
Diane Keaton and Keanu Reeves

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You asked for it.


That's just on old pic of you, nothing more actual available?


OK OK understand now.

Men have same problems with admitting another guy just is good looking and attractive like girls have with other pretty girls.

For Keanu R. I definately would lower my standards, if required :$ :P

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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>The one that can freefall for 5 minutes from 4000 ft.

I'll have you know that I've been in freefall for 6 minutes starting from about 50ft above the ground! Who needs 4000 ft?

Keanu aint got nuthin on you ;)

Was freefall the name of the building you were in? :)

My mighty steed

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How true is that? I'm down, impossible to believe, that best looking guy in the world:

She's 59 y/o , he's 40: How long will that work? :P:o

Or just a rumor?



Nothin' wrong with that! Maybe, he wanted a woman with 'experience'! :D


Pheeew! *Wiping sweat off forehead*

I was waiting for that to come! Thx a lot :P:)
Now I feel mucho better B|B|


:D:D I'm glad we got that out of the way.
The only thin I guess, I ever held against her was, she never seemed to lose that 'look' she had in that Woody Allen movie she did. Other than that, she's not a bad looking woman.;)


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That's just on old pic of you, nothing more actual available?


OK OK understand now.

Actually, those pictures were of a notorious muderer who was executed in a Texas prison.


Men have same problems with admitting another guy just is good looking and attractive like girls have with other pretty girls.

I have absolutely no problem saying that another man is good-looking. I don't often say that about public figures, though, because what you see of public figures, particularly Hollywood people, is a highly-crafted image that often has little to do with reality.

If you have ever seen one of those set of pictures of stars with and without makeup you will know what I mean. Here is an example.

Do I think that Keanu Reeves is a good-looking man? I have no idea. I've never met him.

I have a friend who is a fitness model. When she is "camera ready" she looks NOTHING like her normal self. I actually prefer her normal look because her "camera-ready" look makes her look too much like a model. (yes, it's strange, but I prefer real people).


For Keanu R. I definately would lower my standards, if required :$ :P

Let's hope your dreams come true--whatever they may be.


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Here is an example.

Do I think that Keanu Reeves is a good-looking man? I have no idea. I've never met him.

Those really ARE NOT good examples, as they compare different time periods (fat vs thin), bad expressions, clothing, hairstyle, etc. They are pretty much deliberately disingenuous.

But you do have a point.

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Here is an example.

Do I think that Keanu Reeves is a good-looking man? I have no idea. I've never met him.

Those really ARE NOT good examples, as they compare different time periods (fat vs thin), bad expressions, clothing, hairstyle, etc. They are pretty much deliberately disingenuous.

But you do have a point.

Try this example.:D:D:D


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that best looking guy in the world

I'm sorry, are we talking about the same Keanu Reeves? :|

I know. LMAO, can we say "MANSCAPE"?

NSFW at all btw...:D

I like how familiar you are with Keanu porn that you could pull that up. Is that from your personal collection? :ph34r:

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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Here is an example.

Do I think that Keanu Reeves is a good-looking man? I have no idea. I've never met him.

Those really ARE NOT good examples, as they compare different time periods (fat vs thin), bad expressions, clothing, hairstyle, etc. They are pretty much deliberately disingenuous.

But you do have a point.

Try this example.:D:D:D




nuff said.

Heck, I could say that Alledgedly you, walt, try and grope every woman at the DZ. Would that make it true?

Convictions are convictions. I don't care how popular or unknown ANYONE is, allegations are allegations, and should be left alone. No conviction, sorry, no crime. That's how the system (is supposed to) work(s).
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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nuff said.

Heck, I could say that Alledgedly you, walt, try and grope every woman at the DZ. Would that make it true?

I wish!!!


Convictions are convictions. I don't care how popular or unknown ANYONE is, allegations are allegations, and should be left alone. No conviction, sorry, no crime. That's how the system (is supposed to) work(s).

No need to get your panties in a wad, RevJim. I only pointed to the pic as an example of a celebrity at a moment that was NOT totally fabricated by some PR machine.

I don't care whether Keanu Reeves is guilty OR innocent of anything. The discussion was on him being a good-looking man. Maybe he is, maybe not. One thing is for sure, though, the Keanu Reeves most of us see is a carefully-crafted, tailored-for PR, Ken-doll kind of image that may or may not have any resemblance to how he looks in the real world.


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Nevertheless, can't help myself: Lovely Keanu is lovely :$ and should check closely if to decide for Diane K. or perhaps me....


Keanu doesn't deserve you because you are real. If you ever feel like lowering your standards enough to have him in your life, though, he would be getting a great deal!

I love the way you think.

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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How true is that? I'm down, impossible to believe, that best looking guy in the world:

She's 59 y/o , he's 40: How long will that work? :P:o

Or just a rumor?


I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that rumour. :P

That he would date any 60 year old strikes me as bizarre, but Diane Keaton?!?


Hey, there's nothing wrong with being 60!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Maybe she's just trying to pick up some acting tips from him.

That would be like asking Hitler advice on how to conquere the world.

you lost me there, DK is an awesome actress as good as he is shit. Adolf did quite a good job at fucking up the world no?


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you lost me there, DK is an awesome actress as good as he is shit. Adolf did quite a good job at fucking up the world no?

DK taking tips from Keanu Reeves? Diane is a very good actress but Keanu kinda sucks in my view. As for the Hitler comment. Read a few books and you should be able to conclude without a doubt that he indeed created a lot of chaos and damage but conquere he did not.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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im pretty sure she was saying that keanu is as bad as diane keaton is good... hitler on the other hand was able to manipulate a lot of people and "conquer" them... not saying that there was anything good coming out of it, i just think you misunderstood...

IMO... keanu is the worst actor out there... he makes soap people look talented... he ruined the matrix for me... i cant stomach him... is he attractive - absolutely ... is he a good actor? hell no
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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im pretty sure she was saying that keanu is as bad as diane keaton is good...

I think they BOTH have reall small ranges, granted Keanu's is much smaller. i.e. the whole reason the Mtrix works is because they tap into this vacuous quality he has.

And Diane Keaton, pu-leeze.....like she is Meryl, Kate W, or even Glen Close. All these actors are brilliant and courageous about playing sometimes unlikeable characters. What has Diane Keaton done that has been worth a shit since Annie Hall? (and even then, I think there is an argument there that it is "Keanu" like. Be honest and think about it....

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