
What do you do if you lose your log book and uspa card right before a boogie?

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Well? :S This pretty much stinks. After moving 1/2 way across the country, starting a new job and working 12 hour days, I have apparently "spaced" my log book and uspa card! >:( The biggest problem is, I'm leaving after work tomorrow to go to Freezefest. I doubt there is anyone around Tecumseh that could access the computer ledgers. What should I do? Bueller? Bueller?

Guess I'll be the beer bitch while everyone else is jumpin? [:/]

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Oh no!! Horrible....
I'd bet you could call USPA and get them to fax you some proof of a membership...dunno what you can do about jump numbers tho....perhaps your last DZO could fax you something stating you've jumped recently?

Hope you can jump with us this weekend!

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oh, you don't have a regular logbook, one made out of paper?
I just in fact, got mine mailed to me TODAY, after leaving it back at my old dz in October.
Now I can finally finish up my A requirements.:|

hmm, do ya have a friend that can access that info for you?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Oh no!! Horrible....
I'd bet you could call USPA and get them to fax you some proof of a membership...dunno what you can do about jump numbers tho....perhaps your last DZO could fax you something stating you've jumped recently?

Hope you can jump with us this weekend!

bwahahahahahahahahaha... tecumseh? last dzo??... bwhahahahahahahahahahahaha

(sorry... inside joke :P)

no, seriously... it's supposed to be like 30 degrees out. maybe this is my excuse not to jump. :D at least my rig is in date... that's a start. :S:P

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30 degrees? Well what did you expect when you agreed to attend a boogie called Freezefest...in January....in New Jersey?:P:)
No excuses!

true dat. ;) i've been telling the boys all week that i may make one and then huddle by some fire. i got enough of that jumpin in the cold shit the first two seasons up in Michigan. :ph34r:

I'm bringin the gear and me new camera regardless... we'll see what happens from there. I suspect just a bunch of drunken party footage. :P

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well do you have a protrack?? this is my log book and most dz's are ok with that.

also they can look up your license on uspa.org if they are a uspa dz.

you could also find a coach to go make a freefly with and have them check you as ok

and if all else fails just give them a sad face and tell them you really want to make a jump.


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Oh no you don't! Don't think for one minute that this will work as an excuse not to jump!

We can have your USPA info pulled up on the computer and I am sure they will let someone attest to your jumps numbers and currency.

Bring your gear and your wussy ass and get ready to jump! I have waited too long to fly with you for you to back out now!

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First, call the DZ you will be attending the boogie at. Find out their fax number. Then call USPA and ask them to fax a copy of your card to the DZ. As an ex-office manager, I know from experience, that there is a lot of stuff going on in the manifest when you are checking people in. Trust me, they will appreciate you thinking ahead.

As for the log book, just explain to them what is going on. With a copy of your USPA membership card in their hand, they should understand.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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A USPA group member can pull up your membership status on line...Or used to be able to (It was 3 years ago that I had a password)

As for your logbook...Are you going to be with people you know, and that know you? If so they should be able to vouch for you...

Having said that here is my story:

I was in Airborne school at Ft. Benning.

I took the weekends off to go skydiving. I didn't bring my gear since I could not store it, and I didn't bother to bring any USPA material since that was seen as "Bad" to be a skydiver.

So some guys from the Silver Wings loan me a Jump Suit, and an MP officer loans me a rig (1997 US team rig) and I show up at Thomaston.

Well, they ask to see my USPA card. I don't have it, and at Zhills they could go on line and look for it, so I thought they could. They either didn't want to, or could not.

They ask to see my Logbook...Well I didn't have it.

Yeah, I know I was stupid, but I thought it would be easy.

So I ask them to call Zhills and they will know me and will vouch for me...They will not do that either.

I tell them I will unpack and repack the rig and do a coach jump....They are not good with that idea either.

So now I'm kinda screwed.

The manifester says she will ask the DZO what if anything can be done.

He comes up and says that they can't let me jump since I can't prove it, and they can't let me jump until I can prove it.

As I am really disappointed I look down and see a Parachutist Magazine.

Not just any Parachutist mag..But one with a face shot of me on the cover in freefall.

I pick it up and say "Well thats me on the cover". And the description about the cover had my full name listed as well.

He looks at the cover, looks at me, looks back at the cover, back at me....Looks kinda startled, back at me, back at the cover, flips it open and reads the description....Shrugs and puts me on load 3;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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That's a great story Ron, that magazine just 'happened' to be lying there right ? :)

I swear it was just laying right in the manifest office. They had a stack of old magazines...It kinda surprized me it was there and when I saw it I just grabbed it and told him it was me. It was an 98 issue (I think Oct, maybe Nov) and I was at Airborne school in April/May 99. It was areally good colorful shot taken by Tony H.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I was only kidding Ron. :P


And if crying doesn't work......... well, we all know what's next. :P


I don't care who you are - That shit's funny.B|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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"I'll take 'cry' for 300, Alex." :)

me-ow. rarow! grrr! B|

Well that's what I would do, personally, hardly knowing anyone outside of my small circle that could vouch for me or who even knows who the flock I am...then I'd have to prove every jump I ever did and bring DNA samples of each instructor and coach that has ever jumped with me for further verification, and get a personal stamp of endorsement from the God of USPA.

Then I prolly still wouldn't get on a load. [:/]:P

(Actually, just call USPA and have them fax you a copy and get a signature from your local DZ stating jump#'s with their phone # to call for verification.) ;) <--worked for me once (not at a boogie, but at a new DZ.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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