
Hop and pop!

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I did a hop n pop on Monday! La la la! For those of you who remember my Hop And Pop of Doom and Terror (TM) back in October, this was my first one since then. It was really hard for me to get up the gumption, but I had to before they'll give me my A license.
It was actually quite amusing. I was on the plane with a bunch of instructors making fun jumps and they all attacked me with gear checks. Everyone watched me go (from 4.5K), and it was apparently quite nice. I felt pretty good about it, except for a flat arch.
Anyway, I'm signed off! I have beat the low-exit demon, hooray! :)

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congrats Jess! im not looking forward to my first hop and pop. I dont want to be that close to the ground! i need my 60 seconds of freefall first!
yeah dude, i think that its pretty damn scary. When im riding to alti and somebody gets out for a hop and pop i look down and think that i can see too many tiny features of the ground that low. its scary :)

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You're signed off?! Woohoo!! Congratulations!! That feels great doesn't it??? I hope I can say the same thing come Monday...cross your fingers! :)
Oh, and Mountainman, I think it depends on the progression you do. I did IAD, so started out at 3500', so hop n' pop's are actually kinda fun to me. If there are some low clouds, I will go do some of them just to get up there..a jump's a jump! I have heard a lot of AFF grads saying that the hop n' pop was bad for them tho...it seems much lower after being used to going from 10,000 at least!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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Pammi...I guess that I was just thinking that you would just go and get under canopy. I guess you have less time for a good body position, but still would just right under canopy. Oh well....I guess that I'll find out when I get up there. Still can't figure out where we are going to train!

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I agree that it has to do with what progression you do. IAD and S/L are used to getting out that altitude so it is no big deal. AFFers get used to getting out high and are usually open under canopy by the altitude they are just getting out for their hop and pop. I did AFF and I dreaded my first low solo. During AFF we started pulling at 5500 and eventually worked down to 4500. This time I'd be getting out at 4000. ( They normally do it at 3500 but I talked them into the extra 500). I was so nervous that I wouldn't have time to get stable. I just kept picturing myself tumbling through the sky like some of my exits from the King Air. Someone told me that if you pulled quick that you wouldn't have time to get unstable. I couldn't get a hold of that rip cord fast enough! I ended up loving that dive. It was such an adrenaline rush and it ended up being my first stand up landing, too. My husband did his at the same time as me and was almost as nervous as me even though he had done S/L 20 years earlier. Since then he has done quite a few and found out that you really do have plenty of time to get stable before pulling. On one of them he got out at 4,000, counted to 10 (OK... maybe it was a fast 10) and checked his altimeter and it was still 3500!
I'm sure you will do fine when it comes to be your turn, Mountain.

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The hop n' pop really isn't all that scary. They usually let you out at about 4K. You have plenty of time to relax and get stable before pulling. ONe thing I noticed is the parachute opening is much gentler & less jarring, because you open before you've reached terminal velocity. And remember, it is the graduation ceremony for AFF. Or at least the part of the ceremony you perform sober ;)!!
I did my AFF graduation hop&pop out of the back of a CASA during the 1999 Halloween Boogie in West Point VA. The jumpmaster had the pilot throttle down & open the door, he showed me how to spot, then I still had time to turn around & face everyone in the plane and wave and say, "Well this is it! I'm about to graduate AFF!! See you down there!!"
The other people in the CASA were great. They all yelled back at me, "GET THE F**K OUT OF THE PLANE!!!!"
That evening I celebrated by dressing up as Speed Racer, drinking lots of different things, and jumping over a bonfire.
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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YES!!! I am so happy for you Jess!! I was just thinking about this the other day. My friend Fyrgurl has not done hers yet either as far as I know, because she is scared too. Like everyone else, I say it is the type of instruction you do. AFFers seem to have a harder time with hop n pops than us Static liners. For me, hop n pops are comforting!
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Nice one have just completed my AFF took me a week and a half including the 10 consul jump but i must admit the hop 'n' pop was the scariest i jumped out but did not present myself to the wind so flipped on my back and it was arch arch arch and after 7 seconds i was on my back a lovely pull and that was that, great feeling getting you A license isn't it?
amber liquid blue skies

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On my level 7 jump we had one of the TM's come up and do a hop n pop. That was the first time I ever saw someone exit the plane. Being a student I was always the first to go so that was a pretty cool sight!!!

lazerq, usually AFF students get out last on my DZ because they open high. ???
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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lazerq, usually AFF students get out last on my DZ because they open high. ???

Beats me... I just did sat where they told me and jumped when they told me. The tandems and the students always go first here. I do know that every time we went up my JM told everyone "hey we have a student" and told then my opening alt and if I was going to be tracking he told them to stay on the wind line?(is that how you say it) because I might not know which direction I'd be tracking towards
ps . my pull alts were between 3500-4000ft

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No special passes that I'm aware of. I know that when I deployed, sometimes I could see the other jumpersstill falling and deploy their chutes. Maybe they gave me a real good spot and then took the others out a little farther. Is that a possibility?

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jeez! I dunno then...that would sound pretty dangerous if it is a large plane. Letting the students out in a possible downwind situation if there is a bad spot, they are pulling higher, and the amount of canopies in the sky for a student. Three bad things that I can think of off the top of my head. Not good. If its a cessna...I wouldnt think that it would that big of a deal, but if it was a full super otter or something like that...I would imagine that there would be an another pass. Not only for safety reasons, but it will lighten the load and make it climb faster...
"I'll jump anything!"

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ONe thing I noticed is the parachute opening is much gentler & less jarring...

Ha! You mean "more snivelly" don't you? That was the most leisurely opening I've had yet. I was actually forming the "Oh" of the "Oh shit!" when, suddenly FOOOMP!!
Some of the people who were still in the plane even commented later about how slow the opening was.
Anyhow, mountainman, I don't think hop n pops are inherently more scary; it's just I had a horrific malfunction with my first. Not a typical experience.
However, I must say it is a more than a little nerve-wracking for AFF students who usually think, in the back of their minds, that they (potentially) have 60 seconds to get stable out the door, to suddenly switch to GET STABLE IMMEDIATELY OR DOOOOOOOM!!!

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It's like froggie said - too many details of the ground below are distinguishable. I was a little weirded out about doing mine. I did AFF and never did one before getting my A license. I think mine was about jump 55. But it was really no big deal because it was unplanned so I didn't have time to dwell on it. On a normal jump, clouds moved in underneath and so pilot said no-go. So we went down and jumped about 4K, which actually isn't really that low. And you don't reach terminal so you have a little more time than you'd think. It was really quite fun! Cheers!

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I hear ya Jess...I can still look at the scar on my arm as a reminder of my first hop n' pop where I pulled on my own after the practice pulls. I was freaked for quite a while after that! Then I did a diving exit hop n' pop from 4500 a few weekends ago and was so intent on pulling quickly that I didn't arch very well and it was kinda a nutso thing too. Was okay, and I just laughed about how bad I probably looked, but I guess I just screwed up so often and had to do so many low exits, freefall is what took me forever to not be scared of! That spinning stuff was aweful! Out-of-control feelings when you're going very fast, and frustrating when it's not so fast but you can't seem to stop it. ARGH! We all seem to have our things that bug us more then others...it makes it really great when you pull it off well tho! :)
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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