
Weekend Numbers 29-30 JULY 2006

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A good day at NWSkydivers yesterday... even though it was overcast and we only got one load to 14k..... thru a nice big legal hole to the north of the DZ.. the rest of the day.... 7500 was about it.. but hey I remember doing lots of RW from 7500 from C-170/180 back in the day..... so we did RW.

Good times and Flying Squirrel got her 100th in and a nice huge pie to commemorate the event.

Today.. even more overcast so I am calling it a weekend and staying home. and loading the truck with all the stuff I need for Lost Prairie.....just 2 sleeps away for me.

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No jumpy this weekend... I did some "Relative Work" (the family kind) yesterday.... made a pie in the morning... had Shrimp and homemade ice cream with it in the evening...

today I'm gonna try and get some mowing done and I have homework to do.

edited to add... Picture of something that almost always ends up happening at family picnics... :D our family likes to pretend we're taller then we actually are... :D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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EWWWWWWWW shrimp flavored ice cream.. even Bubba Gump Shrimp founder Forest Gump would gag at that idea.:ph34r:

:D:D:D I agree... its a good thing Dad made Peach Ice Cream and Chocolate Ice Cream... cause that would have been not so good... :D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I managed a get out of jail free card for Saturday. Went to my DZ and the plane broke down : (

You could join the rest of your ORange contingent at Lost PRairie... I will see them Wednesday at the lake I am sure...We always see a LOT of them each year there at thte lake:P

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I did a 15K H&P with Allen (alw) and had my first brake-fire (on a house rig >:().

No biggie, just leveled off with the offending rear riser long enough to see what I had and popped the other brake. Set brakes would've been really nice, but my bigger concern is lots of ppl AFF with that rig. Reason for the BF was nearly disintegrated velcro on one of the toggles. :S

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It was just too hot to be doing any kind of movement this weekend.

Friday night, I went out to CSC for some big fun, and I forced people to watch my JFTC dvd. I think they all enjoyed it...or they all lied.

Saturday, I was very lazy. I joined in on Aarthi's 1000th (even though I'm not her friend) and had to buy TD lunch for him smoking my ass on getting to the formation. I also did a very nice four-way with 1/2 Rubicon and Andy. Then, I headed to a friend's farewell party in Chicago (he's moving to CO....20 miles from the tunnel.) Watch out CO folks....Chicago definitely won't be as much fun anymore...and I hope CO can handle him. I keep telling him about the tunnel. He said, "Doesn't it get boring? It's so small....what can you possibly do in there?" Sigh....well, at least I have a place to stay out there now, so I'll be hitting that tunnel before too long! :)
Today, I hung out with my nephews all day, and I went swimming with them. Now, it's time to recover from everything this weekend.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I'm seriously considering buying him the first flight gift certificate as his housewarming gift. I figure he fed me, gave me alcohol, let me stay at his place for the past few years....it's the least I can do. (Plus, I want to make sure he has no excuses to NOT go....)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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4 coaching jumps

1 attempted hybrid for a fellow jumper's 500th. Never quite built, but the sunset was unbelievable. Plus, she got pied and never saw it coming.:D

:D for jumping my new RW suit.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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...and a faceful of PIE

Glad you edited bc I was about to mention the 100th Pie...I mean Ice Cream Sandwiches...6 plates of them;) (Still laughing about Derek eating his on the way towards you for the ambush!):P:ph34r: Glad you were such a good champ...and that they left the eyes and nose for my plate!:DBwahahahahaha!



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1 really fun 3-way RW jump with Travis and Dan (and my actual first real RW dive, so I know I owe beer)

1 tracking dive that was my second attempt and I actually stayed in this time!!!

1 solo freefly dive

All in all a good week....and the face is for my modeling interview in Denver next week that I'm excited for
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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