
Would You Date Somebody MUCH Older/Younger?

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Like he said, B-squared, it'll only take a sec.:P

My wife is about 4 years older than me. That was a huge difference when I was 21. Less of a difference two years later when we got married, no different at all now.

Except I get to clown her mercilessly at birthdays. I'm glad she turned 40 before me:ph34r:

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I have been talking to a few older women in the last year or so and they seem so desperate or they start saying things that sound a little too much like my mom. These are non-skydiving average women though!:P:P:P One thing for sure, these older ladies are super horny and do not take no for an answer!;);););)

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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One thing for sure, these older ladies are super horny and do not take no for an answer!;);););)

:P No shit, youngin'. It's called "we're in our prime." :P
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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my range has been +5 older and -12 younger. as long as there is chemistry and good communication then i say run with it.

relationships are risky: you can get hurt, rejected and just plain screwed over. gotta learn to roll with it. everybody has ample opprotunity to be the dumpee or the dump-er in life...brilliant use of the english language i know:D

bottom line is i love women in all shapes, sizes and ages.;) when i look at a woman and she looks back and it's on there is nothing like it in the world and that is all that matters when it's all said and done.....attraction is NOT a choice........in my humble opinion.

i just broke up with a freakin' loon a couple of weeks ago that was nearly my age and it didn't work at all. i have been hanging with a girl 10 years younger--i'm 33 and she is 23 and it's crazy fun....running with it regardless.:)

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I think it depends on the person and their maturity level. I dated a guy who was 12 years older then me but was about as old as a 4 year old. I try to date guys that are at least in their 30's in hopes that MAYBE they might be past that dumbass stage, but unfortunatly I haven't had the best of luck.

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I love when old threads come back.

As for me, i much prefer dating younger guys. Haven't figured out why i prefer them, i just do. Of course i'd make an exception if rainbo ever wanted to date me. :$


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Go fo it,It can be very rewarding if the chemistry is there.

My wife is 13 years younger than me, five kids an fourteen years later we are still happily married

If it dosent bother her that I'm an old fart, I'm certainly not going to worry about it

Gone fishing

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Funny you say that because I don't feel that at "30+" it's been an issue at all:ph34r:..."much older" probably not..."much younger"...absolutely!!!;) especially if they have their shit together and are mature for their age...mmmmm...eye candy:P Who needs batteries when you have the Energizer Bunny?:D


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Generally, I try to aim at +/- 5 years, but realistically, my age range is much wider than that. 18 to 45 depending on looks. (I'm in my 30's.)

Personally, I'd rather have somebody intelligent and adventurous who's a young-looking 39, than somebody not too intelligent who's 29. It's all in the package deal...

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Right now I'm dating a girl that 30, and I'm 22. The age difference isn't a big deal to me. She's totally hot and she skydivesB|. I couldn't be happier:)
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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What is age? Just a number. Connection, loyalty, the real man/ character of that person, whether he and I can truly have fun and trust each other completely is more important. Screw age. What do I care? If a man is sexy and grabs life by the balls and is willing share it with me then who cares how old he is? He's a catch either way. ;)

The question is, does such a man exist? I think I will definitely have fun figuring it out.
I'll let you know when I find one. :)

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Yeah ? ...I said that once and found out we had nothing in common, I was 29 she was 21. Ended in a really messy breakup, to the point where she checked in for therapy. I swore I'd never hurt someone like that again.
Now I'm 31 going through it all again, except shes 18 !:S
I haven't agreed to relationship (because of above) but she's drop dead gorgeous and has a really cute personality. I get on well with her folks and friends but I just know its not going to work. Do I just say sod it, go for it, you only live once and it might workout. [:/]

My mates all think I'm either nuts or gay for not taking the opportunity. :o

Please forgive the sp errors, I have dyslexia. Don't laugh ... the last time i went to a toga party, I went dressed as a goat !!

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