
What are you bringing to your thanksgiving dinner?

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*Small boneless, pre-sliced ham (I don't care for turkey)
*Sweet Potato Casserole
*Apple Salad
*Green Beans (my son won't eat green bean casserole)
*Caramel Pecan Cheesecake
*Cheesecake Variety Box
*Homemade Banana Pudding
*Maple Cream Cookies

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I just finished making a Cranberry Fluff Salad to bring to Deland tomorrow for thanksgiving! What are you making for tomorrow?

Just bought a bottle of Wild Turkey. I'll drikn mine. Doing good. I am tpying ko? ;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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My appetite. Not doing anything this year, tho 2 years ago I took on a turkey with stuffing and 2 big pans of chocolate chip cookies. This was at my unit in Korea where my unit hosted dinner for ourselves, our Army friends and our Korean neighbors :)
The Koreans were utterly flabbergasted at the sheer excess of that meal, more so when we sent them away with leftovers. :D:D

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I'm not bringing anything to the Thanksgiving dinner.

Unless you count people. I am bringing people to the Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason, they think it's okay to strap me to a sleigh and make me work this time of year. There had better be lots of sugar cubes in it for me.

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MONEY....... since all of my family is back there in the Bible Belt......I will be showing up at 2:45 at one of Seattles finer restaurants with some other friends who have all their family back east......

I can only do the family Thanksgiving thing about every 5 years.... I love my family very much BUT... 3500 miles is just about right as far as distance to ensure they do not intrude in my life as much as they would want.

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I started the day with irish coffees. Then I moved to a bottle of Terra Blanca roussanne while I made a 12 lb sage butter turkey & cornbread stuffing per the recipe Tigra posted. Sides were a 13x9 spinach souffle and a large pot of gravy (does using the giblets in the stock count Jay? :P). I had to open a bottle of Freja pinot while I finished cooking and that lasted through a couple heaping plates of food. That's gone too now, and I'm well into a bottle of Bonny Doon big house red. Of course I didn't take any of this stuff anywhere other than my house. And, since I didn't have any company over, I didn't bother showering or getting dressed today. B| Now, my belly is ready to burst, and I've got a couple weeks worth of leftovers. It was a really, really good day...almost perfect. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I brought my "death by chocolate" dessert.

Everyone seemed to love it. I was called "evil." :D

oooo! death by chocolate *drool*.I will so be your best friend if you'd pass me that recipe.:o:):$

I wouldnt mind the recipe to boinky's caramel pecan cheescake too.that sounds so yummy!

We definitely need a compilation thread of recipes to swap/share around here.(isnt there a mention of one in Womens?)Either way, I've come across so many wonderful recipes from tons of people here for all sorts of goodies.

:$Plus I'm making a personalized recipe book of all my family's traditional recipes from years,hell decades of experienced cooking for all of our family gatherings.One was put together on my mom's side of the family for a family reunion a few yrs ago and everyone just sent in their favorite or 'signature' recipes for inclusion to be printed in the 'official family cookbook' but I lost my copy when I moved.:( So I'm trying to build one up, personalized just for me, via borrowing my mom and sister's copy of the family cookbook and writing down tons more of recipes from my mom's side of the family that never made it into the main book and then add all my dad's family's recipes.

After all that I want to add recipes from my husband's side of the family (his dad was a professional chef..went to chef school before ViemNam and everything).Then I want to find/swap/share recipes with friends and whatever we just come up with as time goes by.So I guess,in the end,it will be kindof like a living/constantly changing family tree of recipes...seems kinda cool to me even if it is a big task to undertake.:$:)
So anyone wanting to share/swap recipes PM me and I'll give you my email addy or just do it via PM.I'd love to hear from all types of palates...from fancy/expensive special occasion stuff to quick/cheap broke jumper/college kid 'dorm/DZ survival food' and everything and anything in between.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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oooo! death by chocolate *drool*.I will so be your best friend if you'd pass me that recipe.

Your wish is my command! I just PM'ed you the details.

I forgot to mention that it is a good dessert for gatherings. If you make it just for 2 or 3 people you'll have a ton of it leftover and you'll eat it for days on end and each gain 5 pounds. :D It fed about 10 people yesterday, some with small portions and others with large portions or second helpings.

I will look for the recipe thread and post it there if anyone else is interested.

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