
My skull hurts...Sleep dentistry fun!!!!

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I guess Anne posted something about this the other day then felt I should be the one to post about it so she had the thread deleted so here goes...

Well friday Anne and I ventured to the dentist. I am not a big fan of dentists for many reasons and had a horrible experience with one as a child. So having had cancer three different times, my chemo which saved me also has screwed up my teeth some how. it destroyed the dentin and enamel making my teeth break so easy I'd bite an apple and they'd break off. NOT fun. So the fact that I am going to be married in august to a great skydiver motivated me to have a beautifull smile. went and talked to a local dentist, Dr. White, and he figured out a way to make my smile purrrty. so i am a little less hillbilly bobish.

Well to make a long story short due to my sever fear of dentist's. I had to have sleep dentistry. they give you some pills you take at home. triazolam/halcion. and then you go in for your appointment. I dont remember anything after we dropped our daughter off at school. well I remember sounds more than anything. remember my teeth breaking as he was pulling them out, remember the drill as he was shaving down some of my other teeth, remember him screwing in the dental implants into my skull(hence the skull pain) and next thing I know I wake up and I am home in bed with blood all over my pillow. WAYYYY GROSSS....

anyway they gave me some vicodin and it's just not killing the pain enough for me right now. Anne and Lauren went to the cardinals game and I am home with the cat's miserable. BUT the pain is worth it. I wish I had the digital camera to take pics of these wierd looking titanium posts sticking out of my upper jaw. SOOOO not fun. scary part is they took out 6 teeth, screwed 3 posts into my skull shaved down 6 teeth for my purdy porcelein venears, and also sutured me up inside. this is only the second time in my life i've had sutures. kinda fun eh???

ok...anyway that's my story...now send me some healing vibes so I can get airborne again.

Love you guys...even if I am not nearly the post whore I used to be two-three years ago!!!


otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Hey Marc,

As someone who has had way more dental chair time than I care to remember you have my sincere sympathy and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Keep us posted on how the implants work out for you...it is something that may be in my future ... :P

Best wishes,

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I'll do that...it takes two plus weeks till the screws are healed enough and the new teeth come back from the lab to put em on. the screws are pourous so the bone will grow into them. kinda scary in a way!!!.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Hey Marc,

Healing prayers and vibes going out to you. I've been fortunate to never have any dental problems, so I cannot relate. But, I can certainly relate to skull pain!:(

Feel better my friend,


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Again, best of luck with that!

I'm looking getting full caps done, myself. I've always had bad teeth, and it's not getting any better with age.

Luckily, there's a dentist that does good work in Skopje, and his prices are VERY good. I'm hoping to be able to see about it later this year or early next year.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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takeit easy dude, and before you get the new teeth you go tot get picture so fo the spike in your mouth!!!!! it's oneof those things you justgot to do......

p.s. if the vicodinisn't cuttingit call up the dentist (first thing monday morning) and tell him, no reason to be in more pain than you need to be..... i think they told me to heal effectivly and faster you painleverl should be in the 2-3 range on a 1-10 scale...... so have himeither up the dosage or go with some stronger stuff!! hope ya feel better soon!!!

p.p.s. ya gona get anyof the new teeth in gold or silver? ya know, so ya have a little bling bling going on at the wedding....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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No Grill for me dude.....My pain with out vicodin is close to a 7 or 8. hurts alot..but not as bad as chemo bad....with the vicodin i am down to about a 4to5...just enough to be really annoying...it sucks ass.

Kris...can't wait to see you there eather. I'll be mr.fallinwoman then...and anne will be mrs.skymedic!!! can't wait!!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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I asked for it and he told me try taking a regular tylenol with it. well I have been doing that..and it still sucks. but it's all good cause my smile will be beautifull in the end. thank god!!! I just wish I could sleep for two weeks as this stuff heals up and get over this whole pain thing.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Hey, hope the pain is getting less by the hour! Can you visualize a nice white smile, or biting into a huge apple, choppin on a steak??

As a ex-dental assistant----have never heard of pills taken at home. I worked for years where people were put out -under anesthetic and we did oral surgery. 100% complaint no matter how many extractions or titanium posts....was jaw pain due to the size of bite blocks used. When you are passed out the dentist can open your jaw wider than you could ever open normally yourself...huge bite blocks are placed in your mouth while procedures are taking place. Your jaw will be in pain for weeks just due to bite blocks, never alone the extractions and drilling etc.........


I remember sounds more than anything. remember my teeth breaking as he was pulling them out, remember the drill as he was shaving down some of my other teeth, remember him screwing in the dental implants into my skull(hence the skull pain) and next thing I know I wake up and I am home in bed with blood all over my pillow. WAYYYY GROSSS....

triazolam/halcion? Anterograde amnesia of varying severity and paradoxical reactions have been reported following therapeutic doses of triazolam.
Data from several sources suggest that anterograde amnesia may occur at a higher rate with triazolam than with other benzodiazepine hypnotics. Anterograde amnesia - Inability to remember ongoing events after taking the drug....
You just took pills for one appt. at a dentist, but bet you will feel space cadet for a few days along with pain killers. Also good you do remember some things!! I am not so afraid of dental procedures when local anesthetic used but I sure would not feel comfortable with having dentistry procedures done while under anesthesia.

In er at my local hospital young teens are being admitted that are in a comma like state, and feel no pain. Ketamine is being sold as ecstasy (anesthetic for animals used by vets) re: liquid ketamine is absorbed into tablets looking like ecstasy tablets. When ketamine is swallowed, the drug is absorbed into blood which goes to the liver first, where it is changed into norketamine before reaching the brain. (severe numbing & sedating effects..re: rape drug) Ketamine produces a dose-related progression of effects from state of dreamy intoxication to delirium accompanied by the inability to move, feel pain or remember what has occurred while under the drugs influence.

Very unnerving to go to a party, take what you think is ecstasy and come to- in er- a day 1/2 later with absolutely no memory of what has happened to you.

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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A friend of mine had the same kind of surgery. Her smile is kick ass now.

Good luck, and hang in there.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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My jaw is what doesn't hurt. it's only the upper part that is screaming in pain right now. hopefully as time goes on the pain will go down. I did have amnesia for most of my dentist visit...even though while i was there i was alert and they were able to ask me questions and I was able to respond appropriately. scary as that may sound..that is why i had the lovely fallinwoman there to take care of me and keep and eye out for me. she was able to tell them when I was in pain due to my own little wierd coinkidinky ways about me. she's the goods.

now on to the good stuff. my PICS!!!!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Glad the worst is over Amigo!
Hope ya feel better fast. Maybe you can have a lil decal placed when he finishes,, you can use my Avatar if ya like!
Good thing Anne deleted that thread, it was full of sappy shit woulda made your stomach turn and head hurt!! :P

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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