
Have you ever hitchhiked or picked up a hitchhiker?

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I was thinking about this today, and how if we lived in a safer world, I would love to pick up stranded travelers, or perhaps even hitchhike myself.:) However, there are many wackos out there that make hitchhiking nearly impossible these days:(.

I would think one would meet a lot of really interesting people in the process, and it would be awesome to help someone out in their travels.

My dad used to pick up hitchhikers all the time, and one particular occasion he picked up a guy who looked just like him and had the same name! :o He also used to bring people home to take care of them and that freaked my mother out:|.

Anybody have an interesting story?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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One time I was at a gas station.
A man walked over to my car. He explained that his rental car had died and he needed a ride to an appointment. The location was just down the road from where I was heading and I was in a real hurry!

He put his briefcase in the backseat, and said that he was going to the men's room quickly. I waited a long as I could and was in a bad mood and just took off.

I thought nothing of it until I got to where I was going. I saw his briefcase and thought Oh No! I opened the briefcase, looking for some sort of identification. All I found inside was a knife and a roll of duct tape.

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Once upon a time... there were these really funny painted micro-busses that cruised the highways of America. They were usually driven by people of the counterculture with men who had long flowing hair and girlfriends with flowers in their hair and smell of patchouli oil wafting thru the microbus...

Simpler times... now most of those hippies... ARE the establishment:D

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Buddy and I werre dirving and saw a girl hithchoker. Both of us were like...cool, a chick!! Anyway, she gets in the car, and she STINKS! I couldnt wait to kick her ass right out!
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I will still pick up a hitchhiker sometimes-never if my wife is with me. What I hate is I'll pick up a guy, but I won't pick up a female. I'd rather risk getting carjacked and shot than to have my life ruined by some psycho claiming a sex crime.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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I had a friend who decided to do a nice thing and pick up this chick he saw walking in the shitty weather, and give her a lift home. She gave him dirrections, and at one point she told him where to stop. After that well lets just say my friend found out he just picked up a prostitute, and so he freaked because his dad is a cop. Ahh good times.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
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J and I picked up a girl just a month ago. We had to go to Dallas (from Florida) to go to his uncle's funeral. On our way back, we stopped about 2 hours into our (18 hour) drive for dinner. The place we ate at was located in a hotel. When we left, we had to go through the lobby and saw this girl sitting on the floor crying and talking to someone on the phone. I heard her say, "I don't know where I am. Can you come get me?" We got outside and I told J, "That sucks. I hope she's ok."

We got to our truck and were deciding if we wanted to continue driving or spend the night. Then the girl from the lobby walked up. She was bawling. She said she noticed our tags were from Florida and asked if she knew how far we were from Pensacola. I told her we were at lest 12 hours. That upset her even more. It was really cold outside so I told her she could get in the truck where it was warm.

She told us that she had been told by her neighbor's brother that he had a job for her, out of town, and that she would make $1500 in 3 days. She talked to her hubby and they decided they needed the money so she went. She didn't find out until she got there that the job she was promised was only minimum wage and that the guy needed her to drive because he didn't have a valid license. She said they had stopped several times, because they had 3 flat tires and the engine over heated, and she had no idea how long or how far they had actually gone. She said there was no heat and no dashboard lights.

We talked and told her we would take her home since we were going right through there anyway. We talked to her hubby and gave him both of our cell phone numbers (she didn't have one) and told him to call us anytime if he wanted to check on her. We got a hotel room and went to the casino next door. J gave her $40 (we had no idea when she had last eaten and didn't want her to feel left out while we played the slots) and told her he wanted half of her winnings. She came back and told us she had won $260!! J only took $60 from her.

We had a lot of fun driving back with her and feel that we made a couple of new friends. :)
We got her home the next evening and were told the next time we're up that way we have to stop by and her hubby will grill us steaks and we've got a place to stay. :)
We decided along the way that we would name our cat... Karma! It got changed to Karmi, but it's all because of the girl we picked up and got home safely. :)

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Once. He was wasted on drugs (didn't see it before he got in) and smelled like a dead guy.

He mumbled something and I could swear he said "Give me the keys to your house"...
So I was all "Oh fuck" but in the end he was just asking if I knew this guy :$

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If there is someone in trouble and they seem like a good person I'll give them a lift. I have a pick-up truck so sometimes I'll make them ride in the bed. I won't give rides to free-loaders and bums asking for money and wanting something for nothing.

One time in my younger days I pulled over to help a guy who was broken down at about 3 am. I certainly don't condone drunk-driving, but I was drunk and driving that night. I helped the guy push his car off the road and then he asked which way I was going. I was heading his way so I offered him a ride. Before he got in my truck I told him that I had been drinking and I was a bit intoxicated. He said no problem and got in. About half way to his house he starts leaning over my way and bringing his arm out. I didn't know what the hell he was doing so I about wrecked trying to grab my "protection" and swerving around to keep him from getting to me. After a bunch of yelling he finally explained he was just trying to put his seat belt on. :S Sure scared the hell out of me!

Drunk driving is bad, and I don't do it anymore, there's one good reason not to.

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I've picked up hitchikers on a couple of occasions.

Never hitchhiked, but years ago while a friend and I travelled out to Vegas for a Dead show, we got stranded in Seligman, AZ....oh my! Several folks picked us up and shared their ganja....(as if we were out of weed just because we were stranded :S). They always dropped us off right where they picked us up, so I guess it wasn't "hitchhiking." Heh...but that's the closest I ever came.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Hitchhiked once and picked up a hitchhiker once.

Hitchhiked with two girls across the pass from Dillon to Vail - having two girls with me made it really easy - though the guy who picked us up was clearly disappointed when I got in with them.

Picked up a hitchhiker outside of Taos and on the way to Angelfire he mentioned that there was a P51 Mustang out in the desert up the road we were going which had been left and, sure enough, we passed by a P51, sitting out about a hundred yards from the road, not too far from Angelfire.

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I hitchhiked a few times when I was a teenager, before I had my driver's license. I usually was with a friend.

I don't normally pick up hitchhikers unless I know them. One time I picked up a guy who worked for the same company as me. Well he had rancid BO! It was the middle of the winter and I had to open my window and moonroof just to breathe. Just like in the Seinfeld episode, the BO stayed in the car. I actually had to get the whole car detailed.[:/]



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Only picked up a hitchhiker once. I was driving to Southpoint on the big island of Hawaii. A local surf kid was thumbing so I picked him up. He was a bit aromatic and I was glad he didn't need to go that far. He offered me a bit of weed for my trouble. Said thanks, but no.

It wasn't till later that I found he had forgot his briefcase that duct tape inside.;)
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
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I lived on Magnetic island, Australia for a month. The whole island picks up hitch hikers. Cool as shit..Just wish everyone could live like that. People leave their doors unlocked, pick up strangers like its nothing. If you have never experienced Australian culture i highly recommend it

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Never hitchiked myself but have picked up many hitchikers over the years. (I figured that I might need a ride someday)
I reasoned that if someone was stupid enough to try harming the driver of the vehicle he was riding in, then he probably wasn't smart enough to wear a seatbelt and could be easily incapacitated with a large immovable object.:)
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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I was in New Zealand a couple years ago, hiked and hitched from Auckland up to the bay of islands. One guy picked me up on a highway as it was getting dark, let me sleep on his couch overnight and left me alone in his house to have breakfast and let myself out once he and his wife had gone to work in the morning.:o

I was so amazed at his hospitality I plain forgot to steal anything:P. Seriously though I was floored by how friendly and trusting they were. Great people:)
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Have picked up 2 Ukrainian uni students who where hitching on a sunday (non existent counrty buses)and gave them a lift to a town where they could get a bus easier. have also helped people who have broken down or ran out of gas, my feeling is that if its me one day i hope someone will do the same for me:)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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