one of the "skydiving" movies is shown and some "experts" tear it apart. Show clips of real skydiving, etc.

Maybe something else like "learning to fly" on Discovery Wings. To keep it simple, just use what the USPA SIM or which ever country you want to use and teach it straight out of the book. Have video clips of S/L, IAD, Tandem ISP, AFF training...maybe even follow a student in a "reality TV" sort of show.

You could do the same "reality TV" type of show with rating courses, instructors, etc. Hell, an "American Chopper" type show with the Nelson kids would be kinda cool...;)

There are plenty of shows that can be done, that are about skydiving, but more about the people, since that is what people seem to want on TV now days.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I want a skydiving channel. I have over 400 channels on my t.v. I hope I get struck by lightning if there are not less than 20 of those damn qvc channels, 50 music channels, 30 religious channels, 10 ?game show channels, 5 tv guides:S , but only 3 wings channels:( All I want is 1 skydiving channel!B|

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I could never imagine my area cable carrying a skydiving channel.
One step at a time, I would be surprised to even see a regulary scheduled one hour program on skydiving on any sport channel!

Let's face it, the only time we see skydiving vids on tv, its like the one from outback jack, or reality tv's lingerie jump or some mishap....

just my 2cents...

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I would be surprised to even see a regulary scheduled one hour program on skydiving on any sport channel!

Well, one of my "reality" TV ideas might fly on a channel like Discovery or Discovery Wings. Especially since there are quite a few of those type of shows on Discovery that are highly popular.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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hell i'd be impressed if you could get OLN to include skysdiving in the list of 'gravity' games....the ones they have listed play with gravity for less time than we do...
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Several more show ideas:

AFF/ASP training series

Military aspects and applications of parachuting including humanitarian aid drops.

A "reality" show following soldiers through airborne/air assault schools

All things BASE...

etc, etc...

The key to success IMO is to address the widest possible viewer base. RW competitions, while interesting to skydivers, will get old really fast to the uninitiated who don't realize the skill it takes to accomplish the formations.

I think there are way more than enough topics to fill the timeslots, plus infomercials could be run in the wee hours to increase revenue. Heck, it would be a lot more interesting than the "Food" channel (with the exception of Iron Chef) ;)
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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...I think you would probably have a much better chance of success if you produce a show on skydiving and sell it to existing channels. You could use all the above ideas, doing a different show each week. I doubt that you would get the finance to start a skydiving channel as I don't think the market is there.

Not to be negative - I think a skydiving show could sell if someone were to do it....
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Honestly IMO, I think reality TV shows turn a hobby/sport too mainstream. I think it would be awesome ..but what are the actual chances that skydiving would be portrayed in the correct manner?....the lifestyle..the reasoning..the feelings...the emotions.... Once something goes mainstream (IE: West Coast Choppers / Jesse James), they sell out and give everyone what the mass amounts want to see and / or hear. That's just my opinion on it all though...go on.

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do you really think there is a market out there for a skydiving channel?

No there likely isn't a market. But a skydiving channel would be a whole lot more interesting than the golfing channel. I mean how much diversity exists in golfing? How many hours of programming can you watch about your swing? At least in skydiving we have diversity (RW, freeflying, swooping, CReW, skysurfing, freestyle, accuracy landings, tracking, tandems, BASE, etc, etc, etc not to mention the lingerie show) and could easily fill up 12 hours of different disciplines, training, gear and visiting different DZs. Plus I also like AggieDave's idea of a Reality versus Hollywood show.

Hey if I'm not mistaken, the PST will be at the 2005 World Games. So could the Olympics be that far off for swooping? I'd be willing to bet that swooping would be a big hit with the general whuffo public in the Olympics.

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You know, if you want ratings, the first show should be on the "Chicks Rock" boogie. Great women having a great time.

Also, another thing will (fortunately/unfortunately) help with ratings. Have a weekly "Incidents Examination" portion. Real TV gets ratings for that stuff. Why not turn it into an educational section. The same public will watch it, but there will be an educational segment about it.

It can demonstrate the safety technology, procedures, and culture. Analyze what went wrong, what went well, and what can be done to prevent it.

I personally think that we can use the fascination the public has with skydiving incidents to the sport's advantage, and bring in more people with the objective viewing.

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I want a skydiving channel. I have over 400 channels on my t.v. I hope I get struck by lightning if there are not less than 20 of those damn qvc channels, 50 music channels, 30 religious channels, 10 ?game show channels, 5 tv guides:S , but only 3 wings channels:( All I want is 1 skydiving channel!B|

I need ideas

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I could never imagine my area cable carrying a skydiving channel.
One step at a time, I would be surprised to even see a regulary scheduled one hour program on skydiving on any sport channel!

Let's face it, the only time we see skydiving vids on tv, its like the one from outback jack, or reality tv's lingerie jump or some mishap....

Noted. But we can at least try. What would you suggest if we could have a channel, brainstorm a little.

Understand your point, but as stated earlier this could be our chance to bring a sport those who have always wanted to know more.

Like your idea. Definately will note that one.

Thanks for your input.

Let me ask you all another question? Say we have 1hour airtime to see if this will be something sponsors would support, How would you arrange the show that would make viewers want to view it?


just my 2cents...

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If you want a whole channel you might have to expand the lineup to include other related topics including the aircraft pilot training/maint, etc. Stuff like "experimental" aircraft construction et all, parasailing, paragliding, hangliding... whatever...

Call it the "Altitude Channel" ;)
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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If you want a whole channel you might have to expand the lineup to include other related topics including the aircraft pilot training/maint, etc. Stuff like "experimental" aircraft construction et all, parasailing, paragliding, hangliding... whatever...

Call it the "Altitude Channel" ;)


I like that Idea, one of my budds from LA is viewing some of these ideas here with me, keep them comming.

Definately want to get your thoughts on the subject. Every bit helps.

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- competition coverage
- boogie coverage
- record coverage
- athlete of the month bio
- a week in the life of: TI, AFFI, student, jump pilot, DZO, training competitor
- DZ of the month
- A travel show with a couple of married jumpers doing travel in various contries, jumping and doing the local tourist stuff (may I send our resume? B|:D)
- How can anyone not have mentioned this: As The Prop Turns, the DZ soap opera! :D: but I though you were dead Jim! Thats why I shacked up with Amber!:D

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- competition coverage
- boogie coverage
- record coverage
- athlete of the month bio
- a week in the life of: TI, AFFI, student, jump pilot, DZO, training competitor
- DZ of the month
- A travel show with a couple of married jumpers doing travel in various contries, jumping and doing the local tourist stuff (may I send our resume? B|:D)
- How can anyone not have mentioned this: As The Prop Turns, the DZ soap opera! :D: but I though you were dead Jim! Thats why I shacked up with Amber!:D

Awesome!! Your right the idea of those types of coverage can arouse the level of interest we are looking in veiwers. Definately goes on the drawing board. Thanks

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I think there are way more than enough topics to fill the timeslots, plus infomercials could be run in the wee hours to increase revenue. Heck, it would be a lot more interesting than the "Food" channel (with the exception of Iron Chef) ;)

The numbers just don't work well. You have 35,000 active skydivers. You have at least 50million cooks. (Millions of golfers too) So to make this channel work, you'll need programming directed at the non jumpers. Combining it other aerial sports could do it, but then you're getting pretty close to the OLN programming of late for their in between Tour replays using material from Outdoor Magazine.

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See this thread for enough strories to make anything interesting. Maybe do a format like this

1) An 8 minute segment on skydiving news, boogies, record attempts, competitions
2) 8 minutes on canopy control (swooping, CRW).
3) 8 minutes on Incident review.
4) 8 minutes on gear and rigging
5) 8 minutes on Safety and Training
6) End each show with a scary story from the old days, urban myth report, or historical context...

An hour of information and excitment. The show could be visually stunning, educational, exciting and funny.

Toggle some of the segments - maybe a report on BASE, wingsuit, aircraft, weather, etc.

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You bring up an interesting point on your segments. I definately like that idea. The segments can be used in different arenas as well.

Right you are mate. Non-jumpers are the ones we need to target in order for this to work, because face it, we already know jumpers will be watching.

Thanks to the both of you for your valuable input.

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Unemployed skydiver that worked in the television industry for 12 years on the technical side of things. Can I submit my application now??? I would not only work there, I would actually enjoy the content on the air.... what a concept!
HIRE ME for your TV station!!!!
Goggles and Teeth

"You fall like a greased safe!!!"

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>we already know jumpers will be watching.

No, us Jumpers will be at the DZ jumping. And instructors living at the DZ usually don't have cable to watch on.

I frequently run a search on Tivo for anything with "skydiving" in the description. I won't be watching it live.

Unforunately, Real TV and Rescue Whatever come up far too often. And much of what's left is the usual first tandem routine, or the X Games type fast action/edited sequences.

I'd love to see the segments for those of us who just tried their first 3 way. But not sure who else wants to see that!

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