
Should I pay for my roommates food?

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Ok, here's the lead up. I went home for a few weeks and recently returned to my apartment. While I was at home my roommate was here and; ate most of the food that we had. When I left there wasn’t much, but you could go 3 days or so without eating the same thing twice. Now it’s kinda limited to Chunky soup and stale crackers.
She’s said she can't afford to go grocery shopping, but last night she bought weed for the second time this week. Now she says that if I don't go shopping with her, she only going to buy food for herself.
It's pretty important to keep on good terms with the roommate because there are still 10 months left in the lease. But at the same time I don't think it's unreasonable to ask her to replace the food she ate while I was gone. Also, we’re both students so money is limited for both of us.
While I wait for her to wake up and have to talk to her about it, what would you do?
I'm tempted to pay $20, and let her cover the rest.

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If she can afford to buy weed, she can afford to buy food.

Next roommate you get, sit down and sign a contract. Doesn't matter how good of friends you are.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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If she can afford to buy weed, she can afford to buy food.

Next roommate you get, sit down and sign a contract. Doesn't matter how good of friends you are.

Im with Mar on this one...

Maybe if she stopped smoking dope she wouldnt need to eat as much food? :ph34r:

On a serious note, that was way uncool to eat all the food and expect you to pay up. I call bullshit. If something had been discussed before hand fine, but that doesnt seem to be the case. these things need to be discussed and addressed.

Good luck ;)
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But at the same time I don't think it's unreasonable to ask her to replace the food she ate while I was gone.

your right, it's not out of line. unless your married to her or she is kin folk i'd expect her to fend for herself.


Also, we’re both students so money is limited for both of us. While I wait for her to wake up and have to talk to her about it, what would you do?

i would simply ask her to replace the food she consumed while you were gone.


I'm tempted to pay $20, and let her cover the rest.

buy a small dorm refrigirator, put you stuff in it and put a pad lock on it. buy an old army surplus foot locker as well, put your sundries in it and lock it as well. but to answer your question in the poll, you should stand up for your self. good luck.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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If she can afford to buy weed, she can afford to buy food.

C'mon, they're in COLLEGE. That's like saying that if she can afford books then she can afford food.

This is a rookie roommate issue. Sharing groceries NEVER works unless you're chipping in for one lasange that you split. You can't keep track of who had how many pringles or this or that. You need to buy your own food, then if one of you runs short on an ingredient you ask before doing or tell later with the intent to replace it. My roomate and I have shared a kitchen for several years. We don't touch each other's food unless it's an emergency, but we share beer and cheese.

You don't need to have a contract or lock up your food, just be a normal respectful human.

As for this instance, blow it off as a minor issue because you'll just come off as being petty.

Now, if all of this is well established and your roommate takes your belongings, then that shit just shouldn't fly...
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I had a roommate like that once. She was the biggest mooch in the world. She would eat everyones food and drink whatever we had in the fridge. After she drank a lot of our milk or juice she would add water to it so we wouldn't notice that some was gone!
We physically took her to the grocery store and would make her replace what she had taken from us, we didn't play the mooch game.

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...We physically took her to the grocery store and would make her replace what she had taken from us, we didn't play the mooch game.

and then I would smoke all her weed. :D
My reality and yours are quite different.
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Ok, here's the lead up. I went home for a few weeks and recently returned to my apartment. While I was at home my roommate was here and; ate most of the food that we had. When I left there wasn’t much, but you could go 3 days or so without eating the same thing twice. Now it’s kinda limited to Chunky soup and stale crackers.
She’s said she can't afford to go grocery shopping, but last night she bought weed for the second time this week. Now she says that if I don't go shopping with her, she only going to buy food for herself.
It's pretty important to keep on good terms with the roommate because there are still 10 months left in the lease. But at the same time I don't think it's unreasonable to ask her to replace the food she ate while I was gone. Also, we’re both students so money is limited for both of us.
While I wait for her to wake up and have to talk to her about it, what would you do?
I'm tempted to pay $20, and let her cover the rest.


O.K.! Here's the deal. you admitted that, you were back home for a few weeks. Your roomie, was obviously considering the 'spoilage factor' of the food. Had she not eaten it... it would have spoiled. That would be wasting money. I do think, she shoulda' shared the weed with you, though. Sit down with her and try to calmly work-out a 'game' plan in regard to the groceries. A situation like yours can get to the knit-pickin' phase, real fast. Don't let it continue without talking with her about it. If, she continues her ways... shop for yourself and tell her so. If she touches your grub, you're gonna rip her arm off and beat her with it!:D:D:D


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Stand up for yourself. Fuck her. Irresponsability leads to disaster which usually leads to learning. If she still doesn't learn then its not your problem, her life will spiral.

If she gets crazy about it, tell her you'll narc. You can always find another roommate to sublease.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Reading this post... I'm just glad I don't have food problems with my roommates...

Reading this post... I'm just glad I don't have roommates...

I'm used to not having any food around, growing up with two brothers that ate like horses, my mom would give me food to hide in my bedroom from them....

Maybe that's what you need to do... start putting locks on the cupboards and keep a stash of twinkies under your bed...

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Irresponsability leads to disaster which usually leads to learning.

I thought that was fear leads to anger leads to the dark side... ?

Either way dude, it's pretty clear cut. Use the force and tell her to be a good roommate. Hide your snack food.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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...We physically took her to the grocery store and would make her replace what she had taken from us, we didn't play the mooch game.

and then I would smoke all her weed. :D

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that :P


I tell you that was one of the most interesting roommate situations I have had. If guys don't think girls are violent, they are wrong! There were quite a few times I had to peel one of my roomates off the other. I got thrown right through a closet one time. My one roommate had the other by the neck against the wall another time. Yep, those were the days :D

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If she can afford to buy weed, she can afford to buy food.


C'mon, they're in COLLEGE. That's like saying that if she can afford books then she can afford food.

WTH, are you comparing buying weed to buying books? You don't have to have weed to attend college, but you do need to have the books if you expect to make a descent grade in the class.

It's all about priorities. The roommate spent her money on drugs and not on food. There are student loans, government grants, and work study that can be done to help pay for the books. There are also some classes that you can check the book out at the library if you can't afford to buy the book, oh and don't forget about buying used books. I don't think any of those would apply to buying weed.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Is she expecting to share your underware when she doesn't have money for laundry too?? Whenever I had a roommate in college we each had separate shelves for our own food & different areas of the fridge. There were certain things we'd share expenses on, like TP or milk. Other than that, you're ROOMMATES not a married couple.

PMS #394

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Awh man this topic.....I just dealt with my own situation like this and I'm not a mother and don't have kids and no need to buy anyone anything unless I want to!!! Same kinda sitch as you but I "had" 3 bedroom house and I evicted everyone and their boyfriends and gave up my place to so theres no more leeches.....I'm not hostile at all ya think...lol Enough is enough!! Didn't need to give up the place but I decided I want to travel.:P;)

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I'm with DJL on this one. You guys are roommates. You are in college. Unless you feel like your roomie really does systematically take advantage of you, blow it off. And before you decide that your roomie does take advantage of you in one area, make sure that you consider others as well. For example, are you hitting out of roomie's bag? If so, that is an example of roomie hooking you up. Do roomie's parents buy a kitchen load of food every three months when they visit? Does roomie do your math homework?

Stuff tends to even out over time, so don't let one thing get in the way of what could be a great and lasting friendship. On the other hand, don't let yourself get run over, either. You gotta be the one to draw the line.



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I'm so glad I never had to deal with roommates. I've always lived alone or with a female companion.

Live within your means and live alone. Then you wouldn't have to deal with a roommate eating your food.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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