
Is it possible to masturbate too much?

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So I was going over my list of "Things that make you go Hmmmm..." and decided to seek the answer to one of life's mysteries with a poll on the frequency of autoerogenous activity with gender classification.

So come on, don't be shy! Just click the appropriate numeric/gender combination, and feel free to share any tips, techniques or other insight you may have on the topic. We should probably stick with averages here, just for research and comparative purposes. If you don't know your number, maybe you can try keeping track tomorrow. If you don't know your gender, we probably don't want to know your number! :D

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isn't this more of a Yes/No question... with your selections it should be how often do you masterbate poll

Yeah, you're prolly right. I was trying capture the metrics on frequency and gender while still posing the fundamental "how much is too much" question. This is my first poll here (beer?) so be gentle, and I promise to do better next time.

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Ummm, if your clit/head is sore, you are doing that too much.

I spend 3 months at a time in Iraq. Some days........I have to take a break due to soreness. :D There's a whore house down the street but I am morally, politically, and contractually prevented from visiting. [:/]:D

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Male. Depends - few times a day to a couple a week.

Generally, it is probably good for the body and mind. What sucks is that society has made it much more taboo for women than for men (guys are expected to "choke-the-chicken", women..n, bad girl!, and given that women's sexuality is much more complex that that of men, they seem to have really gotten the short end of the stick (pun sorta intended). It is amazing how many women I've met that have never let their 'fingers do the walking'. Through gentle and caring discussion and coaching and a real desire on their part, nearly all of them have become comfortable with it, improved their sex life, and been very thankful. I have also had to gently help one to relax and feel ok enough about what she was feeling to in order fir her to have her first orgasm ever. I felt great about it, but it just isn't right. Sorry to go off topic, but women have really been dealt a crappy hand in this regard, and this may explain differences in numbers. OR, get me flamed to death,

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Male. Depends - few times a day to a couple a week.

Generally, it is probably good for the body and mind. What sucks is that society has made it much more taboo for women than for men (guys are expected to "choke-the-chicken", women..n, bad girl!, and given that women's sexuality is much more complex that that of men, they seem to have really gotten the short end of the stick (pun sorta intended). It is amazing how many women I've met that have never let their 'fingers do the walking'. Through gentle and caring discussion and coaching and a real desire on their part, nearly all of them have become comfortable with it, improved their sex life, and been very thankful. I have also had to gently help one to relax and feel ok enough about what she was feeling to in order fir her to have her first orgasm ever. I felt great about it, but it just isn't right. Sorry to go off topic, but women have really been dealt a crappy hand in this regard, and this may explain differences in numbers. OR, get me flamed to death,

Very sensitive view on it, well done for understanding!

Masturbation is also great if you can't sleep. Releases all those endorphins..


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Ummm, if your clit/head is sore, you are doing that too much. If that hurts after only once you are doing that too rough!:P:):D:D:D-Caress

Try exploring vaginal orgasms. In my experience, more satisfying and pretty much an endless supply of orgasms with minimal soreness (assuming you kegel).
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Lots of good and interesting thoughts.


I have also had to gently help one to relax and feel ok enough about what she was feeling to in order fir her to have her first orgasm ever.

Had a similar experience with my now ex-wife. She had never had an orgasm, and I provided the same warm and gentle support. When we first met, she would never climax during sex. I discovered than when I would stimulate her manually, as she started getting close she would push away, because she didn't understand the new sensations she was feeling. When I finally helped her relax and let go... wow!! I created a monster... which, as you can imagine, was okay with me! :)

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Male. Depends - few times a day to a couple a week.

Generally, it is probably good for the body and mind. What sucks is that society has made it much more taboo for women than for men (guys are expected to "choke-the-chicken", women..n, bad girl!, and given that women's sexuality is much more complex that that of men, they seem to have really gotten the short end of the stick (pun sorta intended). It is amazing how many women I've met that have never let their 'fingers do the walking'. Through gentle and caring discussion and coaching and a real desire on their part, nearly all of them have become comfortable with it, improved their sex life, and been very thankful. I have also had to gently help one to relax and feel ok enough about what she was feeling to in order fir her to have her first orgasm ever. I felt great about it, but it just isn't right. Sorry to go off topic, but women have really been dealt a crappy hand in this regard, and this may explain differences in numbers. OR, get me flamed to death,

I agree that women have been supressed in enjoyment of our sexuality and I appreciate your willingness to share, but 'short end of the stick'??? Hmmm, as I float through a dozen or so beautiful, mind expanding orgasms in an hour, I don't feel so short changed. :)
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Sorry to go off topic, but women have really been dealt a crappy hand in this regard, and this may explain differences in numbers.

If they're ending up with a crappy hand, they're doing it wrong, thus the disparity in numbers. :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Doesn't anyone keep their sex life private any more? Sex is beautiful and meaningful; you make it seem so frivolous.

Sex is both.

It is a bodily function just like any other bodily function.

It also has the potential to be beautiful and meaningful, but that doesn't mean it must always be that. If we were meant to have sex only when sex can be meaningful, why would the body become aroused at any other time?

If you have children, are you going to spend your their childhoods slapping their hands all day long, and telling them they have to suffer from these feelings until they get married and that when they're married, they can only have "beautiful and meaningful" sex?

No quickies at lunchtime. No wake-up sex. No "up against the counter while making dinner" sex. No... Huh...I don't think anyone is going to be having much fun sex at all--and certainly no masturbation--if we let you set the rules of the game.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Sorry to go off topic, but women have really been dealt a crappy hand in this regard, and this may explain differences in numbers.

If they're ending up with a crappy hand, they're doing it wrong, thus the disparity in numbers. :D

Keyboard, Dave. I'll expect a new one by FedEx tomorrow.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Doesn't anyone keep their sex life private any more? Sex is beautiful and meaningful; you make it seem so frivolous.

Geez, man, maybe when you have sex it's like a scene in a romance novel complete with Whitney Houston crooning in the background and rose pedals on the bed....but I think for everyone else it's closer to a porn shoot.

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