
Sell stuff to skydive

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Well I am just wondering how many of you have sold stuff to skydive. I have a gaming laptop that I use for a media player on my theatre that I am thinking about selling.

I just bought my first rig which cost 5K and being in the military it will take about 2 years to pay off. I was just tired of paying $25 rental fee each time I jump, which is up to 10 times a weekend.

Anways, just a thought

#148 Sonic Scrat
"Have you ever kissed a rabbit between the eyes?" Woodpecker pulling out his pants pockets to the waitress

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I was once told a story (and he's got a lot of them) by rigger_john on here.

I was doing AFF at the time and asked him when he thought he was a skydiver. He said when he looked at his TV ad thought 'how many jump tickets is that worth'. But in a funny northern accent;)

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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Well right now, I look in my living room and ask myself, Why do I need a $2000 stero and a $2000 gaming laptop that is just used to watch movies???

Right there could almost buy my new rig and I could use that $400 payment towards my credit card to actually skydive....

I would list them right now, but I am drunk and I will wait till tomorrow hehehe.
#148 Sonic Scrat
"Have you ever kissed a rabbit between the eyes?" Woodpecker pulling out his pants pockets to the waitress

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I just bought my first rig which cost 5K and being in the military it will take about 2 years to pay off

I used up all my savings from Iraq buying a new rig(5K), a dirt bike(6K) a truck(29K) BASE gear (2K) and some guns(3K). Now Im back to where I started living paycheck to paycheck[:/]
So on a side note if anyone wants to buy a snowboard, paintball equipment, or anything Army Surplus just shoot me a PM.

I know how you feal!

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Sold my ham radio gear, sold new and used electrical equipment, and scrap metal, next to go will me my Simpson multimeter, and I've got long-unused cheapo dial indicators and calipers going up on Ebay, I sell some new skydiving gear here and there, and I've a few old guns I haven't used in years I may consider selling - Once I get my AFF and/or tandem ratings it should get easier. I've also packed a few rigs for jump money, too.

Easy Does It

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I haven't really sold anything to skydive, but I did sell some of my stock to pay off maxed out credit cards from charging all the jumps I made, a few times... :S
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I had a nice car then once started skydiving realised all I really needed a car for was to get around. So I sold that, bought a lump of french poo with wheels, put the money towards AFF and my rig (when its finally ready - GRRRR) :S

Ebay has been my friend selling all sorts of junk I didnt really need, im now considering if I really need a DVD player & flatscreen TV :D

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