
I do not like your children

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It's obvious you never met my kids. I won't brag to you about them, because when you have had the honor of meeting them you will know why.


And I'm guessing a little advice for you would be never to reproduce, for thier sake.:P
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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No, I don't want to pay more in taxes to send your pathetic pieces of dopeshit to school. Oh, you want "more resources"? Better "facilities"? Better student-teacher "ratios"? Well la-de-fucking-da, why don't you pay for it yourself ? If you're not catching my drift, let me make it clear, I don't want to throw my money away educating your third-rate douchenozzle of a kid so he or she can wash my car on the weekend. You gave birth to it, you pay for it.

I have to agree with you, and parents who cannot support themselves shouldn't be allowed to have children.

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*** oh how I wish I was born in the 40's ***

Yes but in the 40's they jumped round parachutes if they had even thought the stupid idea up yet and that scares me, so bratty kids aside I think I live in the right time frame!
I leave a plane at altitude, I am released if only for a moment from those distincly human worries about life, for a moment I am free to play , a bird on the winds.

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I just ranted about this a few days ago. People constantly send out mass emails to the company saying, "Little Johnny is selling candy for his baseball team. Come to the second floor to buy some!" Luckily, the vending machine is closer and cheaper.

Is there a way to put a "no soliciting" sign on my inbox to match the one on my office door? When I'm at work, anyone who tries to sell me candy for their kids, carpet cleaner from their amway business, eternal life from their church, or get donations from me for their favorite charity falls flat on their face. What really sucks is when my employer is the one doing the begging (annual United Way drives). I still don't donate. I'll give to charity once in awhile, or buy candy from kids, but only when they approach me at home where I have the option of not answering the door, or telling them off and slamming the door in their face (n/a for most kids & charitable groups).

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Gareth, I'm gonna bring my daughter out to the DZ just so she can give you a HUG this weekend cause you SURE need one ;)
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I don't give a flying arse about your children. I don't care who they are, where they are, how old they are, or what they are doing. Want me to see pictures of your kids or grandkids? Sure, but hold on while I turn on the paper shredder.

What's that? You're selling cookies/candy/raffles/ornaments/prizes/trinkets so little Johnny and Sarah Jane can waste an afternoon at Disneyland? Sure I'll take some candy just so long as I can smash it in your face and retrieve it from your crusty rectum. This is an office where I work -- not a goddamn bazaar to peddle the wares of your snotnosed offspring.

I don't care how smart you think your kids are. No, your children aren't geniuses. You'll be lucky if your brats move out of your hovel at age 30, after they've climbed the ladder to success making change at a gas station.

You love your children? Good, I suppose you're obliged to, tell it to someone who gives a shit.

And while I'm at it, keep your brats out of movie theaters and restaurants. Seriously, no one wants the living incarnation of your seed disturbing our shows and meals, spreading viruses and bacteria with every goddamn thing they touch. You need a night out? Fine, hire someone else's brat to watch yours, you cheap bastard.

No, I don't want to pay more in taxes to send your pathetic pieces of dopeshit to school. Oh, you want "more resources"? Better "facilities"? Better student-teacher "ratios"? Well la-de-fucking-da, why don't you pay for it yourself ? If you're not catching my drift, let me make it clear, I don't want to throw my money away educating your third-rate douchenozzle of a kid so he or she can wash my car on the weekend. You gave birth to it, you pay for it.

And thinking of that, your kid doesn't look bright enough to wash my car. I have a very expensive car that he might ruin. I got it because I don't have kids.

Seriously though, he looks like he has an odd number of chromosomes. Was he really the fastest sperm ?

Your children are our future? Fuck the future, fuck your kids, and fuck you.

THANK YOU!!! I've bolded my favorite parts. :DB|

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From that crappy art site this made me laugh

This was a Christmas gift from Kelly to her parents. Good job Kelly, now pack up your shit and find a foster home. If my kids tried to pass this off as a gift, they'd come home from school and find all their shit outside in a box. What a lousy gift, seriously. You give them video games and toys, and they give you some half-assed drawing with a crooked tree. I wonder how much a gift like this would set someone back. Five, maybe ten minutes to find a napkin and some markers?

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Yep, he looks like he is very contented and has found what most misbehaved children and some adults have never known, and have finally found what they have been looking for. :(

All of us normal people at the dropzone need to see that. Let us all take care of those that have missed something in their early years.

Love and hugs go a long way.

------ We all need to take time to, control[:) and to COMFOR:S. those spoiled, ill mannered, terribly out of control, "persons", and or adults, skydivers ,KIDS, drunk skydivers, fighting skydivers, dogs, girls, boys, pilots, packers, sky god wanna be "swoopers"!!

I will take kids anyday, at least they will listen.

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hahaha... it's Gareth... you don't really believe that post do you?

His woman has kids, so unless he was writing that to her :D

Edit ... cuz I can't spell kids
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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hahaha... it's Gareth... you don't really believe that post do you?

His woman has kids, so unless he was writing that to her :D

Edit ... cuz I can't spell kids

Yes she does. Two teenagers. A boy and a girl.

I'll repeat that, Two fucking teenagers.

Two thieving, obnoxious, confused bladders of raging hormones.

I am also well aware that I'm quite possibly the worst role model in the entire world for behaviour, unless it is to serve as a bad example.

Actually, I'm very nice in real life. Just like a big fluffy muffin basket filled with kiitens. Just ask anyone.

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You know, between 1974 and 1992 I found myself in three war zones. I've never been in the military, so it seems I am always the last one to realize that there is a war in progress.

Portugal, Beiruit, Bosnia....in each instance, the first thing I noticed was the absence of the sound of children. All wars have but two sides...it is ALWAYS the Adults versus the Kids.

Back to this concept in a few paragraphs, but for now:

Such mean and foolish blather always comes from someone that has become overwhelmed by what we folks down south call "toad"...that nasty stuff that wells up in each of us from time to time, and causes racism, misogeny and anger at other drivers and even at jumpplane pilots. Such pitiful folk can only be helped by one o' Them ToadSuckers... someone grandiose, such as me! A true ToadSucker will listen to or read their stupid stories, buy them a beer, introduce them to a decent woman, take them to see "Hitchhikers Guide"...whatever it takes to help them get a grip, help them realize how amazingly unlikely was their birth. ToadSuckers...photo attached.

Imagine that we all woke up tomorrow and found no more children could be born. Nothing else changes, just that. At the floor, this means that in one lousy century, there will not be a human being on this otherwise-jerkoff planet. What would be the purpose of doing anything? What would be the purpose of laying a water line, of building a school or a jail, of teaching a young woman how to walk with swivel hips, of teaching a young man how to say the dingdong words that such women need to hear....what would be the purpose?

Now, as promised, back to the initial concept:

I'm sitting at the end of a swimming pool, soaking up sun and margaritas with the "grownups". At the other end of the pool, kids are going NUTZ! Some are laughing, others are flirting, others are fighting. Water guns get us, too.

Some butthole such as yourself says "I don't know why these kids parents can't make them behave, or even why these kids are allowed at the pool!". The presence of these kids makes such buttholes angry. One can only assume that they are mean or that they are stupid. Either way, let us hope that there are never any kids of THEIRS...not at the pool, not anywhere. Such kids truly WOULD suffer from a pathetic parent.

Me? Noisy brats in the pool? Hearing kids laugh and yell and cry means (as Bach put it) that "sheep may safely graze". Sooooo....

While the bungholes get angry, yrs trly gets sleepy. Very sleeeeeepy. If we can hear kids being kids, it can only mean that it is safe enough to take a nap.

Thus Spake Doctor Nic

Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

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