
How long since your last jump? (only those that are not current need reply)

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All excuses are like assholes...
none the less it's been 10 months
work is my excuse
end of July is my estimated return date

“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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All excuses are like assholes...
none the less it's been 10 months
work is my excuse
end of July is my estimated return date


What's the bullshit question:S
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Sorry, thought it was obvious...

How long since your last jump?
(only those a little or more out of currency need reply and/or vote):|
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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1979 :( How's that grab ya? :o I met a whuffo, moved away from the DZ. Then I started having health problems. :( Can't jump again. Would love to make 3 more for 1000. I have logged millions in my dreams though. B| My heart will always be at the DZ and with the people that I still talk to through emails. :)

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Then I started having health problems.

Hope you are doing well.
I also hope you don't mind my saying that I don't feel as bad now. I always feel strangely guilty as though I'm cheating on someone the longer I'm away. I never claimed to be great at it but when I am doing it I feel so alive.
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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:) Alive! You said it. Whuffos used to ask me how it felt to skydive? The question that all jumpers hear all the time. I would just say that it's the biggest thrill you can have with your pants on. :$ They usually said, Wow, that good huh? :) My health? I am 3x cancer survivor. I have other problems that are keeping me from jumping. The body starts to fail as we get older. Especially when you beat the hell out of it when you're young.:D ;) I am a survivor, and will continue to be one. :P

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I haven't been able to find a DZ in Iraq.

dude are you serious? you should come to Skydive Baghdad with me this weekend. just head south, turn left in Tikrit, then take a right at the third mosque on the left, its next to the camel dealership:P I've been there every weekend for the last seven months;)

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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My excuses:

1. I quit skydiving (there is still hope down the road just not right now) and have acquired some sponsorships.

2. Started the PMTS. I'm PMTS#1 and ~ month later we are 19 strong and growing!

3. Running tunnel camps for friends & out of state students.

4. Since Oct. 31, 2004 I have acquired 25+hours flying in the tunnel.

5. I've got so much going on at the tunnel, I would barely have time for the sky (or $ for that matter).

6. My body hurts enough just existing after my accident, openings render me useless.

7. I would much rater give to my friends the knowledge I have acquired (an cont. to) in the tunnel and have my focus be there now.

8. I also have the luxury of working with the next generation of skydivers and bodyflyers :)

Not all excuses are assholes :D:P
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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The last time I went to Tikrit was the ONLY time I have ever seen camels in Iraq.

bro i haven't seen a single camel in this country, i think that would have made missing all this skydiving worth something:(

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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It's been about 7 months for me now since I came down with a non-skydiving "injury." I went in the wind tunnel this last weekend, and other than some muscle soreness, it was all good. I plan to make some skydives on the weekend of July 4th. Finally!
There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...

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I haven't jumped since 7/25/03 when I landed and couldn't get up. Still not sure if I can run out a landing so I might consider flying in the tunnel. :)
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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Rantoul '04....sad, isn't it???

Excuse? None. Life just gets in the way. Eleven year-old daughter, wedding planning, an ankle injury (non-jumping injury).....Then we are just out of the habit of going to the dz on a regular basis....I need to get back up, cuz this sucks.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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Hi Scarry,
Well, it's been less than a month so i guess I'm fairly "current?" Anyway, Over the years I've had various events curtail my jumping much the same as anybody else. eg. no $, bad weather, broken bones, being involved in the Indo-Chinese War, (that was good for two different interruptions although I did get to make a couple ofjumps during the last Cruise) and the beat goes on......
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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