
How did you end up in the job you're in?

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Most people never end up doing what they originally planned/thought. So I'm curious, if you could sum up in a paragraph or two.

Me? From the time I was born I wanted to be a veterinarian.:P Skip to college when I placed into the top math and english courses and yet barely placed into basic chemistry:D I fell in love with writing and with my previous experience in the fashion industry, dove into a magazine journalism major. Cut to having to write a TON:D While I still loved fashion and loved doing reviews, I found myself incredibly more interested in researching and writing about womens' issues & childrens' issues. Cut to graduating and having already met the love of my life not wanting to move to NY or really anywhere other than where he was (he had a business here). My best friend had graduated a year early cum laude (I know. It was insane trying to keep up with her:D) and had a great job in the mortgage industry doing very well, she yanked my foot through the door. Cut to me being incredibly stressed all the time and finally researching enough to find an industry (my current sales position) that allowed me to maintain the income w/out as much of the stress and more flexibility.

I LOVE what I do now. But it's SOOOOOOO different that where I thought I'd be.

Now your turn:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I am a Jack of all trade, Master of none....I like to dabble, try this and that. My "free spirit" has taken me to many places, that and my ability to BS my way in AND out of every job experience I have every had.;):)
A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I started in the mail room; was probably overqualified for that :P. They closed the mail room, I took a test, and became a systems programmer. We lost that contract (gov't contractor), so I became a rocket scientist. All with the same company. Then we got sold a few times, and I began managing the same group I'd been in for a few years.

I'm in a more staff-like position now (trying to gain more skills for whenever the shuttle stops flying because I kind of like eating).

I job-hopped for several years out of college. But it's fun during introduction sessions to tell people at my very technical company that I have a degree in sociology and started in the mail room :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I guess I was just unlucky, I got spotted for my radar attributes and photographic memory.:(:D

Reading material whilst on the loo that is equal to your IRS literature because that is the only time you can be arsed, says things are definately going down the pan. And working for scum does not help either.

I used to get excited about tax and screwing people out of it but now it does'nt quiet hit the same spot anymore. I am a better person at last.:)

Considering the list of occupations I have had I am surprised I work in an office at all.

Mechanic, scaffolder, waitress, extreme holidays travel consultant, kennel hand, shop assistant and many others too risky to mention.....to be honest I would love to know how the fuck I got the job I am in.?!

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I love that (and PS, I ended up double-majoring and my other was Sociology. I was two courses away from a triple-major with the third being Psychology (it was a minor))

From mail room to rocket scientist! :o Now THERE'S a good story;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Started out in graphic arts in high school then college. Studying how to make design camera ready. Eventually joined the Marines and trained in electronics repair used that to get a job in the private work force. Just kept looking for better and better as I gained experience. Now I repair hospital equipment for GE.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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I spent 6 years in College... Degrees in Psychology, Mass Communications and Political Science.

Worked my way through college by working for my Fathers Engineering company.

Right out of College, I took a Job designing and Building Custom Manufacturing Equipment.

Early 90`s, I created some software programs to track the projects I was working on.

Went to work for a Large Corporate Engineering Dept implementing Work order and project management software in manufacturing plants.

Later took my software to a company that had similar software. Spent the next couple years redesigning thier existing software to merge it with what I had created. Ended up buying part of that company.

Now I just sell Maintenance, Engineering and Project Management software.

Never once used anything I went to college for.

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Well... Graduating from college I went graduate school... that didn't work out (the reasons are not important but... after the first year found myself looking for technical work)

So it turns out (of course I knew this) that unlike most americans I'm not overly motivated by the "search for the almighty dollar" and unfortunately I'm also not good at selling myself if I'm not motivated...

at this point a friend of my parents suggested I try and get a job as a civil servant... that didn't pan out... so i decided to talk to an Air Force Recruiter... much to my fathers suprise I actually took to the role of AF officer/engineer fairly well...

and well... here I am...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Erm. Some bloke (a mate) approached me one day at uni with a clip board and said "Sign this...it will be a laugh".

Next thing I know I'm wearing green and calling people sir [:/]

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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I've been pulling wrenches ever since I was old enough to hold one - Then I found out how much fun electricty is, and learned how to weld because sparks and fire are cool, and I like to build things. Industrial Arts was my "major" in high school and I worked in aircraft maintenance in the Air Force. Eventually I drifted in aircraft parts management, and after I got out I went into industrial maintenance. Now I run the maintenance department for a plastics compounding company. I'm doing OK, about 55-65k a year, single, just purchased a small house, and so on. I guess I'm lucky I do what I like for a living!!

Easy Does It

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Degrees in Psychology, Mass Communications and Political Science

Psychology -- you deal with people every day.
Mass communications -- you post here, don't you?
Political science -- come join us in Speaker's Corner, and then you'll be using all of them :ph34r::ph34r:

Actually, I regularly say that I probably use my degree in sociology more than most of the engineers, physicists, etc use theirs here. Since they all say they don't use anything from theirs, and I use the insights I developed, it might even be true.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm nowhere near what I originally thought I'd be. When I started college, I was a biology major planning on going into pharmacology. Unfortunately, chemistry and math weren't my fortes and I failed out. When I got back into college, I got out of a hard science and majored in bullshitting. I found out that I was uniquely suited for it. And when I got a full ride scholarlship from Uncle Sam, I figured that I didn't need a fancy degree, but I maintained a great GPA and graduated with a Political Science degree. But, I didn't get active duty in the Army, so I had to figure out something to do.[:/]

I looked into federal law enforcement, and was underqualified for the FBI. When I had an informal interview with the Secret Service, the agent told me that if I graduated from law school, I'd have a job. On the way back, I signed up for an LSAT prep course.

I took the LSAT, did well, and got accepted to exactly one law school. In the interim I worked in ultrasound and became fascinated with mediine. I had to fulfill something with the Army, so I started law school a year late - August, 1998 - planning on being in federal law enforcement.

I took my first job as a litigation law clerk after my first year of school. Then I realized, "Damn. This is FUN! THIS is what I want to do." I started as an attorney defending doctors and then moved up to Fresno. My wife started her own firm, and I joined her a few months later. And that's where I am now.:)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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being greek, my foray into the restaurant business was quite possibly a genetic requirement. spent time editing video and film archivist while going to graduate school. taught film studies and media literacy for three years before slowly transitioning into real estate. When I bought my second home I was discussing issues with realtor about my then current job and she thought I would be great and that I would groove on the flexibility. but hey, what's a 16 hour day between friends, right? :o

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Actually, I regularly say that I probably use my degree in sociology more than most of the engineers, physicists, etc use theirs here. Since they all say they don't use anything from theirs, and I use the insights I developed, it might even be true.

I wholeheartedly agree about Sociology. I LOVE Sociology.:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Been a long strange trip. Long story short..........Military, Federal Law Enforcement, and now contractor. Basically I have lots of experience in carrying and employing all sorts of weapons. A govt entity pays me quite well to use those skills in protecting it's employees. In another 4 years or less I hope to be retired. If it takes me that long I'll be 39 and semi retired. Just doing some skydiving instruction and checking up on my businesses. B| I still chuckle now and again about some of the assholes I knew growing up. Now I get paid to be a hoodlum! ;) In a collared shirt of course. :D

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