
You know you grew up in the 80's if...

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1-)You ever ended your sentence with "psych"
2-)You solved the Rubics cube.....by peeling off the stickers
3-)You watched the pound puppies
4-)You can sing the rap to "the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
5-)You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish
6-)You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.
7-)You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals
scented dolls
8-)You know who Six is from Blossom
9-)Three words: M.C. Hammer
10-)You can sing the entire theme song! to "Duck Tales"
11-)If you played the chipmunks Christmas album all year long!
12-) The crypt keeper really freaked you out
13-) Remember reading Kool-Aid man comics
14-)You ever watched Fraggle Rock
15-) You had plastic streamers on the handle bars of your bike
16-) When it was actually worth getting up early on
Saturday to watch cartoons
17-)You wore a pony tail to the side of your head
18-)You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen
19-) You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school
20-) You made your mom buy you one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side
21-)You had a Kirk Cameron poster on your bedroom wall
22-) You played the game "Mash" with friends at school
23-)You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of L.A. GEAR
25-) You remember reading "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and all the Ramona books
26-) You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off"
27-) You wanted to be a Goonie
28-)You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will, clothing
29-)You wanted to be on StarSearch
30-)You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off
31-)You took Lunch boxes to school
32-)You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf
33-) You remember the craze, and then the banning of slap bracelets
34-) You still get the urge to use "NOT" at the end of every statement you make
35-) You remember Hypercolor T-shirts
36-)Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band
37-) You remember Punky Brewster
38-) You loved Howard the duck
39-) You thought Sheera and He-man should hook up
40-) You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged "friendship bracelets"
41-)You ever owned a pair of Jelly Shoes
42-) After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you couldn't stop saying I know you are but what am I!"
43-) You remember "I've fallen...and I can't get up!"
44-)When you watched Family Matters and wanted to beat Steve Urkels butt
45-)You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates
46-)You ever got seriously injured on a slip and slide
47-)You know not to mix poprocks and soda
48-) You have played with a 'skip-it'
49-)You had or went to a birthday party at McDonald's
50-) If you've ever wanted to go to Degrassi High
51-)You ever sat on or used one knee on a skateboard
52-)You learned oldies songs by watching Alvin and the Chipmunks
53-)You had a Glow Worm or watched the cartoon
54-)You remember dancing along with the Bangles in "Walk Like An Egyptian"
55-) If you remember Heathcliff the orange cat
56-) You saw the California Raisins Christmas claymation special
57-)You've gone through this list occasionally saying
"That wasn't from the 80's"
58-) You remember Popples
59-) DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
60-) You wore socks over tights with high-top Reeboks
61-)You wore like 8 pairs of socks at once, scrunched down
63-) You remember boom boxes instead of CD players
65-) You remember the gimp fad
66-) You remember the Transformers
67-) You had to buy a pair of overalls when everyone started wearing them
68-) You knew what it meant to say: "Care bear stare!!"
69-) You remember Rainbow Brite and MY Little Pony
70-)You remember watching TV thinking Doogie Howser was hot!
71-)You remember ALF, the little furry brown alien from Malmac
72-) You remember the large amounts of hairspray used
73-) You remember those very stylish headbands
74-) You remember Vicky the Robot
75-)You remember Eve Garland from Out of this World and how she could stop time by pressing the tips of her index fingers together and talking to her dad through a glowing cube in her bedroom
76-)You remember the beginning of New Kids on the Block
77-) You remember watching The Cosby show
78-)You remember Mr.Belvedere
79-)You remember Michael J. Fox in Family Ties and Back to the Future

I remember so many of these. :D:D:D:D:D

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***Does anyone have "if you grew up in the 70's" I had it once and now I can't find it


If you remember the 70's, you weren't there!B|

"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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Born in '82, so yes, I started to grow up in the 80's LOL So much from the list made me laugh hysterically because it brings back so many memories. I cannot believe they didn't mention banana clips (for hair) those things rocked HAHAHA!!

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80. you watch 'fast times at ridgemont high' repeatedly because it reminds you of what high school was like.

81. you owned a pat benatar album, and either wanted to nail her, or look like her, or both.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Dave, I seriously started a babysitting club. How sad is that? We made flyers and business cards and all that stuff!!! HAHAHAA Had our little club house on top of a 5 foot fort in my backyard with a sandbox underneath it. Had our own slogan, motto, and all!!! :D:D

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...but what about the kirk cameron poster and thinking doogie howser was hot dave? :D

speaking of doogie, anyone else thing he was hilarious in 'harold and kumar go to white castle'?
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Dude, some of those are just SO TRUE!!!! That's hilarious! Those were so great!

CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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-Tigh-rolled Jeans
-Madonna was the hottest girl ever
-I could do the head-spin (And would do it even though that kid(?) broke his neck)
-And remember, knowing is half the battle.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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