
Contact lens wearers: What goggles do you use?

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I got them at Cross Keys. Can't wear them with my Neptune though because they're polarized. :(
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I sell many different brands of glasses and goggles in my store.

But because of my pin-head and contacts, Flex-Z still work the best for me.

Have you tried the mini's? They are more comfortable.

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Sorz or Flex-Zs. The Zs work fine unless I'm going fast, then they have a tendency to let too much air in. I have a pair of bug-eye goggles like you linked to, and they work fine, but they seem to reduce my field-of-view. Sorz are the best all-around goggles for me.

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Sorz or Flex-Zs. The Zs work fine unless I'm going fast, then they have a tendency to let too much air in.

That's the problem I'm running into. Maybe it's because I'm heavy, but on a couple freefalls, I get a LOT of air in my goggles. Not so bad my contacts get scooped or dried, but it's not fun.
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Sorz or Flex-Zs. The Zs work fine unless I'm going fast, then they have a tendency to let too much air in.

That's the problem I'm running into. Maybe it's because I'm heavy, but on a couple freefalls, I get a LOT of air in my goggles. Not so bad my contacts get scooped or dried, but it's not fun.

Take a bit of tape and block off a couple of the air holes at the bottom. I wouldn't recommend blocking all of them off, obviously...
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tighten up the strap... i used mini Flex-Zs primarly with contacts till i found some Gatorz that fit well... Sorz never seemed to stay tight enough and i lost 2 contacts while wearing them.... but if the airflow from Flex-Zs is bothering you IME your not going to find Gatorz that work very well either...
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$5 gas station sunglasses. Work fine for me, just put a strap around the back to keep them from flying off your head and make sure you're helmet is snug. I jump both open and full faces and haven't had a problem, including one tandem video where I didn't have anything:(
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