
Good vibes for Eric!!

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He's still not allowed visitors because of the high risk of infection!

To him or to us ? B|

Eric has developed a staph infection and pneumonia plus he is still in CCU at this time with visitors limited to 2 family members at a time, and has been placed in isolation. Anyone entering must be appropriately suited in the gown and such in order not to cause him undue infection or possible spread the staph infection.

Know that as soon as Eric is allowed visitors and he feels up to "entertaining" friends you guys will be the first to know. I'm sure he will get to feeling much better soon and actually ENJOY having friends come in and try to make him laugh or smile.

Until then keep the vibes coming and know that you can still send a card to him to let him know you are thinking of him.

Thanks for all your concern and support everyone.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I apologize for the lack of postings...life has been crazy for me! Eric is indeed on the road to recovery!!! Yesterday he had his 5th surgery (I believe there are still atleast 2 more)...it was a skin/muscle graft surgery for his left tib/fib! The surgery was 5hrs and he only lost 40cc of blood which is awesome! He's been moved out of CCU to PCU (Progressive Care Unit) but is still in isolation...due to high risk of infection! He's awake and coherent...talking and bossing people around :)
Unfortunately, there are still no visitors...hopefully, in the next week or two...I promise I will let everyone know!

Keep the vibes coming, he still has a very long road to recovery!


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Thanks for the update...those are great news....

By the way, I would like you to PM for I did donate blood a while back, at the Red Cross in RI, yet not sure if that counted for him...
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I was just in the same hospital, and while I didn't get down to see Eric, I made sure to send him the flowers I'd gotten, since I couldn't take them with me and I dind't want them to be thrown away.

Everyone was asking if I knew him, which I don't, but I knew of him from here. All the nurses were pretty positive about his recovery.

Good vibes to Eric!
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Just thought I would give everybody a quick update, since I haven't posted anything for a while! Today, Eric is having (hopefully his last) major surgery! They are finally going to do the skin grafts to close his abdomen and they are going to take a bone graft from his pelvis to use on his left tib/fib to close the gap in the compound break! He was really nervous last night and needs good vibes!

Also to let everyone know Eric has been off all IV's and other tubes for a couple weeks now! PT has had him sitting up...and we've been able to smuggle food into him so hopefully we can get some weight back on that boy!!!

So, if I could ask one more time...please say a little prayer for him today!


P.S. He's been truly overwhelmed by all the love & support he's received...and wanted me to thank everyone for him!

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So, if I could ask one more time...please say a little prayer for him today!

Ask as many times as needed, Laurie. It takes very little time to say a prayer, and works wonders. That said...

A prayer sent as well as lots of vibes to Eric!!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR VIBES, I've had a skin graft and would rather break my leg again than go through that. And I hear a bone graft is worse, good luck Eric!!!!!!!!!

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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PT has had him sitting up...and we've been able to smuggle food into him so hopefully we can get some weight back on that boy!!!

Hey take it easy on that extra food! He was very supermodel skinny before he got hurt and he will be very pissed if you make him a fat bastard.

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Thank you so much for the update. My thoughts and Prayers are with him always.

In light of today being 9/11. I'd like to take a moment to share with everyone, my memory of that day. :|

Shortly after the second plane hit, I received my one and only phone call of the day about the horrible incident. It was Eric, calling me as soon as he was awoken by his T.V. covering what was happening in New York. :(

(Eric loves to fall asleep with the T.V. on, it has always been like his way to unwind and finally go to sleep at night.)

He woke me up, just telling me "turn on your T.V." I asked "why?" Still waking up. He said "just turn it on". We both watched in amazement. We watched, LIVE, as it all unfolded. Saw each tower fall to the ground. Thousands of lives lost ... "In a New York Minute". Oh my god it was an emotional day. And will FOREVER be... for all of America.

I remember Eric's exact words, while we were watching it all happen, "The world and the way we live will never be the same".

My heart goes out to all the Hero's, their families, to everyone.

For me, on a personal level, 9/11 will always be remebered as the day that brought Eric and I the closest together. Although we have grown apart over the last year, he has always been in my thoughts. If he ever needed anything, I would want to be there for him.

Be strong Eric, you are very special to this world. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I wish you only the best life can bring. :)
*******Extra Good Vibes for Eric*******

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I know it's been a very long time since I've posted anything! Today we have great news...As I type this Eric is packing up his stuff (with the help of his sister) to move to Rehab. He will be at Loma Linda University Hospital and will begin with 3hrs of rehab a day! On Monday he was in a wheel chair and went outside for the first time since the accident! So, Eric's well on his road to recovery!!!

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Sorry I got to this late, but I'd like to send a belated package of


to Eric. He's obviously been through more pain and suffering than any man should, and I hope we get to see him in the skies again soon. You're in my thoughts and wishes buddy. Get well.

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