
Just found out/I'm pissed off

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Just found out that I am taking a class - Biology - which I don't need to take. Had I known this when my (expletive deleted) counselor and I sat down to plan out my course load from this semester through summer, I would NOT have elected to take it. I took it in high school - and while yes, that was a long time ago, I have found that I remember most (not all, but most) of the class from then. It certainly would have been good enough to get through the class it's a prerequisite to - which I am currently enrolled in (Anatomy).

I bought books (expensive, too - like $150 worth), organzied a schedule from hell (including Saturday labs), and have been busting my hiney to keep grades up in all of my classes. And now, I find out I DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE THE DAMNED THING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! I could've taken another class that I need, or not filled my plate so full in the first place...

Add to that it's waaaaaaaaaaaay too late to drop the class, and while I can withdraw, it will show as an incomplete/withdrawl on my scholastic records; which will, of course, affect any scholarships I am trying for (as it will bring my overall GPA down) as well as affect any college transfer I am considering.

Am I pissed? Oh fuck yeah. Why didn't the counselor counsel me? Isn't that his job? I'm far less mad about the money (although I sure could use the extra cash right now) than I am mad about the time I am, apparently, wasting. It's going to stick in my craw each time I place my fanny on the chair, you know? Each saturday afternoon I spend in there, I will be itching (more than usual) to get the heck outta there because I DIDN'T NEED to be there in the first place.

I am considering sending a note to the Dr who was my counselor; needless to say, I've changed counselors (the new one is the one who informed me of this "error"), and cautioned me to not withdraw...

My new counselor is, however, looking around to see which college I can get microbiology done at without having to repeat high school chemistry...because that's another thorn in my side. I've already taken it, and there might be a way to avoid having to take it again in college, so I can progress towards my transfer.

Good grief, but I'm mad as hell. Nothing I can do about it, which makes me even more angry, and now I've got to get ready for an Anatomy Lecture exam first thing in the morning.


Whatever possessed me to go back to school I dunno...but I think they make movies about it (either a midlife crisis or the devil has taken over me...). I just don't know what the hell I was thinking...

Thanks for listening to my rant. I just wish people knew what the hell they were doing when they're "guiding" others, you know?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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College counslors need to be paid on a commission scale instead of a salery. They should only be paid if the advice they give is correct and assits, otherwise they don't have any motivation to look things up ;)

I hated going to them in college, luckly I knew every class I needed and worked it out on my own and just got their signature each semester.
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Yeah, I know your pain. Luckily, when I was in school, I was only required to see them my first year. After a crappy year with uneccessary classes, I wised up and took my educational path into my own hands.

Graduated on time, with a relatively light course load.

Remember, they are paid by the school. Its not in the schools interest to have you out in 4.[:/]

Get your DAPR (well thats what they called them at my school. But basically a sheet that tells you what you've taken, and what you need to graduate). Plan from that, b/c thats all your counslor does anyway.

You were smart enough to get into college, I am sure you are smart enough to figure out your class schedule.

Also, my first year in school, I bought into the whole "you need to buy the books" thing, wasted a shit ton of money too. After that first semester, I took on the "wait a week" approach. See if your really need the book. Often times you will not. If the teacher gives you any grief, tell them you ordered it online, and it will be there soon, delay as neccessary.

All told, not counting my first semester, I finished school only buying maybe 5 books after that.

Be warned though, my learning style involves paying attention. I rarely took notes, because even that would distract me. Much like a conversation, I retain more when I focus soley on what is being said. You may be a person who learns more efficiently by reading. You'll figure it out!

Good luck!

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Are you sure it will bring down your GPA? If it's a withdraw that gives you a 0.0 in your GPA, then it will, but if it's a withdraw that's just a W that isn't in your average, it shouldn't affect scholarships or anything. People withdraw from classes all the time. It's not really a negative thing. I had three or four Ws on my college transcript, and nobody cared. Just meant that for some reason, the schedule wasn't working out. W/0 or W/F or W/I aren't good, but just plain W is usually not an issue.

Also, it's the decision of the registrar/dean whether to enforce the withdrawl dates. Maybe if you speak to one of them, something can be worked out, as it was the school's error that put you in the class to begin with?

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Also, it's the decision of the registrar/dean whether to enforce the withdrawl dates. Maybe if you speak to one of them, something can be worked out, as it was the school's error that put you in the class to begin with?

Hrm. That I didn't know. I just might give them a call and see if I can't get an appointment...explain the situation and see what they have to say. Can't hurt...

I am pretty darned sure that the schools I will (hopefully) be applying to in June are going to care about a W. They're uber competitive, and it's going to be hard to get in without something like that in my records; it will be hard enough with straight A's and no negative/neutral marks at all. So I'm worried about that. It will also affect my financial aid (hah! What financial aid? Still haven't gotten through the process...). So...unless it doesn't appear on my records at all, I have to stay put.

Thanks, Kris. I'll look into that avenue. I appreciate the help.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Heya, Peggs.

The only class I could've skipped the book in is Political Science. Anatomy, Math, and Bio make up the rest of the courseload, and I need those books quite desperately. But the Poli Sci book is helpful, as well.

As for me, I take copious notes, do my reading, and do straight memorization. I pay intense attention in class, ask all the questions I want (during or after the class), and get the homework done on time. That's the way I learn - it might be because I'm older than the average student, or less quick on the uptake, but I find that my studying time is very, very important to solidify the subject.

It's just finding adequate time to get the reading and studying done. My math class ends this week, and that will free up about 10 hours' classroom time, and about 10 hours' study time, so that will be a help.

It just bothers me that the counselor didn't know - or didn't care - that I didn't need bio. I have done my planning, but I'm still working my way through the system. I'm not positive of what I need to transfer, and that's where the difficulty comes in; if I don't know, how can I plan?

At least my new counselor seems to be willing to work with me; he's the "short track" counselor - you have to see him if you are going through the PACE schedule (10 week classes), and I had my meeting yesterday. He did an eval, and told me about the Bio thing. And he is going to sit with me in two weeks, and plan out the entire rest of the plan - winter intersession, and spring classes - so that I can transfer out as quickly as possible.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Phree, I'm working on getting that familiar with my major course load and general ed understood...and then I won't be depending on them as much...

And Squeak - I am looking forward to Microbiology; it seems interesting and intriguing...and hard. But I am looking forward to it, no doubt.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Double check but a W on your transcript - at least at the college that I'm attending - does not affect your GPA nor getting into any future colleges nor finanical aid. You may be asked a question on the W when you get interviewed at your next college, but they usually don't hold it against you.
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I wouldn't be so concerned except the holdup with my financial aid is because of W's I got back in 1984...and I was informed that it will be a concern to the heads of the fields I'll be applying to come summer. 'Course, I was told that by the same counselor who told me I needed bio, so I will have to double check it (very carefully).

I figure I'm 1/2 way through it, and it's too late to add another class, so I might as well stick it out. OTOH, I'd love the extra time to catch up on laundry, dishes, and other class homework/study, but oh well...

I will check it out and see what I find out; from there I'll make the decision whether to continue or to w/d. I'm just pissed I'm in this situation to begin with. Sigh...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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I had 3 different counselors between 2 schools... none of them knew what in the world they were talking about and had my schedules and courseloads planned out stupidly with a bunch of extra classes I didn't need.

I ended up just having to take it upon myself to get out a catalog and figure it all up, and then confirmed it all with the dept chair's secretary.

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I doubt that taking this class is a total waste of your time. Sounds like you have a bad schedule, and that is a bummer, but you need to look at this from a more positive perspective. Atleast in my school, I need a certain number of credits (180) to graduate. I could have gotten all of my requirements taken care of in much less then 180 credits. So maybe this class will just act as a filler for you. You mentioned that you still remember a lot about biology from highschool.. well, shouldn't that make this class an easy A and a GPA booster? Those classes are always nice.

Also, I'm sure that this class can't possibly be the exact same course that you took in highschool. Your teacher may offer a unique perspective and it may allow you to make a very good argument if ever discussing the reality of evolution with someone who doesn't believe. I always think that that sort of knowledge is good to have.

The various advisers that I have had have made things a bit harder for me a number of times. But oh well, I certainly didn't need to take meteorology, but I looked at it from the perspective of a skydiver. Knowledge of the weather should be a good thing for a skydiver to have, right? And now that my knee is essentially a baramoter, I should be able to forecast the weather with a smidgen of accuracy.:P

I once had an advisor tell me to sign up for what ended up being the exact same linguistics class (same textbook too) that was offered in different departments in the same quarter. But it ended up being good.. I went to the first day of class, realized what happened and then just picked the teacher and schedule that I liked more and ended up having time to take more psychology classes.

Anyways.. that is the end of my input.

Oh.. and I got a whole lot of W's and it has never influenced my GPA.. as far as financial aid goes though.. got no words of wisdom for you there.


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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The class will come into play later in life. It is a stepping stone to greater things. It might allow you to invent or discover something new... or help understand something in the future.

College sucks, but the education you get is a stepping stone to the next stone.

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Your financial aid holdup is because of Ws??? That's crazy. You're entitled to federal financial aid, period, unless you've committed a felony or have reached the cap (which is something like $139,000, so I doubt that's the issue). The only issue I could think of is if you took financial aid back in 84, and then dropped the entire schedule, or dropped to half-time, and didn't repay the loan.

The only way a W would affect federal financial aid is if it dropped you below a "full time student" which is usually 12 credits. Talk to financial aid directly and see what they say, and come armed with info from http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/index.jsp.

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I've come to realize that most counselors don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Bt there are a few good ones out there.

On a side note, I may be using my first W on Accounting.
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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You're entitled to federal financial aid, period, unless you've committed a felony or have reached the cap (which is something like $139,000, so I doubt that's the issue). The only issue I could think of is if you took financial aid back in 84, and then dropped the entire schedule, or dropped to half-time, and didn't repay the loan.

Nope, not the way it happened. I've never gotten financial aid before, not back in 83/84, and no where near the limit. No felony conviction either. The holdup has to do with a "review" of my units that I withdrew from, and a written plea from me to them about why I dropped out, and why I'm coming back, and how I've rectified the situation. Then it goes to a committee, then to another committee, and then gets approved or denied...if denied, I go to the appeals committee, which bumps it to another committee...et cetera. So I'm in the first set of committees now. Makes paying rent harder, too. [:/] What a stupid, long, involved, and needless process.

LegalArt, you cultivated shrubs and trees; now, you cultivate lawyers. Same shit, different day. LOL...just pour fertilizer on them and see what happens.

Karen and Jeff - you're right; the class can teach me something, and while it's a heavy schedule, I can manage it. I'm just frustrated; the class I would've taken instead was a psych course which is a requirement; so instead of getting a requirement done, I'm in a "refresher" class...but I can learn things, and goodness knows advancements in bio have been made since 1982 (like the whole DNA genome map), and while it's definitely a repeat, some interesting stuff has come from it. I will say that the text is far more interesting now than before, so *that* is a good thing, at least.

I am just in from an Anatomy exam, so I'm frazzled right now...but I think that's the gist of it, right? (Good lord, what day is it? Who am I? Where is my home?? I'm lost in a maze of bones and cells and muscles and I can't find myself!!!)....


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The holdup has to do with a "review" of my units that I withdrew from, and a written plea from me to them about why I dropped out, and why I'm coming back, and how I've rectified the situation. Then it goes to a committee, then to another committee, and then gets approved or denied...if denied, I go to the appeals committee, which bumps it to another committee...et cetera. So I'm in the first set of committees now. Makes paying rent harder, too. What a stupid, long, involved, and needless process.

That's bullshit.

Financial aid through the school (ie tuition and fee waivers) is one thing; for that I could (almost) understand the review process. But if you filed the FAFSA and got the SAR back, you're entitled to at least some federal financial aid (Pell Grants and student loans), depending on your 2005 income of course.


so instead of getting a requirement done, I'm in a "refresher" class...but I can learn things, and goodness knows advancements in bio have been made since 1982 (like the whole DNA genome map), and while it's definitely a repeat, some interesting stuff has come from it.

I'll bet this "refresher" is going to make microbiology much easier than it would be if you hadn't taken this class first. It'll be worth it in the long run.

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I had no negative consequences on my transcript with 'W's'...as long as I withdrew before the deadline.

As for financial aid, that sounds kind of weird that that would be affected. I never used financial aid, so I'm not an expert on that part.

Good luck,


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Lisa, you're right. It's bullshit...but it's the way it's working for me. I got the award letter, and it says I get the grant, but because it's administered by the school, I have to satisfy them first before they release the funds to me. I did the paperwork for the loans (Stafford and Perkins), and have a meeting with them on Thursday. I'll know more about things then...but I suspect they're just setting up an obstacle course of hoops for me to jump through. I did get the tuition waived, but all the other costs were not waived because of the Ws and might get refunded to me when that issue gets settled, but the Ws really are apparently holding the aid back.

Chris, I figure I'm going to stay in the class. Couldn't hurt, and since it's the schedule I'm already committed to, it's what I'll follow through with. It's frustrating, but I'll get through it. Same thing with chemistry in winter intersession - I can get around that requirement, but it would take some doing, and I might as well refresh with that, as well. Besides, it will look good on the transcript, and that's what I'm trying to do - give people reasons to accept my applications for transfer and not reject it. So I'll stay in it...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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