
Do you believe in miracles and have you ever had one happen to you?

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I'm not trying to make this in to a religious debate and I'm not sure if it belongs in Speaker's Corner. I'm just curious if any folks believe in miracles and if they ever had one happen to them.


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You almost have to define the term.

Some people marvel at the miracle of birth, but how can anything be a miracle if it has happened over 6 billion times in the last 80 years?

I also wouldn't count the Virgin Mary appearing as a wet spot on the side of a building after a rain shower or just about anything that could be replicated by Penn & Teller.

I believe there are unexplained things. I do not believe in miracles.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The definiton I am referring to from Dictionary.com:

mir·a·cle ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mr-kl)
An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God: “Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves” (Katherine Anne Porter).


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I believe in miracles. I believe the fact that all of us have jumped out of a plane, and lived to talk about it is a miracle in it's own way. Each sunrise is a miracle, and each day this country doesn't get blown up by it's enemies - miracle.


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An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God . . .

Again . . . if it can be replicated by a skilled magician . . . say David Blaine. . . it has the appearance of a miracle, but is it? I don't think so.

I think that a LOT of, for instance, stigmata throughout history has been nothing more than magic tricks.

I think there are a LOT of gullible people in the world and there are a lot of fucksticks that have taken advantage of them.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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"Do you believe in miracles"


"have you ever had one happen to you?"


Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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sure...... anything can happen... some try to explain it, others just excpet it for what it is.........

if i won the lottery i would say that is amiracle.... other's would say it is a just a statistical probability.......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Unexplainable, amazing, wonderful things, yes. But not miracles. Just because we don't understand, doesn't make something that seems impossible a miracle. Just a mystery given our limited breadth of understanding.

Fortunately, that doesn't stop miraculous things from happening.:)

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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The reason I asked this question was because last night I had something really incredible happen to me. I'm not sure if it fits the definition of a miracle or if science can explain it.

I was boiling pasta. When it was cooked, I moved the pot to the sink to drain it. In the process, I spilled the boiling hot water on my right leg and right foot. I was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and was barefoot. The pain was absolutely excrutiating. My foot was bubbling up immediately. With whatever strength I had in me, I grabbed a large pot and filled it with cold water and grabbed some dish towels and soaked them in cold water. I submerged my foot into the water and put the dishtowels on the burnt part of my leg. As I said the pain was excrutiating and blisters were forming on all 5 toes as well as the top of my foot. Within minutes, I suddenly noticed that I felt no pain whatsoever. I looked at my foot and the blisters completely disappeared. There was absolutely no sign on my foot or leg that I had been burned. It's over 24 hours later and you would never know that I scalded myself to such a degree. I must have thanked God a 100 times since then. I have no way to explain this. A few years back, my niece did the exact same thing and her skin peeled off and was left with 3rd degree burns that required plastic surgery.

This event really has weighed heavily on my mind since it happened. I couldn't believe the excrutiating pain, the blisters and within 5-10 minutes, there was absolutely no sign that anything happened.

Anyway, maybe medical science can explain this or perhaps it truly was a miracle. I just don't know.

Interesting topic though.


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Wow, this is incredible. I wasn't sure how to reply to this post, because I'm not sure about 'miracles'. This is hard to explain isn't it?

On a lighter note.....Chris, you have got to be more careful:S, don't you think you have been through enough?;):D:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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“Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves” (Katherine Anne Porter).

so all the stuff jesus supposedly did aren't miracles b/c he turned the water into wine and created the mounds of fish and bread? So what were all the things he did....magic tricks?:S
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God . . .

Again . . . if it can be replicated by a skilled magician . . . say David Blaine. . . it has the appearance of a miracle, but is it? I don't think so.

I think that a LOT of, for instance, stigmata throughout history has been nothing more than magic tricks.

I think there are a LOT of gullible people in the world and there are a lot of fucksticks that have taken advantage of them.


In addition, there are people who, for one reason or another desperately need to believe ...or were you including these in the 'gullible' category?


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In addition, there are people who, for one reason or another desperately need to believe ...or were you including these in the 'gullible' category?

Unfortunately, as you've described it, I'd have to say yes.

When people get desperate, they have a tendancy to become more, I hate to use the word, gullible.

Every see "psychic surgery" or any one of a number of other faith healing magic tricks? The faith healer doesn't even need to be a "good" magician, just believable enough to collect the fees and send the victims off.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Every see "psychic surgery" or any one of a number of other faith healing magic tricks? The faith healer doesn't even need to be a "good" magician, just believable enough to collect the fees and send the victims off.

Faith healing, psychic surgery, and even voodoo are all baised on the belief in the ability for someone to have an effect on another. when it works (and it does sometimes..) its because the mind is able to believe that healing can take place (and more then likely the physological problem is caused by the mind.)

As for the questions posed Yes and not sure I would recognise one if I did... (being a scientist I'm skeptical on by nature... but sometimes...


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Yes, I do.

In 1984 I lived in Alaska. It was bad weather one day and my wife had borrowed her dad's "land yacht" buick as our Blazer was in the shop. She put the kids by the garage door, Rashelle 5, Dustin 2 and Drew 1 and only crawling) She couldn't park the Buick in the garage (it was too long). She told the kids to stay there and she would drive the car into the garage. As she drove in she saw the door cracked and Dustin peeking out. She thought well, at least he's in the house. She felt the car starting to drive over something. Initially she thought it was a pile of clothes she had left on the garage floor for the laundry. Then a sick feeling hit her ... she was driving over her baby. Sure enough Drew crawled out through the cracked door and there he was laying there with tire tracks across him, crying. She gathered the kids up and cradled Drew in her arms as she drove to the hospital. I was told on the phone she had driven over Drew and killed him. You can imagine my horror!! When I arrived to the emergency room the nurse said "He's all right". Yeah, sure ... SHOW ME!! There was Drew, Sherry, the Doctor, and his sleeper with tire tracks over them. All Drew had on his body was a few indentations of rocks (Alaska puts small gravel and salt on the roads) from the tires. The Doctor said he's had no internal injuries, but he would most likely be bruised and sore. He never was sore and had no bruises! My wife wrote and published an article for a Christian magazine about this experience called, "The buick, the baby and the angel"

You may not believe,[:/] but I SURE DO!!:ph34r:

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Yes I do, & yes I have expierenced some...

1) I was in a severe car wreck in 97, I was brought back (by what I was told, I really dont have any memories of it) several times in trauma, the one thing I do remember was seeing these beautiful golden "orbs" of light surrounding me and it was very peaceful, this was later described to be angels, severel deifferent people told me that.

2) my now 4 yro old son was hit by a drunk driver when he was 18 months old, when I first got to him he was motionless & quiet, a few minutes later I heard the sweetest cries a mother could ever hear from a child (he was thrown 25 feet and landed on the road) after a brief 24 hr stay in the hospital he is miracuously fine. In my opinion, miricles are God's way of doing things anoymously...:)

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