
What do you want for Christmas?

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two chicks at the same time, man.......... fuckin' A...

office space... great flick...

Ill take time in a recording studio... starting to get things brushed up on my music and would really like to lay it down and make a cd...
this space for rent.

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Hey Chris! Drive on down to VA this w/e. We're having our DZ's holiday party and premiering the SDV year end video that J and I have lost many hours of sleep working on. You're badass-badfish self is in it in several segments. Come on - it's only what - 7 or 8hrs on the road. :P

As for Christmas gifts, I want more time off. I also want ski pants. I'll keep any other wishes to myself so they will hopefully come true. :)

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This might belong in Speakers Corner, but what I'd like for Christmas is for SkyRide and the ASC DZ to either cease to exist, or be confiscated from Ben and Cary, the owners and auctioned off to the highest bidder, who has been, of course, pre-screened by homeland security to be ethical and law-abiding...

Cut Ben and Cary off just like the Dept. of Justice cut Richard Scrushy off from HealthSouth, the company he founded, and I'll be happy.

Santa, is that too much to ask for, or can you just run them over by accident while they're stringing up the lights on their roofs? :P

Blue Skies
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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...from Ben and Cary...

Sorry, Billy, I know it's a serious topic you posted, but for some reason when I was reading your post, all I saw was "Ben and Jerry's." :D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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