
Has DZ.com outlived it's usefulness?

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So I've been wondering. I read the same stuff day in and day out. Argue about the same things day in and day out. Read the same incidents day in and day out.

Ultimately there are few new lessons and generally not too much new information. Has this site reached the end of it's usefulness from an educational point of view?

Just thinking out loud.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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has first grade outlived it
every year we have new first graders

you sill boy

see you at skyfest
got a great picture of you swooping at west tennessee skydive


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Considering the Thought Police is everywhere and immediately ereases anything of novelty or value - I tend to agree with you.

Its all D2S2 on dz.com nowdays...blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablavlablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla.....

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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has first grade outlived it
every year we have new first graders

I was going to come back and post something long and pedantic. You did much better -- thanks, I needed that.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I understand where you are coming from but as dz.com continues to attract more members, I believe that the continuation of the same questions and concerns repeated over and over means that information is being spread to more people.

Just think of the teacher in a classroom teaching grade 3. They get the same questions but the answers go to different people and those people benefit from the answers. Next year we'll do it all over again for a new group of grade 3 students. Maybe its repetitive but it has value. :)
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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So I've been wondering. I read the same stuff day in and day out. Argue about the same things day in and day out. Read the same incidents day in and day out.

Ultimately there are few new lessons and generally not too much new information. Has this site reached the end of it's usefulness from an educational point of view?

Just thinking out loud.


Only if it's all about you. :| -:P

I haven't read every post in the forums yet, and I haven't reached the 'pinnacle' of my skydiving career yet. -I don't know the specifics on wingsuit jumping, I don't need to right now. But when I do, I'll know where to look.

I hope in 7 years when my daughter starts jumping, this forum will still be here for her. :)
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Just think of the teacher in a classroom teaching grade 3. They get the same questions but the answers go to different people and those people benefit from the answers. Next year we'll do it all over again for a new group of grade 3 students. Maybe its repetitive but it has value.

Good analogy. ;)
Performance Designs Factory Team

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I haven't read every post in the forums yet, and I haven't reached the 'pinnacle' of my skydiving career yet. -I don't know the specifics on wingsuit jumping, I don't need to right now. But when I do, I'll know where to look.

Sure, in it's current form. My question is are we ADDING anything useful these days.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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I haven't read every post in the forums yet, and I haven't reached the 'pinnacle' of my skydiving career yet. -I don't know the specifics on wingsuit jumping, I don't need to right now. But when I do, I'll know where to look.

Sure, in it's current form. My question is are we ADDING anything useful these days.


Well, since you're posting the question in the Bonfire...are you meaning social issues, or skydiving? Social issues, I think so. Skydiving, well, I dunno to be perfectly honest. I don't look in the skydiving forums anymore. It's pointless for me, I'm not jumping. :|

-I guess you'd have to look at posts that began years ago, and compare them with what we are seeing today. New content? Updated info?

And finally, without DZ.com, I would have NO good information on how to get rid of the damn rats in my house...;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Sure, in it's current form. My question is are we ADDING anything useful these days.

If not, membership would dwindle as people move off.

Consider the typical Rodale's type magazine for scuba, bicyling, golf, whatever. They basically have 6 months of articles that they repeat. Each month they review new gear (that is also in paid ad space) that is 'better than what you have now, go buy.' There's rarely a reason to renew at the end of the year.

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I see your point and I have since grown bored with the same old rhetoric BUT

I remember how fun it was when I was the the one posting the rhetoric:D:D

has it outlived its usefulness? it depends on what you were using it for?

I use to use it for letting people know where I was going to be since I traveled quite a bit. I dont travel so much now so I use it for the OTHER forums now.;)
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>Has this site reached the end of it's usefulness from an educational point of view?

I don't think so. I have faith that you will continue to post!

Bill you left of "continue to post in the woman's forum

I find it cute when he replies in the woman's forum.;)

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And finally, without DZ.com, I would have NO good information on how to get rid of the damn rats in my house...;)

Did I miss the memo???:o:o Where's your wind tunnel to rid the house of rats? :D;):)
Since your not jumping you can come fly in the tunnel with us Orlando rats. We're the good kind though....Well, if you beat us with a stick we probably wouldn't be too happy abou that either though :P;):) We don't bit ;) too hard :D:):)
I'm just teasin.;)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I haven't read every post in the forums yet, and I haven't reached the 'pinnacle' of my skydiving career yet. -I don't know the specifics on wingsuit jumping, I don't need to right now. But when I do, I'll know where to look.

Sure, in it's current form. My question is are we ADDING anything useful these days.


I just found a ton of useful comparison information about the differences between the new Sony HR series and the older PC series, the lenses for these cameras and the helmets that they go in. Also the jokes are usually pretty good and more than once in awhile I learn a new sex term and find out just how innocent I really am.

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