
Real reason the WFFC was cancelled?

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Just found this article.


I know one of the reasons quoted for last year's cancellation was "personal", perhaps this was it.

I know some people don't love Don, but if this is him, I would expect he could find a lot of support from some in the skydiving community.

Methane Freefly - got stink?

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Not him. His family owns Kirlin's Hallmark based out of Quincy, Il.
I could be wrong. I always thought he lived in Quincy.

Here's a cool article on him
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Just found this article.


I know one of the reasons quoted for last year's cancellation was "personal", perhaps this was it.

I know some people don't love Don, but if this is him, I would expect he could find a lot of support from some in the skydiving community.

This is Don & Susie Kirlin the organizers of the WFFC.

This just goes to show that while an action may be 'legal' according to the strictest letter of the law it doesn't mean it's right.

I just want to thank them for throwing the best boogie of all for so many years. Thanks Don. Thanks Susie.

Keep fighting hard to get this bullshit judgement overturned!!!

Have a yippee ki ya day!

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Who ever made that law up is out of their God forsaken mind! That's straight up bullshit!

When surrounded by crack-head law makers, it's no wonder that sometime normal every-day good people snap and resort to violence...
Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Thats just disgusting. I hope Don goes and shoots the fucker in the calf muscle so he cant walk over the land anymore. Maybe then Don can take it back as it is not being used. What a seriously fucked up law.

I imagine if it is going to take 3 years this court battle that the WFFC may not be happening next year either? Beth, do you know anything? Dave told me you mentioned to him that it would be on next year when he saw at Summerfest.

Best wishes to the Kirlins, I hope that Judge gets what is coming to him.

Jay, maybe that nutcase giving you death threats via PM.... maybe you could send him over to sort it out?;)

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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There is hope. The judge in the 54million $ pants law suit lost his job.

It would be a lovely thing to see this judge and the attorney wife get fucked over for what they are doing. A horrilbe use of the public trust.

It scares me badly to think that we have judges and lawyers who do shit like this and there is no accountability.

Sadly, it happens every day. My attorney told me, "it's got nothing to do with the law, it's about who has the money."


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Would be interesting to hear the other side of the story because hearing this side of the story makes me hope that the fucker.............. I dont know, Just sum. I cant believe that they could do this. There has to be more to it than that. I let my neighbour swim in my swiiming pool with their children. if they now turn around and try to get awarded my swimming pool i would make their lives miserable with no regards to the law if the law said they had a right to it.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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If they tried to take part of my land I would build a gun range and a wind tunnel on the rest of it. They would regret the day they fucked with me.

You need to get some goats, pigs and chickens for the fresh aroma too.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I think Don should look into having parties on his vacant lot every weekend till this is resolved. I think the skydivers would come.

Many years ago, I lived in Fairfield Connecticut. There a Guy in a nearby Town that had a similar problem with the local officials. He DID give his house to the Local Chapter of the Hells Angels and told them they could live there until the problem was resolved. I seem to remember that it worked.

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I have not tracked the adverse possession case and do not pretend to know the details of it or to opine on whether the outcome was a correct one or not. However, I'll just mention that the period of adverse possession in Colorado is eighteen years, which means that a casual use one summer, for example, isn't going to result in anyone losing their land. You have to be vigilant as a property owner. If people are using your property, you need to make it clear that their use is by permission or you need to "oust" them (and no, I don't mean by using self-help methods) to protect your ownership interest.

Adverse possession cases are, by necessity, very fact-specific. As I said, I don't know the facts in this particular case but it's not a bright-line rule area of the law. The facts definitely matter. So, the other side of the story here *could* be that the original property owners sat back and did nothing to protect their property rights for eighteen years or more while someone else started to put that property to use. Eighteen years is a long time. If the neighbors were able to prove to the court that they had used it for that long, meeting all the elements required to establish a claim of adverse possession (i.e., use of property that is actual, adverse, hostile, under claim of right, exclusive, and uninterrupted for the statutory period of 18 years), the court SHOULD award the property to them because that's what the law says. By statute in Colorado, eighteen years of adverse possession is "conclusive evidence of absolute ownership."

So, perhaps the consideration should be whether the law itself is correct. That comes from a different branch of the government. People understandably jump first on the lawyers and judges when they see case outcomes that they don't like, and sometimes that criticism is fair. On the other hand, sometimes the real objection is to the underlying law itself that allows such outcomes. Adverse possession is not a new, nor is it a unique, concept. However, the way the concept is implemented can be changed by amending the statutes.
TPM Sister #102

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Only in America!

Seriously, could you go camping in the grand canyon for 18 years and then claim it to be your own land? This guys land is protected by his deed to the property. Someone is breaking the law by tresspassing for all this time and then they get given the land? Hmm, sounds like crime does pay in the states.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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