
Clipping Toe Nails on a Cat

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I guess i'm lucky. I've finally got my kitties trained to deal with it. On Jelly i have to lay him on his side on the bed and then kinda put one leg over him so he can't get away. With Peanut i can control her with just my one hand while i clip with the other. Good luck though. It will get easier.


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Okay. One cat down, one to go. AGHH!!! And of course I did the easy cat first. He just thinks it's a game and tries to eat the clippers and keeps nibbling on my hand and getting up and walking in circles. The other little brat is the one that I need full body armor for. :D:D:DB|

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get the money and have them de-clawed

Do you have any idea what that entails? Probably not. Declawing entails cutting the tips of the digits off at the first joint. It's disfiguring and very painful for the cats. DON'T DECLAW YOUR CATS.

I started clipping my cats claws when they were Very young. They're used to it and it doesn't bother them at all. If your cat is fighting with you, simply wrap them in a towel, like you would a baby in a swaddling blanket. Wrap them snuggly, not tightly. Problem solved.

edited 'cause I seem to have caught the damn your/you're desease >:(

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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*** get the money and have them de-clawed

That is cruel. Yo DO NOT declaw cats. >:(

Just have clippers ready and sit an pet the cat and then take one paw at the time.
If he/she only allows you one paw, that's fine.
Do that and then wait and go back later.
After you have done it, give she/he a treat.

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Hi Weege,
Got 4 cats now. Fuzzy 15, Angle Food McSpade 10, Lucky 5, and Jethro 3. 'Don't clip any of their nails. That's why we have a scratching post inside and trees outside. They scratch up a storm and that pulls off the old growth claws and expposes the new ones.
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get the money and have them de-clawed

Do you have any idea what that entails? Probably not. Declawing entails cutting the tips of the digits off at the first joint. It's disfiguring and very painful for the cats. DON'T DECLAW YOUR CATS.

I started clipping my cats claws when they were Very young. They're used to it and it doesn't bother them at all. If you're cat is fighting with you, simply wrap them in a towel, like you would a baby in a swaddling blanket. Wrap them snuggly, not tightly. Problem solved.

I agree. And for the record... I've had my cats for a few years and they fight me every time!!!! I addopted both cats as "cats". One of them had already had his front paws declawed. (So so so so so sad in my opinion.)

This is just a painful, bloody, and funny job each time I go to clip em. :P:D

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One of my cats is really good about it, one acts like I'm torturing her and always has. And now I've got a kitten too- he's fun- NOT!! But that reminds me, I need to get him tonight!

Declawing is really disfiguring and cruel. And the thing is, most people make that decision when the cat is still a young kitten. Kittens have really really sharp claws, they're very playful, usually not well behaved, and into everything. They get past that stage. My adult cats use their claws on their scratching post, but almost never on the furniture and never intentionally on people. (Since they use their back ones for balance, ocassionally I'll get scratched when one of them jumps off my lap or something!)

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Hi Weege,
Got 4 cats now. Fuzzy 15, Angle Food McSpade 10, Lucky 5, and Jethro 3. 'Don't clip any of their nails. That's why we have a scratching post inside and trees outside. They scratch up a storm and that pulls off the old growth claws and expposes the new ones.

Unfortunately, they are currently indoor cats. Which the fat lazy slobs don't seam to mind. :D I do have a huge scratching post/ tree fort for them inside. They use it a lot. But if I don't clip Alphonzo G. Kitty's nails now and then, they grow under and hurt him when he walks. So I think I'll keep on clippin. :P

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Gotta get em used to having their paws handled as kittens....

That's actually what I did. I started out giving them foot massages, then clipping their nails. Now they Love Love Love to have their feet massaged. People crack up when one of my cats jumps up on my lap and gives me a paw to rub.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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get the money and have them de-clawed

I hope you're kidding>:(:P

How young/old is the cat? If it's a kitten, it will more than likely get used to it after the first few times. If it's a cat, there is this GREAT product available through the Foster Doctor's & Smiths cataglog (a great catalog for cat stuff) you can goole it online, as I don't have a # for them, but the product is hard to describe, but it's soft bag you put the cat in and just its front paws and head are exposed. The bag is heavily weighted like a lead vest so its cozy inside fo the cat, but the cat can not move or get away or move its paws. Makes for easy clipping. I believe it runs about $30 and is a lifetime investment. I dont' have one, as my kitties are pretty good about it, but we used it in the vet office I used to work.

HOpe that helps a bit.:P

Oh, and holding the cat by the scruff is a good idea, too, as this sends comforting signals to the cat's brain since that is the way its mother carried it, it lets out a natural calming effect.

I dont' know all the technical terms, but you get the idea. ha!;)
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this is RIDICULOUS! :S:D:P


I have the same problem! I get feather as calm and chilled-out on the couch as she can be, and then I start holding a paw for a bit, rubbing it soothingly, and then I get to clip, two, maybe three claws before she gets all tense and leaps off the couch! :D Ain't nothin' I can do. I could really grab her hard and fight her squirming, but I don't know if it would be worth the hassle. Good luck!

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I squat down on the floor, holding my cat between my legs, almost sitting on her :P (she's 16 lbs). I take each front paw and with one hand push out each claw one by one and with the other (using human-kind nail clippers) quickly snip the tips before she screams and bites too much. I try to sweet talk her through it and give her treats afterwards. Don't clip too much. Only the sharp, dead tip.
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I'm with everyone else on the declawing thing. My husband's two got declawed as kittens, and both were extremely sweet before the surgery and extremely aloof and a little weird afterward. One is mostly normal again, the other just stayed really flighty and nutso.

My ex decided to declaw the cat that was ours together. I couldn't talk him out of it because his new girlfriend wanted to do it. This cat is 4 years old and just got declawed. It broke my heart. I don't even like cats and was still furious over this. Haven't talked to the jackass since.

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the way I trim my cats nails:

The hard way:

Find a big towel that you don't mind tears in.
Sneak up behind cat very, very quietly.
drop towel over cat's head
pick up cat and towel, being very careful of claws.
arrange towel to cover entire cat.
reach into towel. a paw will automatically fasten itself to your hand
pull now bloody hand out of towel, along with paw.
hold on tight, clip nails
release paw. it will return to towel of its own accord.
reach back into towel, retrieve a paw, hopefully a different one.
repeat until all four paws are trimmed
drop towel on couch and run.

the easy way:

pack cats into carrier.
put carrier into car.
drive to groomers.
remove cats from carrier and hand to groomer
pay $5 per cat.
put newly trimmed cats back in carrier
drive home
let cats out.

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ha! you're cute. i would LOVE to take the easy route, but my cats HATE the car. i can't stand their sad little meows all the way to the vet, etc. So I only take them once a year and that's that. I've got about 1 1/2 paws done on Alphonzo G. Kitty, and Dozer is all set. :P:D:D

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